# # Template Checklist and Worksheet for reduction of VSOP Survey data. # (http://halca.vsop.isas.ac.jp/survey/template_checklist.txt) # # Version 0.3 - J. Lovell 14-Apr-1999 # # NOTE: Copy this file to your data reduction outputs directory (e.g # /something/vs05a_jones) and name it "checklist.txt" # # Comments are given on lines beginning with a # and questions are # enclosed in {}'s. # Please enter responses after the colons. # Multiple-line responses are OK. # Yes/No questions may be answered with "yes", "no", "Y", "N", "y" or "n" # An example of a completed Checklist is given in # http://halca.vsop.isas.ac.jp/survey/checklist_eg.txt # # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 1 : General Information #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Experiment code} : VS03l {Your family name} : Scott {Your given name} : William {The date you prepared this document (format is day-month-year, e.g 23-04-1999)} : 21-05-1999 {The name of the survey source that was observed} : J1626-29 {The name of the calibration source(s) observed} : 1622-253 {The year the experiment took place (e.g. 1998)} : 1998 {The starting day number of the experiment} : 053 {List the GRTs that observed} : HO, SH, HH {List the tracking stations that took part} : TZ {Which correlator was used to correlate the data? (Mitaka/Penticton/Socorro)} : Penticton {AIPS Version used (e.g 15OCT98)} : 15OCT98 {Difmap Version used (e.g 2.3c)} : 2.3c {Was vsop_difmap used? (yes/no)} : y {Abstract. Write a brief summary of the data reduction and its outcomes} : Checklist changed. No answer to UVPLT_UVPA question and wrong task name format for TBOUT/TBIN in AIPS section. JEJL 27-Nov-2000 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 2 : Pre-AIPS Checklist #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- {PI letter retrieved (yes/no)} : y {Data quality reports and plots retrieved? (yes/no)} : y {Pre-launch 5GHz survey data retrieved? (yes/no)} : y {Light-curve data retrieved? (yes/no)} : n # Input files for INDXR, ANTAB and UVFLG {Has a INDXR input file (INDXR.TXT) been created? (yes/no)} : y {Has a ANTAB input file (ANTAB.TXT) been created? (yes/no)} : y {Has a UVFLG input file (UVFLG.TXT) been created? (yes/no)} : n {Any comments on Pre-AIPS file preparation?} : #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 3 : AIPS Output File Checklist # # Names of expected output file names are contained in square brackets. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- {PRTAN [PRTAN.LIS] (yes/no)} : yes {LISTR (optyp = 'SCAN') [LISTR.LIS] (yes/no)} : yes {DTSUM (aparm = 0) [DTSUM_0.LIS] (yes/no)} : yes {DTSUM (aparm = 1) [DTSUM_1.LIS] (yes/no)} : yes {UVPLT (u vs v) [UVPLT_UV.PS] (yes/no)} : yes {UVPLT ((u,v) distance vs time) [UVPLT_UVD.PS] (yes/no)} : yes {UVPLT ((u,v) position angle vs time). [UVPLT_UVPA.PS] (yes/no)} : y {VPLOT antenna weights vs time (after adjustment) [WEIGHTS.PS] (yes/no)} : yes {ACCOR SNPLT (amplitude), IF 1 [SN_ACCOR_1.PS] (yes/no)} : no {IF 2 [SN_ACCOR_2.PS] (yes/no)} : no {APCAL SNPLT (amplitude), IF 1 [SN_APCAL_1.PS] (yes/no)} : yes {IF 2 [SN_APCAL_2.PS] (yes/no)} : yes # FRING SNPLT (delay, rate, SNR), as many as necessary to document the # clear discovery of fringes at all antennas, numbered with "nn" for # both IFs. Do NOT include the final SN table as it is plotted later. # # Format is SN_FRINGnn_DEL_i.PS, SN_FRINGnn_RAT_i.PS, # SN_FRINGnn_SNR_i.PS for delay, rate and SNR plots respectively, # where "i" is the IF number (1 or 2). {Number of times preliminary FRING solutions were plotted (i.e maximum value of nn)} : 0 {Post-FRING CALIB SNPLT, Phase: IF 1 [SN_CALIB_PHA_1] (yes/no)} : yes {IF 2 [SN_CALIB_PHA_2] (yes/no)} : yes {Delay: IF 1 [SN_CALIB_DEL_1] (yes/no)} : yes {IF 2 [SN_CALIB_DEL_2] (yes/no)} : yes {Rate: IF 1 [SN_CALIB_RAT_1] (yes/no)} : yes {IF 2 [SN_CALIB_RAT_2] (yes/no)} : yes {SNR: IF 1 [SN_CALIB_SNR_1] (yes/no)} : yes {IF 2 [SN_CALIB_SNR_2] (yes/no)} : yes {Post-calibration VPLOT (amp and phase, with channel averaging) IF 1 [VPLOT_AP_1.PS] (yes/no)} : yes {IF 2 [VPLOT_AP_1.PS] (yes/no)} : yes {Post-calibration POSSM (amplitude and phase, at least one 5 to 10 min integration spectrum per tracking pass, indexed with nn = 01, 02, 03, ...), IF 1 [POSSMnn_AP_1.PS] (yes/no)} : yes {IF 2 [POSSMnn_AP_2.PS] (yes/no)} : yes {Output TASAV FITS file (containing all 'multisource' cal tables) [VSxxx__TASAV.FITS] (yes/no)} : yes {Calibrated and spectrally averaged FITS data files (one for each source), [__AIPS.FITS] (yes/no)} : y #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 4 : Supplementary files # # Were any files created, other than those listed, to document the data # reduction? If so, please list them below using as many (File, Description) # groups as required. