# # Template Checklist and Worksheet for reduction of VSOP Survey data. # (http://halca.vsop.isas.ac.jp/survey/template_checklist.txt) # # Version 0.3 - J. Lovell 14-Apr-1999 # # NOTE: Copy this file to your data reduction outputs directory (e.g # /something/vs05a_jones) and name it "checklist.txt" # # Comments are given on lines beginning with a # and questions are # enclosed in {}'s. # Please enter responses after the colons. # Multiple-line responses are OK. # Yes/No questions may be answered with "yes", "no", "Y", "N", "y" or "n" # An example of a completed Checklist is given in # http://halca.vsop.isas.ac.jp/survey/checklist_eg.txt # # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 1 : General Information #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Experiment code} : VS05h {Your family name} : Fomalont {Your given name} : Ed {The date you prepared this document (format is day-month-year, e.g 23-04-1999)} : 07-08-1999 {The name of the survey source that was observed} : J1058-80 {The name of the calibration source(s) observed} : None {The year the experiment took place (e.g. 1998)} : 1998 {The starting day number of the experiment} : 72 {List the GRTs that observed} : Hart (Mopra and Hobart not available?) {List the tracking stations that took part} : TZ and GZ (not available?) {Which correlator was used to correlate the data? (Mitaka/Penticton/Socorro)} : Penticton {AIPS Version used (e.g 15OCT98)} : 15OCT99 {Difmap Version used (e.g 2.3c)} : 2.3c {Was vsop_difmap used? (yes/no)} : yes {Abstract. Write a brief summary of the data reduction and its outcomes} : Strong fringes were easily found between Hart and HALCA. But, Mopra and Hobart data were not available. Checking on this. Also, GZ between 18:00 and 20:40 not available. TZ track from 22:12 to 01:00 was okay. Unless another ground telescope can be found, this observations should be rescheduled. Correlated flux density is about 0.7 Jy and this source becomes stronger at longer spacings!! Maybe a calibration problem or just caused by a fortuitous position angle at long spacings. ACCOR did not work for some reason. This might have helped possible amplitude problem. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 2 : Pre-AIPS Checklist #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- {PI letter retrieved (yes/no)} : no {Data quality reports and plots retrieved? (yes/no)} : yes {Pre-launch 5GHz survey data retrieved? (yes/no)} : no {Light-curve data retrieved? (yes/no)} : no # Input files for INDXR, ANTAB and UVFLG {Has a INDXR input file (INDXR.TXT) been created? (yes/no)} : n {Has a ANTAB input file (ANTAB.TXT) been created? (yes/no)} : y {Has a UVFLG input file (UVFLG.TXT) been created? (yes/no)} : n {Any comments on Pre-AIPS file preparation?} : No light-curve data available for this source. No INDXR.TXT needed as there were no gain jumps during this experiment. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 3 : AIPS Output File Checklist # # Names of expected output file names are contained in square brackets. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- {PRTAN [PRTAN.LIS] (yes/no)} : y {LISTR (optyp = 'SCAN') [LISTR.LIS] (yes/no)} : y {DTSUM (aparm = 0) [DTSUM_0.LIS] (yes/no)} : n {DTSUM (aparm = 1) [DTSUM_1.LIS] (yes/no)} : n {UVPLT (u vs v) [UVPLT_UV.PS] (yes/no)} : y {UVPLT ((u,v) distance vs time) [UVPLT_UVD.PS] (yes/no)} : y {UVPLT ((u,v) position angle vs time). [UVPLT_UVPA.PS] (yes/no)} : y {VPLOT antenna weights vs time (after adjustment) [WEIGHTS.PS] (yes/no)} : n ACCOR SNPLT (amplitude), {IF 1 [SN_ACCOR_1.PS] (yes/no)} : n {IF 2 [SN_ACCOR_2.PS] (yes/no)} : n APCAL SNPLT (amplitude), {IF 1 [SN_APCAL_1.PS] (yes/no)} : y {IF 2 [SN_APCAL_2.PS] (yes/no)} : y # FRING SNPLT (delay, rate, SNR), as many as necessary to document the # clear discovery of fringes at all antennas, numbered with "nn" for # both