
UDON2 Quick Plot Help Page


1. What is UDON2 Quick Plot?

UDON2 Quick Plot is the web service to extract light curves and spectra for specified regions on the UDON2 QuickLook Image.

Mechanism of generating spectrum/light curve

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2. How to display spectrum/light curve?

First, specify the data range to create spectrum and light curve on the UDON2 QuickLook image.

  1. Access UDON2 QuickLook to generate pseudo-color image.
    Steps to generate the pseudo-color image are here.
  2. Specify the region to generate spectrum and light curve.

  3. Click the [Submit] button to display the spectrum and light curve.
    It may take several minutes to extract a spectrum and light curve for bright sources. Please be patient...

Please note that the graph will not appear if there is no data within the specified region.

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3. Switching between spectrum and light curve display

The initial screen is to display the spectrum. The screen can be switched with the Light curve button and Spectrum button .

On the initial screen, you can see the spectrum in the logarithmic scale.

right arrow
can be switched

left arrow
by clicking these buttons.
Light curve
Light Curve

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4. What you can do with UDON2 Quick Plot

4.1. Check the image of the data extraction region and the result of the extraction process.

QuickLook Image
observation information
Image of the extraction region is displayed at the upper-left on the screen.
Click the image, then results of the data extraction process (extractor command-line and screen output) are displayed.
Clicking the string under the image, "observation information" will display some information about the observation (taken from the FITS Primary Header).
To go back to the previous page, please use the [Back] button of your browser, or the [Back] button on the upper-right corner of the page.

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4.2. Change the display range of spectrum/light curve - Pat1: with scale input

You can re-draw the graph if you change the scale or range. On this screen you may re-display the spectrum/light curve by changing the scale, but you cannot specify the data extraction region..
If needed, please specify the data extraction region again on the UDON2 QuickLook Image.

Scale Input Form of sprctrum
Rescale Parameters
X :Energy Log
Lower Upper Unit      
Y :Counts Log
Lower Upper Unit      

Specify the graph scale and/or display range, and click [Rescale] button to re-draw the spectrum. Or click [Light Curve] button to switch from spectrum to light curve.

Input box Explanation
X :Energy Log
Lower Upper Unit      

Set X-axis scale and range.

Log   Check to display in the logarithmic scale.
Lower   Set lower-limit value of the display range.
Upper   Set upper-limit value of the display range.

Please set the values as   0 <= Lower < Upper.

Y :Counts Log
Lower Upper Unit      

Set Y-axis scale and range.

Log   Check to display in the logarithmic scale.
Lower   Set lower-limit value of the display range.
Upper   Set upper-limit value of the display range.

Please set the value as   0 <= Lower < Upper

Reset   Reset the input values.
Rescale   Re-display the graph with the specified scale and range.

Scale Input Form of light curve
Rescale parameters
Light Curve 
X :Time Log
Lower Upper Unit      
Y :Rate Log
Lower Upper Unit      

Specify the graph scale and/or display range, and click [Rescale] button to re-draw the spectrum. Or click [Spectrum] button to switch from light curve to spectrum.

Input box Explanation
X :Time Log
Lower Upper Unit      

Set X-axis scale and range.

Log   Check if display n the logarithmic scale.
Lower   Set the lower limit of the display range.
Upper   Set the upper-limit value of the display range.

Please set the values as   0 <= Lower < Upper .

Y :Rate Log
Lower Upper Unit      

Set Y-axis scale and range.

Log   Check to display int the logarithmic scale.
Lower   Set the lower-limit value of display range.
Upper   Set the upper limit value of the display range.

Please set the values as   0 <= Lower < Upper .

Reset   Reset the input value.
Rescale   Re-display the graph with the specified scale and range.

Switch the screen to spectrum.

Errors in scale input

If there are any invalid input values when drawing the figure, error messages are displayed.
Please input revised values, and draw the spectrum again.