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {File} : image.ps.gz {Description} : The final Difmap image (gzipped). #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 5 : AIPS data-reduction notes # # The format is as follows: # # Task : the name of the task that is run or other operation performed # ADVERBs : a list of the relevant non-default adverbs # Input CL : the input calibration table used (if any) in running the task # Input SN : the SN table that was used (if any) # Output SN : the SN table produced (if any) # Output CL : the CL table produced or modified (if any) # Comments: any comments on the results of the operation # # Use as many of the (Task, ADVERBs, Comments, Input CL, Input SN, # Output SN, Output CL) groups as required. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : FITLD {ADVERBs} : DIGICOR=DELCOR=-1 {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Output file name = VS03L.FITLD #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : MSORT {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Input file name = VS03L.FITLD, Output file name = VS03L.UVSRT #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : FIXWT {ADVERBs} : CPARM(1)=3 CPARM(3)=0.25 = Cl table time interval {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : 1 {Comments} : Input file name = VS03L.UVSRT, Output file name = VS03L.FIXWT #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : OBTAB {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Not Used #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : TBOUT {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Changed entries in AN(1) for MNTSTA by externally editting the table. Changed VSOP_SC from 3 to 2, Hobart from 2 to 0, Hart from 1 to 0. #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : IBLED {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Editted out Ho data before 1600 UT. Edits stored in FG(1). #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : ACCOR {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Not Used #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : ANTAB {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : INFILE='CAL:VS03L_CAL.DAT'. Output sent to TY(1) and GC(1). Nominal values were used for the DPFU of Ho (0.4). For Halca, used a nominal Tsys value of 95K. #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : APCAL {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : 1 {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Input: Ty(1) + GC(1) #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : SNSMO {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Did not use #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : CLCAL {ADVERBs} : OPCODE = CALI INTERPOL = 2PT {Input CL} : 1 {Input SN} : 1 {Output SN} : {Output CL} : 2 {Comments} : #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : TACOP {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : 2 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : 3 {Comments} : #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : CLCOR {ADVERBs} : OPCODE='SBDL' ANTENNAS = 2 (Hobart) CLCORPRM= -2525, -2525 GAINVER=3 {Input CL} : 3 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : 3 {Comments} : #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : CLCOR {ADVERBs} : OPCODE='SBDL' ANTENNAS = 1 (Hart) CLCORPRM= -2085, -2085 GAINVER=3 {Input CL} : 3 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : 3 {Comments} : #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : FRING {ADVERBs} : APARM(1)=2 APARM(7)=3 (SNR=3) APARM(9)=1 DPARM(1)=1 (no baseline stacking) DPARM(2)=500 (500ns delay window) DPARM(3)=100 (100mHz rate window) DPARM(4)=0.5 (0.5 sec integration time) DPARM(6)=1 (don't average in frequency) BCHAN 0, ECHAN 0 SEARCH 3,1,2,4 REFANT 3 (Shanghaii) {Input CL} : 3 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : 2 {Output CL} : {Comments} : These are the standard parameters I used (unless otherwise specified). Note: SN(2) was deleted after every trial of FRING except the last (final) trial. #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : FRING {ADVERBs} : Standard+ SOLINT=4 TIMER 0 23 0 0 0 23 30 0 DPARM(5)=1 only do FFT solution DOCALIB 1, GAINUSE 3 {Input CL} : 3 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : 2 {Output CL} : {Comments} : Got good solutions. Abs(rate) was less than 100mHz. Abs(delay) was less than 