VSOP Publications

A short list of references to papers and articles related to the VSOP mission and space VLBI are given below. PDF versions are available of papers with titles in bold-face.

If preparing a paper which uses VSOP data, please include the VSOP Standard Acknowledgment.

Last modified: November 2007

Publication Year: 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1990-1997 | Pre-1989


  • "The VSOP 5 GHz Active Galactic Nucleus Survey: V. Imaging Results for the Remaining 140 sources," Authors: R. Dodson, E. B. Fomalont, K. Wiik, S. Horiuchi, H. Hirabayashi, P. G. Edwards, Y. Murata, Y. Asaki, G. A. Moellenbrock, W. K. Scott, A. R. Taylor, L. I. Gurvits, Z. Paragi, S. Frey, Z.-Q. Shen, J. E. J. Lovell, S. J. Tingay, M. J. Rioja, S. Fodor, M. L. Lister, L. Mosoni, G. Coldwell, B. G. Piner, J. Yang Astrophysical Journal Supplement, in press (arXiv:0710.5707)
  • "Physical properties of the jet in 0836+710 revealed by its transversal structure," M. Perucho, A.P. Lobanov, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 469,, L23--L26 (2007)
  • "Verification of the Effectiveness of VSOP-2 Phase Referencing with a Newly Developed Simulation Tool, ARIS," Y. Asaki, H. Sudou, Y. Kono, A. Doi, R. Dodson, N. Pradel, Y. Murata, N. Mochizuki, P.G. Edwards, T. Sasao, E. Fomalont Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 59, 397 (2007)
  • "Design of the Near-term Next Generation Space-VLBI Mission VSOP-2," H. Hirabayashi, Y. Murata, P.G. Edwards, Y. Asaki, N. Mochizuki, M. Inoue, T. Umemoto, S. Kameno, L.I. Gurvits, A.P., Lobanov, in Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, European Southern Observatory series. Edited by A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, C. Cesarsky and P.J. Diamond., (Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg) p.37 (2007)


  • "Space very long baseline interferometry observations of polarization in the jet of 3C380," A. Papageorgiou, T.V. Cawthorne, A. Stirling, D.C. Gabuzda, A.G. Polatidis, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 373, 449-456 (2006)
  • "An Extremely Curved Relativistic Jet in PKS 2136+141," T. Savolainen, K. Wiik, E. Valtaoja, M. Kadler, E. Ros, M. Tornikoski, M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, Astrophysical Journal, 647, 172-184 (2006)
  • "Dual-frequency VSOP Imaging of a High-redshift Radio Quasar PKS 1402+044," J. Yang, L. Gurvits, A. Lobanov, S. Frey, X.-Y. Hong, 2006, Proceedings of the 8th European VLBI Network Symposium, (astro-ph/0611425)
  • "Multi-frequency VSOP and VLBI observations of the quasar 3C309.1," M.P. Gawronski, A.J. Kus, 2006, Proceedings of the 8th European VLBI Network Symposium, (astro-ph/0612573)
  • "The VSOP Survey: Final individual results," R. Dodson, S. Horiuchi, W. Scott, E. Fomalont, Z. Paragi, S. Frey, K. Wiik, H. Hirabayashi, P. Edwards, Y. Murata, G. Moellenbrock, L. Gurvits, S. Tingay, 2006, Proceedings of the 8th European VLBI Network Symposium, (astro-ph/0612373 [pp. 1-3])
  • "The VSOP Survey: Final aggregate results," R. Dodson, S. Horiuchi, W. Scott, E. Fomalont, Z. Paragi, S. Frey, K. Wiik, H. Hirabayashi, P. Edwards, Y. Murata, G. Moellenbrock, L. Gurvits, Z. Shen, J. Lovell, 2006, Proceedings IAU Symposium 238, (astro-ph/0612373 [pp. 4-5])
  • ``Space-VLBI Polarimetry of the BL Lac Object S5 0716+714: Rapid Polarization Variability in the VLBI core,'' Authors: U. Bach, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Kraus, A. Witzel, J.A. Zensus, 2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 452, 83 (astro-ph/0511761)
  • "Ten Milliparsec-Scale Structure of the Nucleus Region in Centaurus A," S. Horiuchi, D.L. Meier, R.A. Preston, S.J. Tingay, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2006, 58, 211-216 (astro-ph/0508445)
  • "VSOP Monitoring of the Compact BL Lac Object AO 0235+164," S. Frey, L.I. Gurvits, D.C. Gabuzda, C.J .Salter, D.R. Altschuler, P. Perillat, M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, H. Hirabayashi, M.M. Davis, 2006, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 58, 217-222 (astro-ph/0509528)
  • "Milliarcsecond-Scale Structure in the Gamma-Ray Loud Quasar PKS 1622-297," K. Wajima, H.E. Bignall, H. Kobayashi, H. Hirabayashi, Y. Murata, P.G. Edwards, M. Tsuboi, K. Fujisawa, 2006, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 58, 223-232
  • "The Parsec-Scale Jet of PKS 0637-752," P.G. Edwards, B.G. Piner, S.J. Tingay, J.E.J. Lovell, J. Kataoka, R. Ojha, Y. Murata, 2006, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 58 233-241
  • "Milliarcsecond-Scale Spectral Properties and Jet Motions in M87," R. Dodson, P.G. Edwards, H. Hirabayashi, 2006, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 58, 243-251 (astro-ph/0511383)
  • "Dual-Frequency VSOP Imaging of the Jet in S5 0836+710," A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, J.A. Zensus, 2006, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 58, 253-259 (astro-ph/0507667)
  • "The Expanding Radio Lobe of 3C 84 Revealed by VSOP Observations," K. Asada, S. Kameno, Z.-Q. Shen, S. Horiuchi, D.C. Gabuzda, M. Inoue, 2006, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 58, 261-270


  • "VSOP Observations of the Gamma-Ray Sources J1733-1304, J1625-2527 and J1015+4926", A. Nakagawa, P.G. Edwards, Y. Murata, K. Wajima, T. Omodaka, 2005, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 57, 295-308.

The following papers appear in: Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: The 10th Anniversary of the VLBA, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 340. Eds. J. Romney and M. Reid. (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific)

  • "Quasi-Periodic Changes in the Parsec-Scale Jet of 3C 345" Klare, J., Zensus, J.A., Lobanov, A.P., Ros, E., Krichbaum, T.P., Witzel, A. p. 40
  • "Six-Frequency HALCA and VLBA Observations of 3C454.3" Chen, T., Wardle, J.F.C., Roberts, D.H., Cheung, C.C., Moellenbrock, G.A. p. 77
  • "VSOP Observations of the EGRET Blazar 1633+382" Cheung, C.C., Ulvestad, J.S., Vestrand, W.T., Stacy, J.G. p. 80
  • "The VSOP Survey: The Angular Size/Brightness Temperature Distribution" Horiuchi, S., Fomalont, E.B., Moellenbrock, G.A., Scott, W.A., Taylor, A.R., Lovell, J.E.J., Dodson, R., Murata, Y., Hirabayashi, H., Edwards, P.G., Fujisawa, K. p. 95
  • "Violently Variable Blazar 0524+034 as Seen by EVN, VLBA, and VSOP" Kovalev, Y.Y., Gurvits, L.I., Gorshkov, A.G. p. 101
  • "The VSOP 5 GHz Continuum Survey: The Initial Imaging Results" Scott, W.K., Taylor, A.R., Horiuchi, S., Fomalont, E.B., Lister, M.L., Moellenbrock, G.A., Dodson, R.G., Edwards, P.G., Hirabayashi, H., Murata, Y., and 10 coauthors p. 125
  • "Free-Free Absorption towards Active Galactic Nuclei" Kameno, S., Inoue, M., Wajima, K., Shen, Z.-Q., Sawada-Satoh, S. p. 145
  • "Multi-Frequency VSOP and VLBA Polarization Observations of 3C 279 and 3C 345," Cheung, C.C., Roberts, D.H., Wardle, J.F.C., Moellenbrock, G.A., Homan, D.C. p. 174
  • "VSOP Mission Results and Space VLBI Mission Studies," Hirabayashi, H., p. 561


