From Tue Mar 13 23:57:38 2001 From: VLBI Operator To: VSOG cc: VLBI Operator , Glen Langston - GREEN BANK GRT , Kenta Fujisawa - USUDA GRT , Kevin Miller , Corrado Trigilio - NOTO GRT , Huang Xinyong - SHANGHAI GRT , VLBI Friend Account , John Reynolds , Torun GRT , University of Tasmania VLBI Account , Bill Scott - UofC Subject: Exp. VS09p PI Letter ========================================================================== PI INFORMATION LETTER FROM PENTICTON S2 CORRELATOR FOR EXPERIMENT VS09p ========================================================================== PI: The VSOP Survey Program, Hirabayashi Lab. Address: Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8510 JAPAN Phone: 81-427-59-8340 EMAIL: Fax: 81-427-59-8340 Dear VSOG: This letter is to inform you of some of the details of the correlation and analysis of your experiment 'VS09p'. Your contact person at the correlator is: Rob Shanks Tel: (250) 493-2277 Fax: (250) 493-7767 email: and is the person who correlated your experiment. You can also contact the University of Calgary Radio Astronomy Lab for assistance with data reduction and imaging using AIPS and DIFMAP. The data package that we are sending you contains this letter and the FITS data tape in the format requested in the VS09p.sum file. Additionally, there are a number of files on the University of Calgary ftp server that will be of interest to you. All files are available via anonymous ftp, with the exception of the .dqa1 and .gz files, which are restricted access only. These files include: VS09p_DQA1.txt -- ASCII *summary* file of single baseline fringe search results. VS09p.dqa1 -- ASCII file of single baseline fringe search results. -- postscript plot of experiment station playback times. -- gzipped postscript file of plots of single baseline fringe search results. This includes plots of phase cal extracted at the correlator and available in your FITS data. VS09p.log -- log file generated by the correlator. VS09p.comments -- comments extracted from station log files. VS09p.tsys -- Tsys data extracted from station log files. This is not formatted to read into AIPS but is provided as auxillary information if Tsys files are not otherwise available. In addition, since this is Space VLBI data there may be times when delay discontinuities occur on space baselines (VSOP_SC) -- due to tracking station handovers and 'clock setting events' at individual tracking stations resulting from momentary loss of downlink lock. These will show up as glitches or delay jumps in the VSOP_SC phase cal data and in the fringe fits results. For convenience, all times across which fringe fitting should not be done are at the end of this file in a format ready to be read in by AIPS' INDXR. The tracking passes are as follows: 'GBANK_TS' 2000-343-13:19:26 --> 2000-343-15:55:27 'MADRD_TS' 2000-343-15:58:01 --> 2000-343-17:38:34 'TDBIN_TS' 2000-343-10:16:27 --> 2000-343-12:16:59 ...and periods of downlink loss are as follows: 343-10:39:42.910 -> 343-10:40:09.400 343-11:08:07.910 -> 343-11:08:36.400 343-11:15:13.410 -> 343-11:15:53.400 343-12:14:38.910 -> 343-13:21:26.000 343-15:54:58.230 -> 343-16:01:24.000 You will have approximately 3 weeks from today (Mon Mar 12 11:58:57 PST 2001) to look at the data and request recorrelation if there is a problem. Recorrelation requests will only be *considered* if the data is bad and it can be traced to the correlator or if there is a valid scientific reason (such as a change of correlation parameters or change of source coordinates). PLEASE LOOK AT THE DATA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SINCE YOUR FEEDBACK TO THE MISSION IS IMPORTANT. Please contact the UofC RAL as soon as you are satisfied with the data so that re-cycling of VLBI tapes can occur with your input in a timely manner. If the data is bad or not scientifically acceptable due to problems at acquisition time, you must contact the VSOG to request re-observation of the radio source. If the data is good, then in accordance with mission policy, 18 months after it is released from the correlator, it will be available to any PI on a request basis. Good luck with your data! ================================= Correlator PR/Data analyst notes: ================================= Fringes found to all GRTs. Fringes to spacecraft detected as well. Ch2 from HartRAO was recorded with RCP and so was of no use but fringes were found in ch1. Fringes to Torun GRT could only be found in ch2. Ch1 appeared to be recorded with 2 level quantization but no fringes in ch1 could be found. Ch2 was recorded in 4 level quantization. Torun experienced difficulty TRACKing during most of job. This makes Data Valid low for Torun baselines. Very high error rates on some tapes from NT,TR and SH caused certain tapes to be dropped during correlation. Tapes affected include: From SH, tapes #3,7, sets SMV-MV-A0 and SHAO-MV-0930 From TR, tape #4, set CA-3-0079213 From NT, tape #4, set CA-3-0020407 Data Valid is low for baselines involving these stations. Data is probably still ok. Discontinuity in delay for VSOP baselines at about UTC 2000-343-11:00:00 tracking station involved was TZ. At this time drate also displays large slope. Your FITS tape(s) incl: 2 FITS files, 120067200 bytes total Participating GRTS: CD, HH, MP, NT, SH, TR ================== POINTS OF CONTACT: ================== ---Correlator--- Operations email: Operations Manager (Sean Dougherty): Tel: (250) 493-2277 (~16:00 to 24:00 UT) Fax: (250) 493-7767 Web: Anonymous ftp: /pub/vsop Address: Attn: Space VLBI Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics National Research Council of Canada White Lake Road (P.O. Box 248) Penticton, B.C. Canada V2A 6K3 ---University of Calgary RAL--- Bill Scott: Russ Taylor: Tel: (403) 220-7424 Fax: (403) 289-3331 Web: ftp: public directories: /pub/vsop/ restricted directories: /usr/home/vsopobs/vsop/ (contact Bill Scott for restricted access permissions) Address: Attn: Bill Scott/Russ Taylor Physics and Astronomy Department University of Calgary 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 ---The VSOG (VSOP Science Operations Group)--- email: S2 Scheduler: Ian Avruch ( Tel: +81-427-59-8346 (8am to 6pm JST) Fax: +81-427-69-8949 Web: (Web site contains schedule information, experiment status details, HALCA calibration data and data reduction info.) Address: ISAS, 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara Kanagawa 229, Japan ---AIPS/Data Reduction--- VSOP Data Reduction Exploder (VDR): -- for general help and exchange of information regarding VSOP data reduction. 'Designated AIP': -- for reporting bugs in AIPS. ! ! Start of Formatted entries for input to AIPS' INDXR. ! These epochs are times across which fringe fitting should not be done. ! They include all tracking station handovers and clock setting events. ! SUBARRAY = 1 / 343 10:39:42.910 343 11:08:07.910 343 11:15:13.410 343 12:14:38.910 343 15:54:58.230 /