Jikiken Instruments

The following experiments were carried out by JIKIKEN. Data of NPW-A are archived at DARTS as of April 2017.
  • Natural Plasma Waves-astronomy mode (NPW-A)
  • Using long dipole antenna (51 m -51 m antenna) the hectometer and decameter waves from planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn as well as the earth's kilometric waves are going to be received in frequency range from 20 kHz to 3 MHz.

  • Natural Plasma Waves-VLF mode (NPW-B)
  • VLF waves up to 10 kHz will be received with a wide-band VLF receiver using long dipole antenna.

  • Stimulated Plasma Wave experiment (SPW)
  • The 300 Watts transmission of RF pulse is planned to feed on an antenna that has a length of 102 m from tip to tip in a frequency range from 20 kHz to 3 MHz that can effect on the plasma surrounding the entire range of the satellite orbits; the plasma parameters (electron temperature, temperature anisotropy, and electron density) will be obtained from the controlled triggering of waves.

  • VLF Doppleer Technique (DPL)
  • The electron density and temperature can be measured from the Doppler effect on the VLF waves transmitted from the VLF transmitting station.

  • Magnetic Field measurement (MGF)
  • Geomagnetic vector field and its perturbation effects can be detected by a flux gate magnetometer; this gives the cordinates of the magnetosphere in terms of the magnetic field vector.

  • Impedance and Electric Field measurement (IEF)
  • IEF-I : The swept frequency impedance probe provides basic data for calibration of the natural plasma wave detections and data for the estimation of the transmission efficiency for the plasma wave stimulations. One of the main objectives of this probe is to measure the electron density independently to all other techniques, that can be accurately carried out by cancelling a stray capacity.
    IEF-F : Using 51 m-51 m dipole, electric fields in the plasmasphere can be measured. The satellite body is coated by conductive materials to eliminate local electric fields for accurate measurement of the natural electric fields.

  • Controlled Beam Emission experiment (CBE)
  • Spacecraft potential will be controlled by an emission of electron beams to make the accurate measurement of these low-energetic particles; and also for the measurement of the conventional electrostatic probes that will give the double check-data to the results of the plasma parameters obtained from the wave phenomenological approach.

  • Energy Spectrum of the Particles (ESP)
  • Energy spectrum of particles can be analyzed using channeltron multiplier , in an energy range from 10 eV to 20 keV, both for the electron and protons. The pitch angle distribution is not planned to observe but these detectors will carry out important role for measurements of the particle behaviors correlated to the wave phenomena.

Last Modified: 05 January 2021