IFs. Do NOT include the final SN table as it is plotted later. # # Format is SN_FRINGnn_DEL_i.PS, SN_FRINGnn_RAT_i.PS, # SN_FRINGnn_SNR_i.PS for delay, rate and SNR plots respectively, # where "i" is the IF number (1 or 2). {Number of times preliminary FRING solutions were plotted (i.e maximum value of nn)} : 3 {Post-FRING CALIB SNPLT, Phase: IF 1 [SN_CALIB_PHA_1] (yes/no)} : y {IF 2 [SN_CALIB_PHA_2] (yes/no)} : y {Delay: IF 1 [SN_CALIB_DEL_1] (yes/no)} : y {IF 2 [SN_CALIB_DEL_2] (yes/no)} : y {Rate: IF 1 [SN_CALIB_RAT_1] (yes/no)} : y {IF 2 [SN_CALIB_RAT_2] (yes/no)} : y {SNR: IF 1 [SN_CALIB_SNR_1] (yes/no)} : y {IF 2 [SN_CALIB_SNR_2] (yes/no)} : y {Post-calibration VPLOT (amp and phase, with channel averaging) IF 1 [VPLOT_AP_1.PS] (yes/no)} : y {IF 2 [VPLOT_AP_1.PS] (yes/no)} : y {Post-calibration POSSM (amplitude and phase, at least one 5 to 10 min integration spectrum per tracking pass, indexed with nn = 01, 02, 03, ...), IF 1 [POSSMnn_AP_1.PS] (yes/no)} : n {IF 2 [POSSMnn_AP_2.PS] (yes/no)} : n {Output TASAV FITS file (containing all 'multisource' cal tables) [VSxxx__TASAV.FITS] (yes/no)} : n {Calibrated and spectrally averaged FITS data files (one for each source), [J1050-80_EFOMALONT_AIPS.FITS] (yes/no)} : y #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 4 : Supplementary files # # Were any files created, other than those listed, to document the data # reduction? If so, please list them below using as many (File, Description) # groups as required. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- {File} : SN_CALIB_DEL {Description} : Final Delay calibration used (after editting). Used Boxcar with 18-min averaging in CLCAL. #--------------------------------------------------------- {File} : SN_CALIB_RAT {Description} : Final rate calibration used (after editting). Used Boxcar with 18-min averaging in CLCAL. #--------------------------------------------------------- {File} : SN_CALIB_PHA_1-2 {Description} : Phase difference between IF 2 and IF 1 with 30 second solution interval, used to make final data set. #--------------------------------------------------------- {File} : UVPLOT_CALIB {Description} : Calibrated u-v plot. 5-min averaging with both IF's included. This is about all one can obtain from this one space baseline. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 5 : AIPS data-reduction notes # # The format is as follows: # # Task : the name of the task that is run or other operation performed # ADVERBs : a list of the relevant non-default adverbs # Input CL : the input calibration table used (if any) in running the task # Input SN : the SN table that was used (if any) # Output SN : the SN table produced (if any) # Output CL : the CL table produced or modified (if any) # Comments: any comments on the results of the operation # # Use as many of the (Task, ADVERBs, Comments, Input CL, Input SN, # Output SN, Output CL) groups as required. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : KRING {ADVERBs} {Input cal} : docalib = 1 gainuse = 1 dofit = 0 solmode = 'SBD' bparm = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0 cparm = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1 antwt = 0 {Input TIMER}: 0 22 31 0 0 22 38 0 {Input CL} : 2 {Input SN} : {Output SN} : 1 {Output CL} : {Comments} : Ran a solution of FITLD data base (256 channels, 0.5 sec sample) to confirm DQA1 gross delay and rate. Picked one 7-min times range. #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : SNCOR {ADVERBs} {Opcode} : OPCODE = 'CPSN' {In/out SN} : SNVER = 2 {Input IF} : SNCORPRM = 1, 0 {Task} : CLCOR {ADVERBs} : OPCODE = 'CPSN' {Comments} : After copying SN1 to SN2, this task duplicated the Delay, Phase and Rate in IF2. Most important, the rate is scaled with frequency. This is important in order to look for phase differences between IF's. Otherwise, an IF-different rate is added to the phase