  • "The VSOP 5-GHz AGN Survey: IV. The Angular Size/Brightness Temperature Distribution" S. Horiuchi, E.B. Fomalont, W.K. Scott, A.R. Taylor, J.E.J. Lovell, G.A. Moellenbrock, R. Dodson, Y. Murata, H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, L.I. Gurvits, Z-Q. Shen, 2004, Astrophysical Journal, 616, 110-122. (astro-ph/0407069)
  • "The VSOP 5 GHz AGN Survey: III. Imaging Results for the First 102 Sources" W.K. Scott, E.B. Fomalont, S. Horiuchi, J.E.J. Lovell, G.A. Moellenbrock, R.G. Dodson, P.G. Edwards, G.V. Coldwell, S. Fodor, S. Frey, L.I. Gurvits, H. Hirabayashi, M.L. Lister, L. Mosoni, Y. Murata, Z. Paragi, B.G. Piner, Z.-Q. Shen, A.R. Taylor, S.J. Tingay, 2004, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 155, 33-72. (astro-ph/0407041)
  • "The VSOP 5 GHz AGN Survey II. Data Calibration and Imaging" J.E.J. Lovell, G.A. Moellenbrock, S. Horiuchi, E.B. Fomalont, W.K. Scott, H. Hirabayashi, R.G. Dodson, S.M. Dougherty, P.G. Edwards, S. Frey, L.I. Gurvits, M.L. Lister, D.W. Murphy, Z. Paragi, B.G. Piner, Z.-Q. Shen, A.R. Taylor, S.J. Tingay, Y. Asaki, D. Moffett, Y. Murata, 2004, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 155, 27-31. (astro-ph/0407038)

The following papers appear in: Proceedings of the 7th European VLBI Network Symposium , 2004. ( on-line version here )

  • "VSOP Imaging of the Southern Blazar J1924-29 at 18 cm" Shang L.-L. and Shen Z.-Q. p. 55
  • "VSOP and VLBI observations of the CSS quasar 3C309.1" Gawronski M.P. and Kus A.J. p. 57
  • "Parsec Scale Properties of Markarian 501" M. Giroletti, G. Giovannini, L. Feretti, W.D. Cotton, P.G. Edwards, L. Lara, A.P. Marscher, J.R. Mattox, B.G. Piner, T. Venturi, 2004, Astrophysical Journal, 600, 127-140 (astro-ph/0309285).
  • "A relativistic helical jet in the gamma-ray AGN 1156+295", X.Y. Hong, D.R. Jiang, L.I. Gurvits, M.A. Garrett, S.T. Garrington, R.T. Schilizzi, N.D. Nan, H. Hirabayashi, W.H. Wang, G.D. Nicolson, 2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics 417, 887-904. (astro-ph/0401627)


  • "Multi-epoch VSOP observations of 1928+738", D.W. Murphy, R.A. Preston, H. Hirabayashi, 2003, New Astronomy Review, 47, 633-635
  • "Multi-Frequency VSOP and VLBA Polarization Observations of 3C279 and 3C345", C.C. Cheung, D.H. Roberts, J.F.C. Wardle, G.A. Moellenbrock, D.C. Homan in "Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: A Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the VLBA" ASP Conf Series, J.D. Romney & M.J. Reid (eds.), in press (astro-ph/0309408)
  • "VSOP Observations of the EGRET Blazar 1633+382" C.C. Cheung, J.S. Ulvestad, W.T. Vestrand, J.G. Stacy in "Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: A Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the VLBA" ASP Conf Series, J.D. Romney & M.J. Reid (eds.), in press (astro-ph/0309407)
  • "ATCA Monitoring Observations of 202 Compact Radio Sources in Support of the VSOP AGN Survey" S.J. Tingay, D.L. Jauncey, E.A. King, A.K. Tzioumis, J.E.J. Lovell, P.G. Edwards, 2003, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 55, 351-384.
  • "Space VLBI and High Brightness Temperature Observations" H. Hirabayashi, 2003, in "Radio Astronomy at the Fringe" ASP Conference Series, 300, Eds J. Anton Zensus, Marshall H. Cohen and Eduardo Ros. p. 193-
  • "Highlights from the First Five Years of the VSOP Mission" Hirabayashi, H., Edwards, P.G., Murata, Y., Asaki, Y., Murphy, D.W., Kobyashi, H., Inoue, M., Kameno, S., Umemoto, T., 2003, in "The Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting" Volume I, ASP Conference Series, 289 Eds. Satoru Ikeuchi, John Hearnshaw and Tomoyuki Hanawa. p. 375--379
  • "The VSOP Survey Program of 402 AGN at 5 GHz" P.G. Edwards, H. Hirabayashi, E.B. Fomalont, L.I. Gurvits, S. Horiuchi, J.E.J. Lovell, G.A. Moellenbrock, W.K. Scott, 2003, in "Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting", Volume II, Eds. S. Ikeuchi, J. Hearnshaw, & T. Hanawa, (Astronomical Society of Japan) p. 375-376
  • "The VSOP Data Archive System" S. Sawada-Satoh, Y. Murata, Z.-Q. Shen, P.G. Edwards, H. Hirabayashi, M. Watanabe, H. Baba, F. Nagase 2003, in "Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting", Volume II, Eds. S. Ikeuchi, J. Hearnshaw, & T. Hanawa, (Astronomical Society of Japan) p. 399-400
  • "Dense Plasma Torus in the GPS Galaxy NGC 1052" S. Kameno, M. Inoue, K. Wajima, S. Sawada-Satoh, Z.-Q. Shen, 2003, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 20, pp. 134-139


  • "Space-VLBI observations of OH masers" V.I. Slysh, M.A. Voronkov, I.E. Val'Tts, V. Migenes, K.M. Shibata, T. Umemoto, M. Inoue, 2002, in Cosmic Masers: From Proto-Stars to Black Holes (IAU Symposium 206), Eds V Migenes and M. Reid (ASP) p.105
  • "The Sub-Luminal Parsec-scale Jet of Mkn 501" P.G. Edwards & B.G. Piner, 2002, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 579, L67-L70
  • "The Parsec-Scale Structure and Evolution of PKS 0521-365" S.J. Tingay & P.G. Edwards, 2002, Astronomical Journal, 124, 652
  • "Engineering Accomplishments of the space-VLBI satellite HALCA and the VLBI space observatory programme (VSOP)" H. Hirosawa & H. Hirabayashi, 2002, Recent Research Developments in Electronics and Communications, 1, 1
  • "VSOP space VLBI and Geodetic VLBI Investigations of Southern Hemisphere Radio Sources", S.J. Tingay, J.E. Reynolds, A.K. Tzioumis, D.L. Jauncey, J.E.J. Lovell, R. Dodson, M.E. Costa, P.M. McCulloch, P.G. Edwards, H. Hirabayashi, D.W. Murphy, R.A. Preston, B.G. Piner, G. Nicolson, J. Quick, H. Kobayashi and K.M. Shibata, 2002, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 141, 311
  • "Space VLBI Satellite HALCA and its Engineering Accomplishments", H. Hirabayashi, H. Hirosawa, H. Kobayashi, Y. Murata, T. Kii, P.G. Edwards, M. Natori, T. Takano, Z. Yamamoto, T. Hashimoto, K. Inoue, A. Ohnishi, T. Ohshima, T. Ichikawa, K. Fujisawa, K. Wajima, R. Okayasu, M. Inoue, N. Kawaguchi, S. Kameno, K.M. Shibata, and Y. Asaki, 2002, Acta Astronautica, 50, 301--309

The following papers appear in: Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symposium , 2002. ( on-line version here )

  • "New VSOP Polarization Images of BL Lac Objects" Gabuzda D.C., p.83
  • "Space VLBI observations of the quasar 1351-018: tentative detection of apparent superluminal motion at z=3.707", Frey S., Gurvits L.I., Lobanov A.P., Schilizzi R.T., Kawaguchi N., Gabány K., p.89
  • "Space VLBI monitoring of AO 0235+164", Frey S., Gurvits L.I., Gabuzda D.C., Salter C.J., Altschuler D.R., Perillat P., Aller M.F., Aller H.D., Hirabayashi H., Davis, M.M., p.91
  • "1546+027: Space VLBI observations of a compact quasar", Mosoni L., Frey S., Paragi Z., Fejes I., Edwards P.G., Fomalont E.B., Gurvits L.I., Scott W.K., p.97


