ASCA Sequence 73056010 Source List

This page lists the sources detected in processing for this observation. The counts quoted below are the raw counts in the extraction circle from the screened BRIGHT or PH mode data. No corrections have been made for background or vignetting.

The following information is also available:

Sources in combined GIS2 and GIS3 data with 256 pixel resolution

  1. Sky coordinate central pixel: (109,138)
    R.A.: 204.326 degrees
    Dec.: 24.391 degrees
    Extraction radius: 24 pixels = 5.9 arcmin
    Hard (>2 keV) counts: 2311
    Soft (<2 keV) counts: 1422
    This source is compact

Sources detected in combined SIS0 and SIS1 data

  1. Sky coordinate central pixel: (117,181)
    R.A.: 204.322 degrees
    Dec.: 24.389 degrees
    Extraction radius: 38 pixels = 4 arcmin
    Hard (>2 keV) counts: 4235
    Soft (<2 keV) counts: 1159
    This source is compact