Input errors in the drawing figure
Sample error messages Explanation
Energy: Upper: -1.0: Specify a non-negative value.
Counts: Lower: 1.o: Specify a non-negative value.
You must input only positive value numerical values both for Lower and Upper.
Energy: Upper: 0.200 is less than or equal to Lower: 1.000.
Counts: Upper: 100 is less than or equal to Lower: 100.
There is input failure that Lower limit = Upper limit, or Lower limit > Upper limit.
The values should be always Lower < Upper.

Input errors when drawing the figure.
Error message sample Explanation
Time: Lower: -9000: Specify a non-negative value.
Rate: Upper: 1,0000: Specify a non-negative value.
Both Lower and Upper should be positive values.
Time: Upper: 12000 is less than or equal to Lower: 70000.
Rate: Upper: 15 is less than or equal to Lower: 20.
Lower = Upper or Lower > Upper. (Lower >= Upper)

Upper should be always greater than Lower (Lower < Upper).

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4.3. Change the display range of spectrum/light curve - Pat2: with mouse

Please understand that in some cases, the graph may not appear if there is no data within the region which you specified.

It is available to download the extracted spectrum data ( tar.gz file ) from "The original FITS and QDP files are here." the link at upper side of the graph.

Reduced size graph.
Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum
Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum

You can zoom-in a part of the graph by specifying the region with mouse.

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4.4 Download the data

Light Curve

Save extracted spectrum/light curve data (FITS file and QDP file) may be downloaded from the link " The original FITS and QDP files are here." at upper side of the graph. After downloading the files, you can display them by fplot ftool or qdp command.

However, this data is a spectrum or light curve created by extracting data from the region selected on UDON2 QuickLook Image. It is not the data that re-displayed by changing the scale or selected mouse on the UDON2 Quick Plot screen.

Thesedata are packaged as tar.gz file.

Example of commands to extract spectrum FITS file and QDP file
$ tar -ztvf 100009010v2_0-xissp.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- apache/apache 182421 2008-07-28 15:26 100009010v2_0-xissp.fits.gz  # FITS file 
-rw-r--r-- apache/apache  135 2008-07-28 15:26 100009010v2_0-xissp-pi.pco  # PI Channel
-rw-r--r-- apache/apache 27080 2008-07-28 15:26 100009010v2_0-xissp-pi.qdp  # PI Channel
-rw-r--r-- apache/apache  131 2008-07-28 15:26 100009010v2_0-xissp-ev.pco  # keV
-rw-r--r-- apache/apache 36225 2008-07-28 15:26 100009010v2_0-xissp-ev.qdp  # keV
$ mkdir PSR1509-58
$ tar -zxvf 100009010v2_0-xissp.tar.gz -C PSR1509-58
100009010v2_0-xissp.fits.gz   FITS file
100009010v2_0-xissp-pi.pco QDP command file  X-axis scale: PI Channel
100009010v2_0-xissp-pi.qdp QDP File  X-axis scale: PI Channel
100009010v2_0-xissp-ev.pco QDP command file  X-axis scale: keV
100009010v2_0-xissp-ev.qdp QDP file  X-axis scale: keV

Extract of the commands to extract the light curve FITS file and QDP file.
$ tar -ztvf 100009010v2_0-xislc.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- apache/apache 26919 2008-07-28 15:26 100009010v2_0-xislc.fits.gz  # FITS file
-rw-r--r-- apache/apache  163 2008-07-28 15:26 100009010v2_0-xislc.pco    # QDP Command
-rw-r--r-- apache/apache 91490 2008-07-28 15:26 100009010v2_0-xislc.qdp    # QDP File
$ mkdir PSR1509-58
$ tar -zxvf 100009010v2_0-xislc.tar.gz -C PSR1509-58
100009010v2_0-xislc.fits.gz   FITS file
100009010v2_0-xislc.pco QDP command file
100009010v2_0-xislc.qdp QDP file

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