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10.2.3    DOTS FTP Directory Structure

Table 4: DOTS FTP Structure
Dir/Sub Sub/ Sub/ Sub/ Sub/ Sub/ File Ext
pub/vsop/ vsopoper/ data/ srt/ dsn/ delta_t/ Time Corrections File kcX
            Time Components File tcX
          dplog/ VLBA Data Processing Log klX
            S2 Data Processing Log ksX
          kutlm/ Telemetry Header File ktX
          kutlm2/ 10-minute THFs ktX
          mondata/ Monitor Data File kmX
          perflog/ Station Performance Log kpX
    schedule/ srtsched/     SRS Files srt
    status/ gts/     DSN GTS Status Reports stX
      nav/     JPL MMNAV Status Reports TBD
  oddata/ pred/       Predicted Orbit bsp
    rec/       Reconstructed Orbit bsp

Note: `X' is the DSN GTS identifier where d = Goldstone, m = Madrid, t = Tidbinbilla.

Files are stored in this directory structure for 33 days then moved to a similar directory structure under pub/archive where files are archived on a month by month basis.

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