  • "An ESE Event for PSR 0329+54", A. Minter 2001, Astrophysics and Space Science, 278, 159
  • "In the Shadow of the Accretion Disk: Higher Resolution Imaging of the Central Parsec in NGC 4261", D.L. Jones, A.E. Wehrle, B.G. Piner, D.L. Meier, 2001, Astrophysical Journal, 553, 968
  • "Evidence for parsec-scale absorption from VSOP observations of the BL Lacertae object 0735+178", D.C. Gabuzda, J.L. Gomez, I. Agudo, 2001, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 328, 719
  • "VSOP observations of the BL Lac object 2007+777" C. Jin, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, R. Nan, B. Peng, A. Kraus, A. Lobanov, S. Qian, J.A. Zensus, 2001, Astrophysics and Space Science, 278, 97
  • "VSOP Observations of the X-Ray Binary LS I +61o303" M. Peracaula, J.M. Paredes, A.R. Taylor, S.M. Dougherty, W.K. Scott 2001, Astrophysics and Space Science, 276, 123
  • "A Cosmic Double Helix in the Archetypical Quasar 3C273," A.P. Lobanov and J.A. Zensus 2001, Science, 294 128-131
  • "Space VLBI mission: VSOP" Y. Murata, H. Hirabayashi, H. Kobayashi, K. Shibata, T. Umemoto and P.G. Edwards 2001, Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory, 48 41-46

The following papers appear in: Galaxies and their Constituents at the Highest Angular Resolutions (IAU Symposium 205), eds. R.T. Schilizzi, S.N. Vogel, F. Paresce and M. Elvis, 2001

  • "The Core-Jet Radio Source in the Center of M81", N. Bartel, M.F. Bietenholz and M.P. Rupen, pp. 42-43
  • "The Sub-Parsec Structure of Accretion Disks as Revealed by VLBI Imaging of Free-Free Absorption", D.L. Jones, A.E. Wehrle, B.G. Piner and D.L. Meier, pp. 44-47
  • "The VSOP Project: Space VLBI Imaging of AGN at 1.6 and 5 GHz", Y. Murata, H. Hirabayashi and P.G. Edwards, pp. 118-121
  • "The VSOP Survey Program", J.E.J. Lovell, E.B. Fomalont, G.A. Moellenbrock, S. Horiuchi, H. Hirabayashi, W.K. Scott and R. Dodson, pp. 122-123
  • "Pearson-Readhead Survey from Space", R.A. Preston, M.L. Lister, S.J. Tingay, B.G. Piner, D.W. Murphy, D.L. Jones, D.L. Meier, T.J. Pearson, A.C.S. Readhead, H. Hirabayashi, H. Kobayashi and M. Inoue, pp.124-125
  • "Co-ordinated VSOP and Chandra Observations of 0836+710", D.W. Murphy, R.A. Preston, B.G. Piner, M.L. Lister, H.L. Marshall and P.G. Edwards, pp. 126-127
  • "Space VLBI Observations of PKS 1921-293", Z.-Q. Shen, P.G. Edwards, S. Kameno, M. Inoue and J.E.J. Lovell pp. 128-129
  • "The Quasar 3C345 at the Highest Resolution with mm- and Space-VLBI", J. Klare, J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum, A.P. Lobanov and E. Ros, pp. 130-133
  • "The Compact Magnetic Field Structures of AGN from SPace VLBI Polarization Observations", D.C. Gabuzda and J.L. Gomez, pp. 134-135
  • "The gamma-ray Loud Quasar PKS 1510-089", T. Venturi, D. Dallacasa, F. Mantovani and S. Torri, pp. 142-143
  • "A Suc-pc-scale Acceleration of the Radio Jet of NGC 6251", H. Sudou, Y. Taniguchi, O. Kaburaki, Y. Ohyama, S. Kameno, S. Sawada-Satoh, M. Inoue and T. Sasao, pp. 144-145
  • "Space VLBI", H. Hirabayashi, pp. 422-427
  • "Current Status of the VSOP-2 Mission", H. Hirabayashi, Y. Murata, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy, M. Inoue, H. Kobayashi and S. Kameno, pp. 428-429
  • "Space-VLBI phase-reference mapping and astrometry," J.C. Guirado, E. Ros, D.L. Jones, J.F. Lestrade, J.M. Marcaide, M.A. Perez-Torres, R.A. Preston 2001, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 371, 766-770 (astro-ph/0104365)
  • "The Pearson-Readhead Survey of Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources From Space. I. The Images," M.L. Lister, S.J. Tingay, D.W. Murphy, B.G. Piner, D.L. Jones, R.A. Preston, 2001, Astrophysical Journal, 554, 948-963 (astro-ph/0102273)
  • "The Pearson-Readhead Survey of Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources From Space. II. Analysis of Source Properties," M.L. Lister, S.J. Tingay, R.A. Preston, 2001, Astrophysical Journal, 554, 964-980 (astro-ph/0102276)
  • "Measuring the Brightness Temperature Distribution of Extragalactic Radio Sources with Space VLBI," S.J. Tingay, R.A. Preston, M.L. Lister, B.G. Piner, D.W. Murphy, D.L. Jones, D.L. Meier, T.J. Pearson, A.C.S. Readhead, H. Hirabayashi, Y. Murata, H. Kobayashi, M. Inoue, Astrophysical Journal, 549, L55-L58
  • "VSOP polarization observations of the BL Lacertae object OJ 287," D.C. Gabuzda and J.L. Gomez, 2001, MNRAS, 320, L49-L54
  • "VSOP observation of the quasar PKS 2215+020: a new laboratory for core-jet physics at z=3.57," A.P. Lobanov, L.I. Gurvits, S. Frey, R.T. Schilizzi, K.I. Kellermann, N. Kawaguchi, I.I.K. Pauliny-Toth, 2001, Astrophysical Journal, 547, 714-721


  • "The VSOP Mission", H. Hirabayashi, 2000, Proceedings of the 5th EVN Symposium, (eds. J.E Conway, A.G. Polatidis, R.S. Booth and Y.M. Pihlstrom) 1--6
  • "Space-VLBI observations of the OH maser OH34.26+0.15: low interstellar scattering" Slysh, V.I., Voronkov, M.A., Migenes, V., Shibata, K.M., Umemoto, T., Altunin, V.I., Val'Tts, I.E., Kanevsky, B.Z., Popov, M.V., Kovalenko, A.V., Fomalont, E.B., Poperechenko, B.A., Gorshenkov, YU.N., Carlson, B.R., Dougherty, S.M., Reynolds, J.E., Jiang, D.R., Smirnov, A. I., and Grachev, V.G., 2000, MNRAS, 320, 217-223
  • "The GHz-peaked spectrum radio galaxy 2021+614: detection of slow motion in a compact symmetric object" Tschager, W., Schilizzi, R.T., Röttgering, H.J.A., Snellen, I.A.G., Miley, G.K., 2000, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 360 887-895
  • "Space VLBI Observations of Gamma-Ray Sources," Edwards, P.G. and Hirabayashi, H., 2000, AIP Conf. Proc. (The Fifth Compton Symposium), 510, 367-371

The following papers appear in: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan volume 52, issue number 6.

