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Previous Issue Number 78 7th January 1998 Following Issue


The deadline for Abstracts for the COSPAR Scientific Assembly to be held in July in Nagoya is this Friday, January 9th. This includes abstracts for Symposium E1.3 on `VSOP Results and the Future of Space VLBI', which will be held over 1.5 days on 17--18 July.

For details of the abstract submission and other procedures, please refer to http://www.copernicus.org/COSPAR/COSPAR.html . Details of the assembly and symposium are also available at http://COSPAR.isas.ac.jp/ .

The abstracts should be prepared using a latex template available from the above WWW site, and should be sent to BOTH

hirax@vsop.isas.ac.jp .

A preliminary long-term schedule for VSOP observations until 30 April 1998 is now available at /general/gallery/halca_vsop/longterm.html and those with observations scheduled between now and then may wish to consider submitting an abstract to present their results at the COSPAR symposium.

Potential attendees are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract (no matter how preliminary) before the end of January 9th.

With best wishes for a happy new year,

Hisashi Hirabayashi (E1.3 Main Scientific Organizer)