****************************************************** PR # 42039 RXJ185635-3754 is a bright soft source projected on the R CrA molecular cloud. It is a 57 eV black body at a distance <120pc, with an emitting area of 480 sq km. It is likely to be a isolated old neutron star. If it is magnetized, then theory predicts the existence of cyclotron line emission in the 6-15 keV regime. We propose an ASCA observation to search for this hard X-ray emission. Detection of the line provides confirmation that the source is an isolated neutron star accreting from the interstellar medium. Absence of a cyclotron line demonstrates that either the magnetic field is less than 10^12G or the star is not accreting. The SIS spectrum of the soft black body tail will be used to search for deviations from the pure black body predicted for accreting low luminosity neutron stars. ******************************************************