  • "The VLBI Space Observatory Programme and the Radio-Astronomical Satellite HALCA", H. Hirabayashi, H. Hirosawa, H. Kobayashi, Y. Murata, et al., 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 955-965.
  • "HALCA's Onboard VLBI Observing System", H. Kobayashi, K. Wajima, H. Hirabayashi, Y. Murata, N. Kawaguchi et al., 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 967-973.
  • "Dual-Frequency VSOP Observations of AO 0235+164", S. Frey, L.I. Gurvits, D.R. Altschuler, M.M. Davis et al., 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 975-982.
  • "The Compact Core-Jet Region of the Superluminal Quasar 3C216", Z. Paragi, S. Frey, I. Fejes, T. Venturi, R.W. Porcas and R.T. Schilizzi, 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 983-988.
  • "Sub-Parsec-Scale Acceleration of the Radio Jet in the Powerful Radio Galaxy NGC 6251", H. Sudou, Y. Taniguchi, Y. Ohyama, S. Kameno et al., 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 989-995.
  • "The VSOP 5 GHz AGN Survey I. Compilation and Observations", H. Hirabayashi, E.B. Fomalont, S. Horiuchi, J.E.J. Lovell, G.A. Moellenbrock, et al., 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 997-1014.
  • "A Spectral Index Map from VSOP Observations of Markarian 501" P.G. Edwards, G. Giovannini, W.D. Cotton, L. Feretti, K. Fujisawa, H. Hirabayashi, L. Lara and T. Venturi, 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 1015-1019
  • "Large Angle Bending in the Light-Month Jet in Centaurus A" K. Fujisawa, M. Inoue, H. Kobayashi, Y. Murata, et al., 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 1021-1026.
  • "Broad-Band Spectra Study of 213 VSOP 5-GHz Survey Sources", Yu.A. Kovalev, Y.Y. Kovalev and N.A. Nizhelsky, 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 1027-1036.
  • "Multi-Frequency VLBI Observations of OT 081", S. Iguchi, K. Fujisawa, S. Kameno, M. Inoue et al., 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 1037-1044.
  • "First-Epoch VSOP Observation of 3C 380: Kinematics of the Parsec-Scale Jet", S. Kameno, M. Inoue, K. Fujisawa, Z.-Q. Shen and K. Wajima, 2000 Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 1045-1053.
  • "VSOP Polarization Observing at 1.6 GHz and 5 GHz", A. Kemball, C. Flatters, D. Gabuzda, G. Moellenbrock et al., 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 1055-1066.
  • "HALCA: the radio telescope for the space VLBI mission", Y. Murata, H. Hirabayashi, H. Kobayashi, H. Hirosawa, P. Edwards, T. Kii, Y. Asaki, K. Wajima, M. Inoue, T. Miyaji, K. Shibata, K. Fujisawa, R. Okayasu, N. Kawaguchi, S. Kameno, 2000, "Radio Telescopes", Proc. SPIE, 4015, 204--214.
  • "Experiment of real-time space VLBI by VSOP", H. Kobayashi, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fujisawa, S. Iguchi, S. Uose, S. Iwamura, T. Hoshino, Y. Murata, H. Hirabayashi, 2000, "Radio Telescopes", Proc. SPIE, 4015, 540--539.

The following papers appear in: Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space VLBI (Proceedings of the VSOP Symposium), 2000, eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards and D.W. Murphy (ISAS)

  • "Welcoming Remarks", Haruto Hirosawa, pp. 1--2
  • "VSOP Current Status", H. Hirabayashi, pp. 3--8
  • "HALCA's Operating Efficiency & Lifetime", Y. Murata & the HALCA operation group, pp. 9--12
  • "Multi-Epoch Global+VSOP/HALCA Observations of Virgo A at lambda 6 cm", W. Junor, J.A. Biretta, F.N. Owen & M.C. Begelman, pp. 13--16
  • "Space-VLBI Observations of the Core-Jet in the Nearby Spiral Galaxy M81", Norbert Bartel & Michael F. Bietenholz, pp. 17--20
  • "A Sharper View into the Parsec-Scale Jet of 3C 345", J. Klare, J.A. Zensus, E. Ros & A.P. Lobanov, pp. 21--24
  • "3C279 Results Derived from Two-Frequency VSOP Observations", H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, B.G. Piner et al., pp. 25--28
  • "MHD Simulations of Jets from Magnetized Accretion Disk", Kazunari Shibata, pp. 29--30
  • "Magnetohydrodynamic Production of Highly Relativistic Jets", D.L. Meier & S. Koide, pp. 31--38
  • "High-Frequency Observations of Blazars", A.P. Marscher, S.G. Marchenko-Jorstad, J.R. Mattox et al. pp. 39--46
  • "VSOP Monitoring of 1928+738", D.W. Murphy, R.A. Preston, A. Polatidis et al., pp. 47--50
  • "A VSOP Observation of 3C 84", K. Asada, S. Kameno, M. Inoue et al., pp. 51--54
  • "VLBI Monitoring of 3C 279 at 22 and 43 GHz: 1991-1997", B.G. Piner, A.E. Wehrle, S.C. Unwin et al., pp. 55--58
  • "VSOP Observations of 3C 216", Z. Paragi, S. Frey, I. Fejes et al., pp. 59--62
  • "Multi-Frequency VSOP Observations of 3C 380", S. Kameno, Z.-Q. Shen, M. Inoue et al., pp. 63--66
  • "VSOP Observations of Cen A", Kenta Fujisawa, pp. 67--70
  • "VSOP Observations of a Sub-Parsec Accretion Disk", D.L. Jones, A.E. Wehrle, B.G. Piner & D.L. Meier, pp. 71--74
  • "Detection of the VLBI-Scale Counter Jet in NGC 6251", H. Sudou, Y. Taniguchi, Y. Ohyama et al., pp. 75--78
  • "A Study of Young Radio-Loud AGN Using Space-VLBI", Ignas Snellen, pp. 79--86
  • "Pentachromatic VSOP and VLBA Survey of GPS Sources", S. Kameno, S. Sawada-Satoh, K. M. Shibata et al., pp. 87--90
  • "Free-Free Absorption by a Gas Disk in the GPS Radio Galaxy 0108+388", J.M. Marr, G.B. Taylor & F. Crawford III, pp. 91--94
  • "Masers from Space: A Review and a Preview of Space VLBI Maser Observations", P.J. Diamond, pp. 95--103