100ns (except two Hh-Halca solutions). #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : FRING {ADVERBs} : Standard+ SOLINT=10 TIMER 1 0 30 0 1 1 0 0 DPARM(5)=1 only do FFT solution DOCALIB 1, GAINUSE 3 {Input CL} : 3 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : 2 {Output CL} : {Comments} : Couldn't get Halca solutions in range were DQA1 didn't get them. #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : FRING {ADVERBs} : Standard+ SOLINT=2 TIMER 1 0 30 0 1 1 0 0 DPARM(5)=1 only do FFT solution DOCALIB 1, GAINUSE 3 {Input CL} : 3 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : 2 {Output CL} : {Comments} : Still couldn't get non-DQA1 Halca solutions. Give up. #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : FRING {ADVERBs} : Standard+ SOLINT 3 APARM(7)=SNR=2 (Can edit out bad solns later) DPARM(3)=200 DPARM(2)=200 {Input CL} : 3 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : 2 {Output CL} : {Comments} : Got Halca solns Penticton got. #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : SNEDT {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : 2 {Output SN} : 3 {Output CL} : {Comments} : Editted inconsistent delays and rates. Very few rates were editted, since it was unclear what rates were good/bad solutions. #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : CLCAL {ADVERBs} : OPCODE='CALI' INTERPOL = '2PT' {Input CL} : 3 {Input SN} : 3 {Output SN} : {Output CL} : 4 {Comments} : #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : CALIB {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Not used...SOLINT for FRING=180sec will be comparable to UV averaging time (60sec). Also, noise in phases was very high, impossible to tell if there was phase coherence/decoherance on scales less than 1 min. #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : TACOP {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : 4 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : 5 {Comments} : #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : CLCOR {ADVERBs} : ANTENNAS=0 OPCODE=GAIN CLCORPRM=0.9055 GAINVER=5 {Input CL} : 5 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : 5 {Comments} : #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : TASAV {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Input file: VS03L.FIXWT, Output file: VS03L.TABLES #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : SPLIT {ADVERBs} : SOURCES 'J1626-29' BCHAN 0, ECHAN 0 DOCALIB 1, GAINUSE 5 APARM(1)=2 (average each IF separately) APARM(2)=0.5 APARM(4)=1 {Input CL} : 5 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Input file: VS03L.FIXWT, Output file: J1626-29.FITS #--------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : FITTP {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : {Input SN} : {Output SN} : {Output CL} : {Comments} : Input file: VS03L.FITS, Output file: FITS:J1626-29.FITS #--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 6 : Difmap data reduction notes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Phase Selfcal applied? (yes/no)} : y {Global Amplitude Selfcal applied? (yes/no)} : y {Amplitude Selfcal applied on non-global timescales? (yes/no)} : n {Modelfit made and saved using the vs_final_mod macro? (yes/no)} : y {Image made and saved using the vs_final_img macro? (yes/no)} : y {Comments on Difmap processing. Include the global amplitude offsets that were applied if gscal was used} : Ran uvaver 30,true (averaged over 30 seconds and redo the weights). Cleaning/Phase self-cal: Cleaned out central component, then ran UV taper (0.5 at 100Mlambda), to bring up the short-spacing flux, then removed UVtaper. Made a map without amplitude self-cal, then continued on with amplitude self-cal. I think I believe the map with amp self-cal more, since the gscale corrections did not seem to be too unreasonable. Cleaning/Phase+Amp self-cal: Gscale corrections: IF 1: HARTRAO 0.90 HOBART 1.17 SESHAN25 1.06 VSOP_SC 0.89. IF 2: HARTRAO 0.88 HOBART 1.21 SESHAN25 1.11 VSOP_SC 0.88. Corrections after Gscale were small. Used a very large solint for further amp+phase self-cal since there was only the minimum of 4 antennas to constrain the amp self-cal. Only two iterations of amp+phase self-cal were made. Final residual map had an RMS of 1.6 mJy. Final image: Source was resolved out with clean components along an East-West axis. Core was 0.479Jy/beam. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not delete or alter anything past this line {VSOP Survey Checklist and Worksheet version} : 0.3 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------