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5.2.2 THFs post-pass

How: Files are made available by the GTSs. File names are of the form YYMMDDHHMM.ktX[.v], where the time refers to the start time defined by the BGN2LK command in the SRS file, and the X is the single letter code for the GTS.

For the GBTS and the DOTS, the telemetry headers will be recorded in a single file for the entire tracking pass. If there are data dropouts during the pass, there will be gaps in the THF records. If the two-way link begins on 97 March 15 at 0h22m01s UTC, all telemetry data will be placed in the file named `9703150022.ktg'.

After the file for the whole pass has been placed on the FTP site, all shorter intermediate files will be deleted for the GBTS, but will be maintained for the DOTS.

The file format is given in ``VSOP Science Header Data Format''.

When: The telemetry headers from the Usuda GTS will be made available to the VSOG less than one hour after reception at the GTS.

For the GBTS, the entire telemetry header data for a tracking pass will be made available no later than 24 hours after the pass ends.

DOTS will make the complete THF available within 30 minutes of the end of the pass.

Where: For DSN GTSs: The full tracking pass THFs will be placed in
pub/vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/dsn/kutlm on the DOTS FTP site.
For the GBTS: The files will be available in the GBTS FTP site in directory /ovlbi/out.
For the Usuda GTS: from /vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/udsc/kutlm on the VSOG FTP site.
See §10.1 for details of these sites.

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