  • "Polarization Structure of the Orion-KL Water Masers", Shinji Horiuchi, V. Migenes & S. Deguchi, pp. 105--108
  • "Monitoring of the Orion-KL Water Maser Outburst", H. Kobayashi, T. Shimoikura, T. Omodaka & P.J. Diamond, pp. 109--112
  • "VSOP Observations of PSR B0329+54", Anthony Minter, pp. 113--116
  • "Observations of the Vela Pulsar Using VSOP", C.R. Gwinn, J.E. Reynolds, D.L. Jauncey et al., pp. 117--120
  • "Multi-Frequency VSOP Polarization Observations of the BL Lacertae Object 1803+784", D.C. Gabuzda, pp. 121--128
  • "Polarization-Sensitive VSOP Observations of Bright Quasars and gamma-ray AGN", G.A. Moellenbrock, D.H. Roberts & J.F.C. Wardle, pp. 129--132
  • "Observations of Intraday Variable Sources", T.P. Krichbaum, C. Jin, A. Kraus et al., pp. 133--142
  • "Circular Polarization of Intraday Variable Sources", L.L. Kedziora-Chudczer, J-P. Macquart, D.L. Jauncey & D.P. Rayner, pp. 143--146
  • "The Origin of Intra-Day Variability", D.L. Jauncey, L.L. Kedziora-Chudczer, J.E.J. Lovell et al., pp. 147--150
  • "Why Space VLBI is of Special Value for Studies of High-Redshift Radio Sources", L.I. Gurvits, pp. 151--154
  • "VSOP Studies of the Bright Radio Source PKS 1921-293", Zhi-Qiang Shen, P.G. Edwards, J.E.J. Lovell & S. Kameno, pp. 155--158
  • "Observations of Relativistic Outflow in AGN and the Brightness Temperature of Synchrotron Sources", K.I. Kellermann, R.C. Vermeulen, J.A. Zensus & M.H. Cohen, pp. 159--166
  • "The VSOP Survey I: Description and Participation", E. Fomalont, H. Hirabayashi, Y. Murata et al., pp. 167--176
  • "The VSOP Survey II: Reduction Methods", G.A. Moellenbrock, J. Lovell, S. Horiuchi et al., pp. 177--182
  • "The VSOP Survey III: Statistical Results", J.E.J. Lovell, S. Horiuchi, G. Moellenbrock et al., pp. 183--188
  • "The Impact of Minimal Ground Antenna Coverage on the VSOP Survey", Matthew L. Lister, B. Glenn Piner & S. J. Tingay, pp. 189--192
  • "Instantaneous 1--22 GHz Spectra of 214 VSOP Survey Sources", Yu.A. Kovalev, Y.Y. Kovalev & N.A. Nizhelsky, pp. 193--196
  • "The Pearson-Readhead Survey from Space", R.A. Preston, M.L. Lister, S.J. Tingay et al., pp. 199--202
  • "The Pearson-Readhead Survey at 43 GHz", Matthew L. Lister, R.A. Preston, B. Glenn Piner & S.J. Tingay, pp. 203--206
  • "High Resolution X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of AGN and SS 433 with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory", Herman L. Marshall, pp. 207--214
  • "VSOP and ATCA Observations of PKS 0637-752", J.E.J. Lovell, S.J. Tingay, B.G. Piner et al., pp. 215--218
  • "VSOP and Chandra Observations of 0836+710", D.W. Murphy, R.A. Preston, B.G. Piner et al., pp. 219--222
  • "VSOP Imaging of the Unusual X-Ray Binary Star LSI+61o303", A.R. Taylor, S.M. Dougherty, W.K. Scott et al., pp. 223--226
  • "Mapping Blazars' Inner Jets Through Multiwavelength Observations", Rita M. Sambruna, pp. 227--234
  • "VSOP Observations of TeV Gamma-Ray Sources", P.G. Edwards, B.G. Piner, S.C. Unwin et al., pp. 235--238
  • "Space VLBI of Parsec--Scale Jets: the Impact of VSOP", A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum & A. Witzel, pp. 239--244
  • "Phase-Reference Observations with VSOP", R.W. Porcas, M.J. Rioja, J. Machalski & H. Hirabayashi, pp. 245--252
  • "The Geometry of the Universe from High Resolution VLBI Data of AGN Shocks", Esko Valtaoja & Kaj Wiik, pp. 253--256
  • "A Next-Generation Space VLBI Observatory Assembled in Orbit", L.I. Gurvits, pp. 257--260
  • "The Proposed ARISE Space-VLBI Mission", Alan P. Marscher, pp. 261--264
  • "Space VLBI at Low Frequencies", D.L. Jones, R. Allen, J. Basart et al., pp. 265--268
  • "A New Strategy for the Routine Detection & Imaging of Faint Radio Sources with VLBI", M.A. Garrett, pp. 269--272
  • "1 Gbit VLBI System and Recent Observations", M. Kimura, J. Nakajima, Y. Koyama et al., pp. 273--276
  • "The VSOP-2 Mission", H. Hirabayashi, D.W. Murphy, Y. Murata et al., pp. 277--280
  • "A 22 GHz Line Radiometer for the Usuda Tracking Station", Yoshiharu Asaki, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Naoki Hagiwara & Masato Ishiguro, pp. 281--284
  • "Experiences with the Space VLBI Geodesy Experiment", S'andor Frey, Istv'an Fejes & Zsolt Paragi, pp. 285--288
  • "Noise Reduction in the Presence of Strong Spectrally-Isolated Signals", C.R. Gwinn, B. Carlson, S. Dougherty et al., pp. 289--292
  • "Very Long Baseline Connected Interferometry via the 2.4-Gbps ATM Network", H. Kiuchi, A. Kaneko, Y. Takahashi et al., pp. 293--296
  • "The Green Bank Telescope: An Overview", P.R. Jewell & Glen Langston, pp. 297--300
  • "Difwrap: A Graphical User Interface for Error Analysis in Difmap", Jim Lovell, pp. 301--304
  • "Connection Between Superluminal Ejections and gamma-ray Flares in Blazars", S.G. Marchenko-Jorstad, A.P. Marscher, J.R. Mattox et al., pp. 305--308
  • "Up-Link Frequency Control Using Closed-Loop Mode", Kazumasa Suzuki, Noriyuki Kawaguchi & Takashi Kasuga, pp. 309--312
  • "VSOP Observations of Bright, Compact Southern Hemisphere AGN", S.J. Tingay, J.E. Reynolds, D.L. Jauncey et al., pp. 313--316
  • "VERA Approved !", Satoko Sawada-Satoh & VERA Project Team, pp. 317--320
  • "Comparison of Total Flux and VLBI Properties of a Sample of Fifteen AGN at 22 GHz", Kaj Wiik, Esko Valtaoja & Anne Lahteenmaki, pp. 321--324

