
sample_name tentative name chamber form condition category original_weight(mg) weight(mg) size: long length (mm) size: short length (mm) size: height (mm) pressure(Pa) volume(mL)
A0105-13_Pellet13 A previously allocated processed
parent status measurement label distribution label container storage quality description references data_source
A9004 (>1mm) ON-LOAN IA-VOL, AO2 The other remains sealed inside the capillary tube in which it was irradiated. It is stored in our radiation cupboard and so we are not able to provide an image easily (we have to restrict the exposure of workers to that environment).The box filled with N2 containing the first three samples listed above is in a secure area A0105-13_Pellet13

Family Tree (parent and child)

A9004 (>1mm)
no child