difference. The values used in SN2 were: IF1 IF2 Delay 1773 1773 nsec Rate -1.839 -1.845 mHz (same number in ps/s) #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : CLCAL {ADVERBs} {Interpol} : INTERPOL = 'BOX' {Input CL} : GAINVER = 1 {Output CL} : GAINUSE = 2 {Input SN} : SNVER = 2 {Ref ant} : REFANT = 1 {Comments} : This CLCAL simply put in the constant delay, rate and phase found from KRING: #-------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : SPLAT {ADVERBs} : {Task} : ANTAB {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : GAINUSE = 2 {APARM} : APARM = 3, 0.5, 0 {Avg Chan} : CHANNEL = 16 {Time avg} : SOLINT 2 {Comments} : This task makes a multisource file, using CL=2 which contains the gross rate and delay offset). The data were averaged into 16 channels, averaged to 2-seconds. This is the data base that is worked on below. ANTAB and APCAL were trivially run to make SN1 which was CLCAL'ed to make CL2 #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : KRING {ADVERBs} : : docalib = 1 : gainuse = 2 : solint = 1 : bparm(5) = 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1 : cparm = 0, 0, 0, 500, 50, 0.1, 0.1 : antwt = 0 {Input CL} : 2 {Output SN} : 2 {Comments} : One minute solutions were made since the source was strong and the coherence time seemed shorter than 5 minutes. Most of the time stamps had good solutions #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : SNEDT {ADVERBs} : INVERS = 2 : DODELAY = 1 : OUTVERS = 3 {Comments} : An new interactive program to flag out bad delay and rate solutions. #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : SNCOR {ADVERBs} : : OPCODE = 'CPSN' : SNVER = 4 {Comments} : To make delays and rates equal in two IF's. #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : SNCOR {ADVERBs} : : OPCODE = ZPHS' : SNVER = 4 {Comments} : To zero phase corrections. This is needed to try to keep the IF phases constant. (You'll see later). But, in order to unflag the data in the SNTABLE which was flagged, the following steps were made. (1) TBOUT to make output SN table (2) Simple program to remove negative weight entries (3) TBIN to put the SN table back into AIPS. SNVER = 5 #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : CLCAL {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : 2 {Input SN} : 5 {Output CL} : 3 {Comments} : This is now calibrated data with the rates and delays near zero and the phase difference almost constant. These graphs are shown below #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : SPLIT {ADVERBs} : {Input CL} : 3 {Spc avg} : APARM = 2, 2, 0 {Comments} : Average all channels together with calibration #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : UVAVG {ADVERBs} : {In time} : ZINC = 2 {Out time} : YINC = 30 {Comments} : Average data to 30-seconds #--------------------------------------------------------- {Task} : CALIB {Sol inter} : SOLINT = 0.5 {APARM} : APARM (1) 2; APARM(7) = 0.1 {Soltype} : SOLMODE = 'P' {Comments} : Phase calibration with 30-sec interval. Since there are only two telescopes, DIFMAP could not do this. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 6 : Difmap data reduction notes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Phase Selfcal applied? (yes/no)} : n {Global Amplitude Selfcal applied? (yes/no)} : n {Amplitude Selfcal applied on non-global timescales? (yes/no)} : n {Modelfit made and saved using the vs_final_mod macro? (yes/no)} : n {Image made and saved using the vs_final_img macro? (yes/no)} : n {Comments on Difmap processing. Since only one baseline is available, all processing, including the final phase self-calibration, was done in AIPS. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not delete or alter anything past this line {VSOP Survey Checklist and Worksheet version} : 0.3 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------