The following papers appear in: Advances in Space Science vol. 26 (no. 4) 2000, "VSOP Results and Future of Space VLBI"

  • "The VSOP Mission: A General Introduction And Current Overview", H.Hirabayashi, H.Hirosawa, and the VSOP international team pp. 589-595
  • "HALCA Onboard VLBI Observing System Performance", H.Kobayashi, K.Wajima, H.Hirabayashi, Y.Murata, N.Kawaguchi, S.Kameno, K.M.Shibata, K.Fujisawa, M.Inoue, and H.Hirosawa pp. 597-602
  • "VSOP/HALCA International Mission Operation", Y.Murata, and International mission operation team pp. 603-608
  • "The Imaging Capability Of VSOP", D.W.Murphy, and the VSOP International team pp.609-612
  • "HALCA VLBI Amplitude Calibration Performance", G.A.Moellenbrock, H.Kobayashi, and D.W.Murphy pp. 613-616
  • "HALCA Phase Transfer And Statistical Property Of Atmospherical Phase Fluctuations", N.Kawaguchi, M.Ono, H.Hirosawa, and Z.Yamamoto pp. 617-623
  • "Imaging Capability Of The Mitaka VSOP Correlator", S.Horiuchi, S.Kameno, R.Nan, K.Shibata, M.Inoue, H.Kobayashi, Y.Murata, E.Fomalont, and B. Carlson pp. 625-628
  • "Operating A Telescope Larger Than Earth: How The VSOP Space VLBI Mission Is Scheduled", David L. Meier, Edward B. Fomalont, and the International VSOP Team pp. 629-635
  • "JPL Contribution To The VSOP Mission", J.G.Smith, D.L.Meier, D.W.Murphy, R.A.Preston, S.J.Tingay, D.L.Traub, and R.D.Wietfeldt pp. 637-640
  • "NRAO Contributions To The VSOP Mission", J.D.Romney pp. 641-644
  • "The Southern Hemisphere Contribution To The VSOP Mission", D.L.Jauncey, J.E.Reynolds, A.K.Tzioumis, R.H.Ferris, W.E.Wilson, M.W.Sinclair, G.G.Moorey, R.G.Gough, M.Oestreich, E.A.King, R.Otrupcek, P.M.McCulloch, M.E.Costa, R.G.Dodson, S.P.Ellingsen, G.A.Gowland, D.J.Legge, D.A.Moffett, D.P.Rayner, G.D.Nicolson, J.F.H.Quick, P.A.Harbison, J.E.Lauf, and R.Wietfeldt pp. 645-648
  • "The Contribution Of Canada To The VSOP Mission", S.M.Dougherty, P.E.Dewdney, B.Carlson, A.R.Taylor, W.K.Scott, D.A.Del Rizzo, W.T.Petrachenko, T.Burgess, W.H.Cannon, G.Feil, B.Feir, P.S.Newby, and A.Novikov pp. 649-652
  • "Preliminary Results From The VSOP Survey Program", E.Fomalont, M.Inoue, H.Hirabayashi, S.Horiuchi, J.Lovell, G.Moellenbrock, and The International Survey Team pp. 653-660
  • "The Pearson-Readhead Survey From Space", R.A.Preston, S.J.Tingay, D.W.Murphy, D.L.Meier, T.J.Pearson, A.C.S.Readhead, H.Hirabayashi, H.Kobayashi, M.Inoue, and B.G.Piner pp. 661-664
  • "VSOP Monitoring Of The Quasar 1928+738", D.W.Murphy, S.J.Tingay, R.A.Preston, D.L.Meier, J.C.Guirado, A.Polatidis, J.E.Conway, H.Hirabayashi, H.Kobayashi, and Y.Murata pp. 665-668
  • "Imaging And Monitoring The Parsec-Scale Jet In 3C 273 With The VSOP Mission", A.P.Lobanov, J.A.Zensus, Z.Abraham, E.Carrara, S.C.Unwin, H.Hirabayashi, and T.Bushimata pp. 669-672
  • "Earth-Space VLBI Of The Quasar Pair 1038+52A,B", Richard W. Porcas, and Maria J. Rioja pp. 673-676
  • "Space VLBI Observations Of Southern Hemisphere Gamma-RAY And Non-Gamma-Ray AGN: First Results For PKS 0637-752", S.J.Tingay, D.L.Jauncey, J.E.Reynolds, A.K.Tzioumis, E.A.King, R.A.Preston, D.W.Murphy, D.L.Meier, P.G.Edwards, J.E.J.Lovell, H.Hirabayashi, H.Kobayashi, K.M.Shibata, P.M. McCulloch, M.E.Costa, P.Dewdney, W.Cannon, G.Nicolson, E.Valtaoja, M.Tornikoski, and T.Venturi pp. 677-680
  • "VSOP Observations Of BL Lacertae At 5 GHz", R.Okayasu, G.Moellenbrock, S.Ishizuki, H.Kobayashi, Y.Murata, P.Edwards, H.Hirabayashi, T.Miyaji, S.Horiuchi, M.Inoue, F.Makino, N.Kawai, and K.Wajima pp. 681-684
  • "High Resolution VSOP Image Of The Southern Blazar PKS 1921-293 At 18cm", Zhi-Qiang Shen, P.G.Edwards, J.E.J.Lovell, K.Fujisawa, and S.Kameno pp. 685-687
  • "The First Space VLBI Image Of 3C279", H.Hirabayashi, P.G.Edwards, A.E.Wehrle, S.C.Unwin, B.G.Piner, J.E.J.Lovell, H.Kobayashi, R.Okayasu, F.Makino, T.Kii, and E.Valtaoja pp. 689-692
  • "Space VLBI Observations Of MKN 501", G.Giovannini, W.D.Cotton, L.Feretti, L.Lara, and T.Venturi pp. 693-696
  • "1.6 GHz Space VLBI Observation Of 3C446", Z.Paragi, S.Frey, I.Fejes, R.W.Porcas, R.T.Schilizzi, and T.Venturi pp. 697-700
  • "HALCA Images Of The Young Radio Source 1413+135", G.Langston, A.H.Minter, and F.Ghigo pp. 701-704
  • "VSOP Observations Of a GHz-Peaked Spectrum Source OQ 208", S.Kameno, S.Horiuchi, M.Inoue, and H.Hirabayashi pp. 705-708
  • "A Morphological And Spectral Study Of GPS Galaxies And Quasars", R.T.Schilizzi, W.Tschager, I.A.G.Snellen, A.G.de Bruyn, G.K.Miley, H.J.A.Rottgering, H.J.van Langevelde, C.Fanti, and R.Fanti pp. 709-714
  • "First Results Of VSOP Imaging Of Strong GPS Sources ", J.E.J.Lovell, E.A.King, D.L.Jauncey, A.K.Tzioumis, J.E.Reynolds, P.M.McCulloch, M.E.Costa, R.A.Preston, S.J.Tingay, D.W.Murphy, D.L.Meier, G.D.Nicholson, P.E.Dewdney, and W.H.Cannon pp. 715-718
  • "Dual-Frequency VSOP Observations Of Extremely High Redshift Quasars", L.I.Gurvits, S.Frey, R.T.Schilizzi, K.I.Kellermann, A.P.Lobanov, N.Kawaguchi, H.Kobayashi, Y.Murata, H.Hirabayashi, and I.I.K.Pauliny-Toth pp. 719-722
  • "Milliarsecond Scale Compactness Of Extragalactic Radio Sources At Cosmological Distances", S.Frey, L.I.Gurvits, Z.Paragi, and W.K.Scott pp. 723-726
  • "The Smallest Radio Sources: Implications For Future Space VLBI Missions", L.Kedziora-Chudczer, D.L.Jauncey, M.W.Wieringa, J.E.Reynolds, A.K.Tzioumis, M.A.Walker, and G.D.Nicolson pp. 727-730
  • "VSOP Brightness Temperature In NRAO 530 Exceeds The Inverse Compton Limit", G.C.Bower, and D.C.Backer pp. 731-733
  • "The ARISE Space VLBI Mission", J.S.Ulvestad pp. 735-738
  • "A Concept Of The Second Generation Space VLBI Mission", L.I.Gurvits pp. 739-742
  • "The ALFA Medium Explorer Mission", D.L.Jones, R.J.Allen, J.P.Basart, T.Bastian, W.H.Blume, J.L.Bougeret, B.K.Dennison, M.P.Desch, K.S.Dwarakanath, W.C.Erickson, W.Farrell, D.G.Finley, N.Gopalswamy, R.E.Howard, M.L.Kaiser, N.E.Kassim, T.B.H.Kuiper, R.J.MacDowall, M.J.Mahoney, R.A.Perley, RA.Preston, M.J.Reiner, P.Rodriguez, R.G.Stone, S.C.Unwin, K.W.Weiler, G.Woan, and R.Woo pp. 743-746
  • "The S3 VLBI Data Record And Playback System And Future Space VLBI Missions", W.H.Cannon pp. 747-750
  • "The Japanese Space VLBI Mission After VSOP", H.Hirabayashi pp. 751-756
  • "Two-Epoch Space VLBI Observations of the Gamma-Ray Loud Quasar PKS 1741-038", K. Wajima, J.E.J. Lovell, H. Kobayashi, H. Hirabayashi, K. Fujisawa and M. Tsuboi, 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 329.
  • "Space VLBI observations of 3C279 at 1.6 and 5 GHz", B.G. Piner, P.G. Edwards, A.E. Wehrle, H. Hirabayashi, J.E.J. Lovell and S.C. Unwin, 2000, Astrophysical Journal, 537, 91.
  • "GINS: a new multi-technique software for VLBI analysis," U. Meyer, P. Charlot and R. Biancale, 2000, Proc. First International VLBI Service General Meeting, (Feb. 21-24, 2000, Koetzting, Germany) in press
  • "Asymmetric free-free absorption towards a double lobe of OQ 208", S. Kameno, S. Horiuchi, Z.-Q. Shen, M. Inoue, H. Kobayashi, H. Hirabayashi, Y. Murata, 2000, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 209
  • "Space VLBI Observations of 3C 371" J.L. Gomez and A.P. Marscher, 2000, Astrophysical Journal , 530, 245.
  • "Measuring the Size of the Vela Pulsar's Radio Emission Region," C.R. Gwinn, J.E. Reynolds, D.L. Jauncey, H. Hirabayashi, H. Kobayashi, Y. Murata, P.G. Edwards, B. Carlson, S. Dougherty, D. Del Rizzo, M.C. Britton, P.M. McCulloch and J.E.J. Lovell, 2000, Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 177: Pulsar Astronomy -- 2000 and Beyond, eds. M. Kramer, N. Wex, and R. Wielebinski, (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific) p. 211
  • "Origin of Major L-Band Interference Received by the HALCA Space Radio Telescope." S.Yu. Lyubchenko, M.V. Popov, H. Hirabayashi, H. Kobayashi, Preserving the astronomical sky (IAU Symposium 196), pp. 1--6.


