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10.2.5    NRAO Array Operations Center FTP Directory Structure

Most of the VSOP data files at the Array Operations Center (AOC) in Socorro are for internal use, rather than being served for other mission elements. The files to be used in preparation for observing by the VLBA and VLA telescopes, and the calibration files generated by these telescopes, use the same computer, directory structure, and naming convention as for ground VLBI experiments, and appear in password-protected accounts. This greatly simplifies operations at the AOC. Files that are specific to the VSOP mission are archived on aspen5 and can be accessed via the same password protected vlbiobs account as used for ground telescope observing files. Since the AOC is not responsible for serving most files to other mission elements, it is not guaranteed that the collections of files such as SRT schedule files will be complete or will contain the latest file version.

Most subdirectories are broken down according to month and year (``mmmyy'') as is the standard practice at the AOC. Files containing data for multiple months will be placed in the subdirectory corresponding to the first data in the file.

From 1 April 1998 the VLBA FTP directory structure changed from the former structure /home/aspen2/vlbiobs/mmmyy to /home/aspen6/astronomy/mmmyy/pppppp, where `mmmyy' is a code for the month and year (UTC) of the beginning of the project and `pppppp' is the project code. This change has been been retrospectively to files from the beginning of January 1998: files before this time are in the old directory structure.

Table 5: AOC Directory Structure for Local Ground Telescope Files
Dir/Sub Sub/ Sub/ File Name
/magnolia2/vlbacorr/ vlbaclocks/ mmmyy/ Clock (GPS) Files gps.XX
Until 31Dec1997        
/aspen2/vlbiobs/   mmmyy/ VLBA & VLA Schedule Input OBS.key
      VLBA & VLA Card Files OBScrd.XX
      VLBA & VLA Sched Files OBSsched.XX
      VLBA Summary File OBS.sum
      VLBA Calibration File OBScal.vlba.Z
      VLA Calibration File OBScal.y.Z
From 1Jan1998        
/aspen6/vlbiobs/ astronomy/ mmmyy/pppppp/ VLBA & VLA Schedule Input OBS.key
      VLBA & VLA Card Files OBScrd.XX
      VLBA & VLA Sched Files OBSsched.XX
      VLBA Summary File OBS.sum
      VLBA Calibration File OBScal.vlba.Z
      VLA Calibration File OBScal.y.Z
    mmmyy/pppppp/jobs correlator job scripts  
    mmmyy/pppppp/sniffer quality control results  

Table 6: AOC Directory Structure for VSOP-Specific Files
Dir/Sub Sub/ File Name
/home/aspen5/pub/vsog/yymmm/ srtsch/ SRT Schedule File YYMMDD.srs
    Observation Summary File YYMMDD.osf
  srtlog/ SRT log from VSOG OBSlog.vs
    SRT log from Tracking Station OBSlog.klX
  srttcf/ Time Correction File YYMMDDHHMM.kcX
    DSN Performance Summary summary
    Time Component File YYMMDDHHMM.tcX
  grtlog/ GRT Log File OBSlog.XX
  grtcal/ GRT Calibration File OBScal.XX
  odrec/ Reconstructed Orbits YYMMDD-YYMMDD-rs.bsp
  odpre/ Predicted Orbits YYMMDD-YYMMDD-p.bsp
  odtsv/ Tracking Station View Periods

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