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Previous Issue Number 107 22nd November 1999 Following Issue


HALCA is now operating with three reaction wheels, and the limitations this mode imposes upon maneuvers and the allowed sun-angle regions are being assessed. While this is done only a small region of sky around the anti-sun direction is accessible. It is necessary to adopt a conservative approach in the return to observing as the failure of a second reaction wheel would effectively end the mission.

The return to observing suffered a set-back last week when the on-board Data Handling Unit shut down again. This is the same problem that affected HALCA late last year and in February this year. The satellite remains in a three- axis stabilized state, but it is not possible to receive down-link telemetry of the satellite's status. It is planned to reboot HALCA early next week, and then to resume monitoring the three reaction wheel mode of operations, with several observations planned for December of sources in the anti-sun region.


The draft program for the VSOP symposium next January is taking shape, and the breadth and depth of abstracts received ensure the meeting will be an exciting review of VSOP observations to date. The Third Announcement was e-mailed to all those who have expressed interest in the symposium and/or submitted an abstract and includes details on reserving accommodation for the symposium. The Announcement is available in full from the symposium web page /general/gallery/halca_vsop/symposium.html.en .


The Inter-Agency Consultative Group of Space Science, with representation from the Japanese, American, Russian and European space agencies, met last week in Okinawa. Space VLBI falls under the aegis of Panel-3, and A. Bunner, H. Hirabayashi, N. Kardashev and J. Smith met to review progress with current space VLBI missions and discuss plans for the future of space VLBI.


Following the tradition established by YOHKOH and ASCA missions, a special edition of Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan is planned for HALCA and VSOP observations. Overviews of the mission and satellite operations will be followed by a number of papers describing previously unpublished VSOP results. The papers will be refereed according to normal PASJ procedure and, pending acceptance, published together in the one special issue. Any PI's interested in contributing to this special issue are encouraged to contact the VSOP Project Scientist at their soonest convenience.

                Editors: Phil Edwards and Hirax Hirabayashi