  • "Correlation of Quantized Spectrally-Varying Noise," C.R. Gwinn, B. Carlson, S. Dougherty, D. Del Rizzo, J.E. Reynolds, D.L. Jauncey, P. M. McCulloch, H. Hirabayashi, H. Kobayashi, and Y. Murata, 1999, PASP, submitted.
  • "Formation of the radio jet in M87 at 100 Schwarzschild radii from the central black hole", W. Junor, J.A. Biretta and M. Livio, 1999, Nature 401, 891.
  • "VLBI Observations of Mrk421 and Mrk501", G. Giovannini, L. Feretti, T. Venturi, W.D. Cotton and L. Larat, 1999, ASP Conference Series 159: BL Lac Phenomena, eds. L.O. Takalo & A. Sillanpaa (San Francisco: ASP), 439--442.
  • "High Resolution VSOP Imaging of a Southern Blazar PKS 1921-293 at 1.6 GHz", Z.-Q. Shen, P.G. Edwards, J.E.J. Lovell, K. Fujisawa, S. Kameno and M. Inoue, 1999, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 51, 513--518
  • "Space VLBI observations of 3C279 with HALCA", P.G. Edwards, H. Hirabayashi, J.E.J. Lovell, B.G. Piner, S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, 1999, (Proc. 4th ASCA Symposium "Heating and Acceleration in the Universe") Astron. Nachr. 320, 230--231
  • "The S2 VLBI Correlator: A Correlator for Space VLBI and Geodetic Signal Processing" B.R. Carlson, P.E. Dewdney, T.A. Burgess, R.V. Casorso, W.T. Petrachenko, W.H. Cannon, 1999, Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific 111, 1025--1047
  • "Space-VLBI observations of the twisted jet in 3C395", L. Lara, A. Alberdi, J.M. Marcaide and T.W.B. Muxlow, 1999, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 352, 443
  • "Space-to-Ground Interferometry for Radio Astronomy", H. Hirabayashi, 1999, in Modern Radio Science 1999, ed. M.A. Stuchly (Oxford University Press), pp. 51--62
  • "VSOP and Ground-Based VLBI Imaging of the TeV Blazar Markarian 421 at Multiple Epochs", B.G. Piner, S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, P.G. Edwards, A.L. Fey, and K.A. Kingham, 1999, Astrophysical Journal, 525, 176.

The following papers appear in: New Astronomy Reviews vol. 43 (EVN/JIVE Symposium no. 4), 1999. ( Preprints available here )

  • "Overview and current status of the VSOP mission", Lovell, J.E.J., Hirabayashi, H., Kobayashi, H., Murata, Y., Edwards, P.G., Moellenbrock, G.A., Horiuchi, S., Fomalont, E.B., Kameno, S., Shibata, K.M. pp. 515--518
  • "VSOP/global VLBI observations of 2021+614: Detection of hotspot advance", Tschager, W., Schilizzi, R.T., Snellen, I.A.G., de Bruyn, A.G., Miley, G.K., Rottgering, H.J.A., van Langevelde, H.J., Fanti, C., Fanti, R. pp. 681--684
  • "VSOP Observations of the Compact BL Lacertae Object 1803+784", D.C. Gabuzda pp. 691--694
  • "VSOP and Ground-based VLBI Observations of Markarian 421", Piner, B.G., Unwin, S.C., Wehrle, A.E., Edwards, P.G., Fey, A.L., Kingham, K.A., pp. 711--716
  • "VSOP Space VLBI Observations of Pearson-Readhead Survey Sources", Tingay, S.J., Preston, R.A., Piner, B.G., Lister, M.L., Jones, D.L., Murphy, D.W., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Hirabayashi, H., Kobayashi, H., Inoue, M. pp. 723-726
  • "VSOP Monitoring of the Quasar 1928+738", Murphy, D.W., Tingay, S.J., Preston, R.A., Meier, D.L., Jones, D.L., Guirado, J.C., Polatidis, A., Conway, J.E., Hirabayashi, H., Kobayashi, H., Murata, Y. pp. 727--730
  • "High resolution imaging of parsec-scale jets: Impact of the VSOP observations", A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, J.A. Zensus, pp. 741--745
  • "Recent Results from VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP) Observations", H. Hirabayashi and P.G. Edwards, 1999, (Proceedings 3rd INTEGRAL workshop "The Extreme Universe") Astrophysical Letters and Communications 39, 141--148.
  • "Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry", Ulvestad, J.S., 1999, in Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II (ASP Conf. Series 180) Eds. G.B. Taylor, C.L. Carilli and R.A. Perley, pp. 513--535.


  • "Overview and Initial Results of the Very Long Baseline Interferometry Space Observatory Programme", H. Hirabayashi, H. Hirosawa, H. Kobayashi, Y.Murata et al. 1998, Science, 281, 1825.
    see also "Corrections and Clarifications", Science 282 p.1995. (The numerical factors given to convert a brightness temperature derived assuming a gaussian component to that for an optically thin or thick sphere were a factor of 1.56 smaller than they should have been. The correct factors are 0.67 and 0.57 respectively.)
  • "VSOP imaging of S5 0836+710: a close-up on plasma instabilities in the jet", A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, A. Kraus et al., 1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 340, 60.
  • "Space VLBI Satellite HALCA and Its Engineering Accomplishments", H. Hirosawa, H. Hirabayashi, H. Kobayashi, Y.Murata et al., 1998, Proceedings 49th International Astronautical Congress, paper IAF-98-Q.1.01
  • "Space VLBI Observations Show T_b > 10^12 K in the Quasar NRAO 530", G.C. Bower and D.C. Backer, 1998, Astrophysical Journal (Letters), 507, L117.
  • "HALCA, the First Satellite of the World to Challenge Space VLBI", Hirosawa, H., et al., 1998, Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, paper ISTS 98-j-03.
  • "In-Orbit Deployment of a High Precision Mesh Antenna System for Space VLBI Mission", Natori, M.C, Takano, T., Ohnishi, A., Miyoshi, K., Inoue, T., Tabata, M. and Kondo, K., in 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf. 20--23 April 1998, Long Beach, California, paper AIAA-98-1837.
  • "Ground Adjustment Procedure of a Deployable High Accuracy Mesh Antenna for Space VLBI Mission", Natori, M.C., Takano, T. Noda, T., Tashima, T. and Tabata, M., in 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf. 20--23 April 1998, Long Beach, California, paper AIAA-98-1923.

The following papers all appear in: Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources (ASP Conf. Series 144) Eds. J.A. Zensus, G.B. Taylor, J.M. Wrobel, (ASP, San Francisco, 1998)

  • "The VSOP Mission -- A New Era for VLBI", Hirabayashi, H., pp. 11--15.
  • "A VSOP Survey Program Pre-launch Continuum Survey", Edwards, P.G. and Fomalont, E.B., pp. 143--144.
  • "Space VLBI Assistance Software - A New Version", Frey, S., Fejes, I., Heitler, G., et al., pp. 399--400.
  • "Mitaka Correlator for the Space VLBI", Shibata, K.M., Kameno, S., Inoue, M. and Kobayashi, H., pp. 413--414.
  • "Simulated Space VLBI Experiment using the Tidbinbilla 11-m DSN Tracking Station and SURFSAT and Simulated Satellites", Wietfeldt, R., Smith, J. and Border, J., et al., pp. 415--416.
  • "HALCA Spacecraft Calibration", Kobayashi, H. et al., pp. 417--418.
  • "Position Angle of the HALCA Antenna Feed", Kogan, L.R., pp. 419--420.
  • "Operating a Telescope Larger than the Earth: How to Schedule the HALCA Space VLBI Mission", Meier, D.L., pp. 421--422.


  • "Interference Sharpens the View", Vogel, G., 1997, Science 277, (11 July 1997) p. 178.
  • "First radiotelescope images from space", 1997, Nature 388, (10 July 1997) p. 107.
  • "M-5 Launches Unique Radio Observatory", Sekigawa, E. and Mecham, M. 1997, Aviation Week and Space Technology (17 February 1997) p. 56--57.
  • "Japan's successful launch...", Swinbanks, D., 1997, Nature 385, (20 February 1997) p. 663.
  • "Japanese Mission Stretches Limits of Interferometry", Normile, D., 1997, Science 275, (31 January 1997) p. 620.
  • "An eye bigger than the Earth", Chown, M., 1997, New Scientist 153, No. 2064, (11 January 1997) p. 26--29.

