! ! Calibration Information file, to be used with the ANTAB program ! Created by L Mosoni for vs04w, 000925 ! ! References for gain curves: ! for Seshan25, Hobart ! http://www.vsop.isas.ac.jp/obs/GRTcal.html (nominal values) ! file nominal_gain_C.cal !******************************************* ! Hobart 26m telescope at 6cm ! nominal SEFD value for 5GHz = 1200 Jy ! DPFU = Tsys/SEFD = Tsys/1200 ! Approximate value for DPFU should be about 0.1 GAIN HOBART ALTAZ DPFU = 0.1, 0.1 POLY = 1.000 / !******************************************* !******************************************* ! Seshan25 (Shanghai) at 6cm ! (970318) ! GAIN SESHAN25 ALTAZ DPFU=0.10,0.10 POLY=8.833E-01,9.150E-03,-2.971E-04,5.279E-06,-3.501E-08 / !******************************************* !******************************************* ! C-band data from July 18 (Cas-A; 2 pointing scans): ! peak gain = 0.0064 K/Jy ! uncorrected pointing error = ~6' ! measured beam FWHM = ~31.3' (assumed circ. Gauss.) ! pointing loss gain factor = 0.90 !GAIN GZ DPFU=(0.0064*0.90) FREQ=4700,5000 ALTAZ POLY=1.0 / !GAIN NZ DPFU=(0.0064*0.90) FREQ=4700,5000 ALTAZ POLY=1.0 / !GAIN RZ DPFU=(0.0064*0.90) FREQ=4700,5000 ALTAZ POLY=1.0 / !GAIN TZ DPFU=(0.0064*0.90) FREQ=4700,5000 ALTAZ POLY=1.0 / !GAIN UZ DPFU=(0.0064*0.90) FREQ=4700,5000 ALTAZ POLY=1.0 / !GAIN HALCA DPFU=(0.0064*0.90) FREQ=4700,5000 ALTAZ POLY=1.0 / GAIN VSOP_SC DPFU=0.0058, 0.0058 FREQ=4700,5000 ALTAZ POLY=1.0 / !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! HOBART Tsys: extracted & reformatted from VS04w.tsys file ! provided at U of Calgary ftp area ! ! values are in general ~3 times higher than used to be ! with a lot of editing of highly unrealistic values ! (IF2 was supposed to be in the second row for each epoch) ! These values are replaced with a flat Tsys=330 K ! (see e.g. vs03l, v047l for realistic Hobart data) ! TSYS HOBART FT=1.0 TIMEOFF=0.0 INDEX= 'L1', 'L2' / 176 13:00:00 330.0 330.0 176 13:30:00 330.0 330.0 176 14:00:00 330.0 330.0 176 14:30:00 330.0 330.0 176 15:00:00 330.0 330.0 176 15:30:00 330.0 330.0 176 16:00:00 330.0 330.0 176 16:30:00 330.0 330.0 176 17:00:00 330.0 330.0 176 17:30:00 330.0 330.0 176 18:00:00 330.0 330.0 176 18:30:00 330.0 330.0 176 19:00:00 330.0 330.0 176 19:30:00 330.0 330.0 176 20:00:00 330.0 330.0 176 20:30:00 330.0 330.0 176 21:00:00 330.0 330.0 176 21:30:00 330.0 330.0 176 22:00:00 330.0 330.0 / !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SESHAN25 Tsys: extracted & reformatted from VS04w.tsys file ! provided at U of Calgary ftp area ! TSYS SESHAN25 FT=1.0 TIMEOFF=0.0 INDEX= 'L1', 'L2' / 176 13:00:06 59.4 60.5 176 14:00:07 153.7 167.7 176 14:07:31 149.6 161.6 176 14:07:50 150.4 162.0 176 15:00:07 129.8 139.6 176 16:00:07 119.8 127.4 176 17:00:07 116.3 124.4 176 18:00:26 113.0 121.8 176 19:00:06 110.6 118.3 176 20:00:06 113.2 121.1 176 21:00:06 111.7 119.1 / !--------------------------------------- !The tracking passes are as follows: ! ! 'GBANK_TS' 1998-176-11:45:13 --> 1998-176-15:45:36 ! 'TDBIN_TS' 1998-176-18:10:00 --> 1998-176-21:34:50 ! !...and periods of downlink loss are as follows: ! ! 176-15:44:01.030 -> 176-18:12:49.000 !--------------------------------------------------- ! HALCA Tsys was not available, "guess" values were used instead ! with slightly higher value for IF2 (as often seen earlier) ! TSYS VSOP_SC TIMEOFF=0.0 FT=1.0 INDEX='L1','L2' / 176 11:30:00 96.0 102.0 176 12:00:00 96.0 102.0 176 12:30:00 96.0 102.0 176 13:00:00 96.0 102.0 176 13:30:00 96.0 102.0 176 14:00:00 96.0 102.0 176 14:30:00 96.0 102.0 176 15:00:00 96.0 102.0 176 15:30:00 96.0 102.0 176 16:00:00 96.0 102.0 176 18:00:00 96.0 102.0 176 18:30:00 96.0 102.0 176 19:00:00 96.0 102.0 176 19:30:00 96.0 102.0 176 20:00:00 96.0 102.0 176 20:30:00 96.0 102.0 176 21:00:00 96.0 102.0 176 21:30:00 96.0 102.0 176 22:00:00 96.0 102.0 /