
sample_name tentative name chamber form condition category original_weight(mg) weight(mg) size: long length (mm) size: short length (mm) size: height (mm) pressure(Pa) volume(mL)
C0105-034_020_02 C0105-03402002 C previously allocated processed
parent status measurement label distribution label container storage quality description references data_source
C0105 (Ca-MPF) ON-LOAN IA-Sand, AO2 FIB section, Prepared at U Lille. Numbers on cases is G5. G1, G2, G5 are in the same case. TEM. Not space weathered. C0105-03402002

Family Tree (parent and child)

C0105 (Ca-MPF)
no child

Optical microscope

measurement_datetime sample_length_long(mm) sample_length_short(mm) sample_length_height(mm) comment
2022-07-20 14:14 -
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