The following papers appear in: Proceedings of the Technical Workshop for APT and APSG 1996 (1997)

  • "The VSOP Mission: Overview and Present Status", Hirabayashi, H., p. 35--39.
  • "Scheduling for VSOP and Implications for the APT/APSG", Edwards, P., p. 157--160.
  • "Specification and Current Status of the VSOP Terminal", Kameno, S. and Kawaguchi, N., p. 176--179.
  • "The Status of the Mitaka Correlator", Shibata, K.M., p. 192--194.
  • "Design and Development of the Space VLBI Satellite for the VSOP (VLBI Space Observatory Programme)", Hirosawa, H. and Hirabayashi, H., 1996, Space Technology 16, No. 3, p. 161--167.
  • "VSOP: VLBI Space Observatory Programme", Hirabayashi, H., 1996, Springer Science (Quarterly) 2, No. 11, p. 6--12.
  • "The VSOP Mission for Extra-Galactic Radio Sources", Hirabayashi, H., 1996, Extragalactic Radio Sources, (IAU Symposium 175) ed. R. Ekers, C. Fanti and L. Padrielli, P. 529--530.
  • "Imaging of Extragalactic Radio Sources with the VSOP Space VLBI Mission", Murphy, D.W., 1996, Extragalactic Radio Sources, (IAU Symposium 175) ed. R. Ekers, C. Fanti and L. Padrielli, P. 530--531.
  • "The VSOP Project", Edwards, P., 1996, Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Telescope workshop, ed. E.A. King, pp. 188--192.
  • "Space VLBI and the APT", Murphy, D., 1996, Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Telescope workshop, ed. E.A. King, pp. 193--198.
  • "Radioastronomy floats into space on VSOP", 1996, Nature 381, No. 6582, (6 June 1996) p. 463.
  • Article about ISAS and VSOP, 1995, New Scientist (25 November 1995)
  • "Current Developments in VLBI Astronomy on the Ground and in Space", Schilizzi, R.T., 1995, in The Radio Science Bulletin No. 274, p. 14.
  • "VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP) Satellite" Hirosawa, H. and Hirabayashi, H., 1995, IEEE AES Systems Magazine 10, No. 6, p. 17.
  • "MUSES-B Satellite as an Imaging Sensor of Active Galactic Nuclei" Kawaguchi, N. 1994, in Proceedings of the 1994 International Symposium on Noise and Clutter Rejection in Radars and Imaging Systems; ed. T. Musha, S. Fujimura, and M. Sekine (Published by ISNCR-94 Organizing Committee, Japan).
  • "Design of the Space-VLBI Satellite MUSES-B", Hirosawa, H., Hirabayashi, H., Orii, T., and Nakagawa, E. 1994, Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science; eds. M. Hinada, Y. Arakawa, Y. Horikawa, J. Kawaguchi, T. Nakajima and I. Nakatani (Agne Shofu; Tokyo) p. 775.
  • "Large Deployable Antenna for the Space VLBI Satellite MUSES-B," Takano, T., Natori, M., Ohnishi, A., Miura, K., Inoue, T., Noguchi, T. and Kitamura, T. 1994, Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science; eds. by M. Hinada, Y. Arakawa, Y. Horikawa, J. Kawaguchi, T. Nakajima and I. Nakatani (Agne Shofu; Tokyo) p. 483.

The following papers all appear in: VLBI Technology: Progress and Future Observational Possibilities; (1994) ed. T. Sasao, S. Manabe, O. Kameya, and M. Inoue (Tokyo: TERRAPUB).

  • "MUSES-B Satellite System for VSOP," Hirosawa, H., p. 3.
  • "Mechanical Design and Development of a Deployable Space Antenna for Japanese VLBI Space Observatory Program," Natori, M.C., et al., p. 10.
  • "Operation of the VSOP Satellite," Murata, Y., p. 21.
  • "Ground Supporting Facilities for VSOP Observations," Kawaguchi, N., et al., p. 26.
  • "Space VLBI Simulations," Murphy, D.W., et al., p. 34.
  • "Space VLBI Scheduling Studies: Techniques and Results," Meier, D.L., p. 39.
  • "Space VLBI Polarization Observations," Gabuzda, D.C. and Taylor, A.R., p. 54.
  • "Space VLBI User Assistance Software," Fejes, I., Murphy, D.W., Taylor, A.R., Yakimov, V., and Young, G., p. 59.
  • "International Mission Planning for Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry," Ulvestad, J. S. 1994, in Third International Symposium on Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems; ed. J. L. Rash (Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, Maryland), p. 329.
  • "International Data Transfer for Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry," Wiercigroch, A. B. 1994, in Third International Symposium on Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems; ed. J. L. Rash (Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, Maryland), p. 169.
  • "DSN 70-m Co-observing for Space VLBI," Altunin, V. I., Kuiper, T. B., and Wolken, P. R. 1994, in Third International Symposium on Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems; ed. J. L. Rash (Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, Maryland), p. 767.
  • "Design and Development of a Deployable Mesh Antenna for MUSES-B Spacecraft," 1993, submitted to 34th AIAA/ASME/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference; La Jolla, California, Paper AIAA 93-1460.
  • "Space VLBI Project VSOP," Inoue, M. 1993, in IAU Symposium 156, Developments in Astrometry and Their Impact on Astrophysics and Geodynamics; ed. I. I. Muller and B. Kolaczek (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), p. 203.
  • "Space VLBI Project VSOP", Inoue, M. 1993, in Sub-Arcsecond Radio Astronomy; ed. R. J. Davis and R. S. Booth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), p. 434.
  • "Preliminary Space VLBI Requirements for Observing Time on Ground Radio Telescopes," Meier, D. L., Murphy, D. W., and Preston, R. A. 1993, in Sub-Arcsecond Radio Astronomy; ed. R. J. Davis and R. S. Booth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), p. 437.
  • "Observing with VSOP," Hirabayashi, H., et al. 1992, in Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science; Kagoshima, Japan, p. 1813
  • Frontiers of VLBI, Proceedings of the International VSOP Symposium, 1991, H. Hirabayashi, M. Inoue, and H. Kobayashi, eds. (Tokyo: Universal Academy Press, Inc.).

The following papers all appear in: in COSPAR: Adv. Space Res., 11 , No. 2, (1991)

  • "Introduction to Orbiting VLBI," Burke, B.F., p. 349.
  • "Space VLBI and the Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei," Valtaoja, E., p. 365.
  • "Introduction to the VSOP Mission and Its Scientific Goals," Hirabayashi, H., p. 373.
  • "Technical Aspects of VSOP," Kawaguchi, N., and Nishimura, T., p. 381.
  • "Simulations of Space VLBI," Murphy, D.W., and Wilkinson, P.N., p. 415.
  • "Application of Space-VLBI to Satellite Dynamics," Fejes, I., and Mihaly, S., p. 429.
  • "The Scientific User and VSOP," Hirabayashi, H., p. 445.
  • "VSOP, A Space VLBI Programme," Hirabayashi, H. 1990, in Observatories in Earth Orbit and Beyond; ed. Y. Kondo (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), p. 263.


  • "VLBI Activities in Japan and a Projected Space-VLBI Program," Hirabayashi, H. 1988, in IAU Symposium 129, The Impact of VLBI on Astronomy and Geophysics; ed. M. J. Reid and J. M. Moran (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), p. 449.
  • "Japanese Space VLBI Mission," Nishimura, T., Takano, T., Yamada, T., and Hirabayashi, H. 1986, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Applications of Space Technologies to Astronomy and Astrophysics; Tokyo, p. 152.
  • "Toward the Optimum Selection of the Orbit of a Japanese Space-VLBI Satellite," Tsuboi, M., and Hirabayashi, H. 1985, Annals of Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, 2nd Series, 20, No. 3, p. 191.
  • "Orbiting VLBI: A Survey," Burke, B. F. 1984, in IAU Symposium 110, VLBI and Compact Radio Sources; ed. R. Fanti, K. Kellermann, and G. Setti (Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company), p. 397.
  • "A VLBI Observatory in Space--An Enhancement of the VLBA," Preston, R. A. 1983, in Multidisciplinary Use of the Very Long Baseline Array; (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press), p. 132.
  • "The Future of VLBI Observatories in Space," Preston, R. A., et al. 1983, in Proceedings of CNES Conference on VLBI Techniques; Toulose, France, August 31-September 2, 1982, p. 199.
  • "Radio Telescopes Bigger than the Earth," Burke, B. F. 1982, Astronautics and Aeronautics, October 1982, p. 44.

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