****************************************************** PR # 11070 The Cygnus Loop is one of the most studied SNRs. The shape is a typic al shell structure with a diameter of 3 d. In X-ray regions,it is one of the most strongest sources below 1 keV. At PVphase,we observed the centre and the NE limb and got exciting results. The spectrum shows many emission lines (OVII,OVIII,Fe-L,NeIX,Mg,Si,S and more). However we observed only restricted areas in comparison with its size. The NE limb has a uniform shell,but some other shells are full of varieties. Their varieties come from the various interactions between the shock wave and the interstellar matter or molecular clouds. At AO-1, we pro pose to observe above areas (SW,S, W limb).We can study the evolution of the shock wave since its structure is very clear and the size is big enough to study in detail. ******************************************************