Header listing for HDU #1: SIMPLE = T / conformity to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / possibility of presence of extensions FMTTYPE = 'HAYABUSA2 IMAGE ONC L2a' / type of format in FITS file FTYPEVER= '20210831' / version of FMTTYPE definition CNTTYPE = 'ONC-T FILTER 550nm NON SMEARCORRECTED' / type of data content CNTVER = '20210831' / version of data content ORIGIN = 'ISAS/JAXA' / organization responsible for the data DATE = '2021-08-31T03:03:40' / date of generation of this HDU in UTC TELESCOP= 'HAYABUSA2' / telescope used to acquire data SPCECRFT= 'HAYABUSA2' / name of spacecraft NEXTEND = 1 / number of standard extensions FILENAME= 'hyb2_onc_20180607_093013_tvf_l2a.fit' / original filename COMMENT COMMENT ****** HYB2 IMG DB Information ****** COMMENT P_REV = 0 / revision of this file IMGMOD = 'SCIENCE ' / image type: SCIENCE/NAVDUMP HISTORY Using ONC-L1a.cpp program compiled at Mar 29 2019 17:54:59 END Header listing for HDU #2: XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / type of extension BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 256 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 256 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / number of parameters per group GCOUNT = 1 / number of groups EXTNAME = 'ONC-LEVEL2a' / name of this HDU EXTVER = 1 / version of the extension ORIGIN = 'HAYABUSA2 ONC team' / organization responsible for the data DATE = '2021-08-31T03:03:40' / date of generation of this HDU in UTC DATE-BEG= '2018-06-07T09:30:13.721' / date of the start of observation in UTC DATE-OBS= '2018-06-07T09:30:13.764' / date of the middle of observation in UTC DATE-END= '2018-06-07T09:30:13.808' / date of the end of observation in UTC TELESCOP= 'HAYABUSA2' / telescope used to acquire data SPCECRFT= 'HAYABUSA2' / name of spacecraft INSTRUME= 'Optical Navigation Camera' / name of instrument OBJECT = 'RYUGU ' / name of observed object MSNPHASE= 'APPROACH' / mission phase OPETYPE = 'OpticalNavigation+LightCurve' / operation type BUNIT = 'DN ' / physcal units of the array values BUNITDU = 1.000000E+00 / quantity of this product for 1count@L2a DYNRNG = 4.096000E+03 / dynamic range@FOV center [BUNIT] DYNRNGLN= 3.100000E+03 / linearity range@FOV center [BUNIT] DATAMAX = 1753 / maximum data value DATAMIN = 302 / minimum data value MEAN = 309.746 / mean value of the data STDDEV = 15.979 / standard deviation of the data COMMENT COMMENT ******* ONC observation information ******* COMMENT NAIFNAME= 'HAYABUSA2_ONC-T' / SPICE instrument name NAIFID = -37100 / SPICE instrument ID XPOSURE = 0.08704 / Exposure time [sec] FILTER = 'NO.3: 550nm' / selected flter of ONC-T BANDCSEL= 5.489000E-01 / effective band center (selected) [um] BANDWSEL= 2.790000E-02 / effective band width (selected) [um] CCDTSEL = -2.898000E+01 / CCD temperature (selected) [degC] AETSEL = 2.570000E+00 / ONC-AE temperature (same as ONC_AET) [degC] ELETSEL = -9.890000E+00 / electric circuit temperature (selected) [degC] NSUBIMG = 1 / number of subimage COMMENT ****** ONC_STATUS of Sub image No. 0 ***** TI0 = '0x2D59A238' / spacecraft clock count [1/32 sec] AE_MODE0= 'SHOT ' / ONC-AE mode STDBY/SHOT OD_SEL0 = 'DE ' / ONC-E/DE sel T_DRVS0 = 'ON ' / ONC-T DRV ON/OFF status T_SEL0 = 'ON ' / ONC-T SEL status T_EXP0 = 0.08704 / ONC-T exposure time [sec] FILTER0 = 'NO.3: 550nm' / ONC-T filter name FFLAST0 = 'OFF ' / flatfield lamp A status FFLBST0 = 'OFF ' / flatfield lamp B status W1_DRVS0= 'OFF ' / ONC-W1 DRV ON/OFF status W1_SEL0 = 'OFF ' / ONC-W1 SEL status W1_EXP0 = 0. / ONC-W1 exposure time [sec] FLSTAT0 = 'DISABLE ' / flash lamp status W2_DRVS0= 'OFF ' / ONC-W2 DRV ON/OFF status W2_SEL0 = 'OFF ' / ONC-W2 SEL status W2_EXP0 = 0. / ONC-W2 exposure time [sec] FWD_TEC0= 0 / FWD time out error count FWD_NUL0= 'T ' / FWD null position flag: T/F FWD_PST0= 'OFF ' / ONC filterwheel position sensor status ON/OFF FWD_RST0= 'NON ' / FWD RESET status: NON/RESET FWD_DRV0= 'STOP ' / FWD DRV status: STOP/RUN FWD_SCE0= 0 / FWD counter error CNT FWD_SC0 = '0x0000 ' / FWD step counter COMMENT ********* Misc. INFO ************ NPIXBIN = 1 / binning pixel: 1 (NON BINNING) 2 4 8 ROI_LLX = 385 / x of lower left of ROI in detector coord. ROI_LLY = 385 / y of lower left of ROI in detector coord. ROI_URX = 640 / x of upper right of ROI in detector coord. ROI_URY = 640 / y of upper right of ROI in detector coord. L0FILE = '00663_20180607093018_00012D59A2C2.img' / filename of raw image in L0 COMMENT COMMENT ******* HAYABUSA2 Onbord Image Processing Information ******* COMMENT IMGCMPRV= 'LOSSLESS' / image compression style: NOTCOMP/LOSSLES/LOSS IMGCMPAL= 'STARPIXEL' / image compression type: NOTCOMP/STARPIXEL IMGCMPPR= '0x30 ' / Image compression parameter IMGPRCST= 'NORMAL END' / Image processing err log: NORMAL END/ERR INFO COMMENT COMMENT ******* HAYABUSA2 Spacecraft Clock Information ******* COMMENT SCCL-BEG= '2/0760848952' / HAYABUSA2 S/C clock start count SCCL-END= '2/0760848952' / HAYABUSA2 S/C clock end count COMMENT COMMENT ******* HAYABUSA2 Image Processing Information ******* COMMENT BITDEPTH= 12 / bit pixel depth actually used 12/10/8 SMEARCR = 'NON ' / smear correction (L2B) : NON/ONBOARD/GROUND BIASCR = 'NON ' / bias correction (L2B) : NON/ONBOARD/GROUND DARKCR = 'F ' / dark correction (L2B) : T/F NLINERCR= 'F ' / non-linearyty correction (L2B) : T/F FLATCR = 'F ' / flat correction (L2B): T/F STRLCR = 'F ' / stray light correction (L2B): T/F ELCRCFN = 'N/A ' / electric circuit correct. file (L2B) LINCRCFN= 'N/A ' / non-linearity correct. file (L2B) FLATCFN = 'N/A ' / flatfield parameter set file (L2B) FLATFN = 'N/A ' / flatfield file (L2B) FLATTDFN= 'N/A ' / flatfield T-dep. file (L2B) STRLPFN1= 'NON ' / stray light pattern_file 1 (L2B) STRLPFN2= 'NON ' / stray light pattern_file 2 (L2B) STRLPFN3= 'NON ' / stray light pattern_file 3 (L2B) DISTCR = 'F ' / distortion correction (L2C): T/F AOFFSET = 'F ' / alignment offset correc. (L2C): T/F RADCONV = 'F ' / conversion to radiance (L2C) : T/F DISTCFN = 'N/A ' / distortion correction file name (L2C) RADCCFN = 'N/A ' / radiometric calibration file (L2C) CCDTDCFN= 'N/A ' / ccd T-dep. correct. file (L2C) SENSSEL = 0.000000E+00 / sensitivity (L2C)[(counts/sec)/(W/m2/um/str)] SCALPRD = 0 / sensitivity cal. period : 1-TD1-2-TD2-3 SCALDAY = 4E+01 / time from the start of cal. period [day] SOLDISCR= 'F ' / solar distance correction (L2D): T/F SOLDCAL = 0.000000E+00 / solar distance used for calibration (L2D) [au] SOLIRRAD= 0.000000E+00 / effective solar irradiance@1AU (L2D) [W/m2/um] PHOTOCR = 'F ' / photometric correction (L2E): T/F PHOTOCFN= 'N/A ' / phase function file name (L2E) COMMENT COMMENT ******* Version Information of FITS Keyword Dictionary ******* COMMENT DICVER = '2018-01-28' / version of common keyword dictionary for HYB2 HISTORY HISTORY OPERATOR: Manabu YAMADA HISTORY DATE: 2019-10-15T06:46:59 HISTORY TASK: Generate FITS file. ONC Image Header Conversion. HISTORY SOFT: $RCSfile:$ $Revision:$ program HISTORY compiled at Mar 29 2019 17:54:59 COMMENT COMMENT ****** ONC House Keeping Data ****** COMMENT BUS_V = 49.28 / bus line voltage [V] ONC_I = 0.52 / ONC current value [A] FLAC_I = 0.00 / FLA-C current value [A] ONC_AET = 2.57 / ONC-AE temperature [degC] T_OPTT = 20.86 / ONC-T optics temperature [degC] T_CCDT = -28.98 / ONC-T CCD temperature [degC] T_ELET = -9.89 / ONC-T electric circuit temperature [degC] W1_OPTT = 0.99 / ONC-W1 optics temperature [degC] W1_CCDT = -25.15 / ONC-W1 CCD temperature [degC] W1_ELET = -8.30 / ONC-W1 electric circuit temperature [degC] W2_OPTT = 1.31 / ONC-W2 optics temperature [degC] W2_CCDT = -24.84 / ONC-W2 CCD temperature [degC] W2_ELET = -5.16 / ONC-W2 electric circuit temperature [degC] FLAC_T = -7.46 / FLA-C temperature [degC] COMMENT COMMENT ****** HYB2 Geometry Information at observation ****** COMMENT S_DISTHR= 2098.06 / distance between HYB2 and Ryugu [km] S_DISTHE= 2.84078D+08 / distance between HYB2 and Earth [km] S_DISTHS= 1.44219D+08 / distance between HYB2 and Sun [km] S_DISTRS= 1.44221D+08 / distance between Ryugu and Sun [km] S_TGRADI= 0.4325 / Ryugu radius at the equator [km] S_APPDIA= 0.0236222 / apparent diameter of Ryugu [deg] S_IFOV = 0.0001074 / instantaneous field of view [rad] S_SOLLAT= -4.42443 / sub solar latitude [deg] of Ryugu S_SOLLON= 71.6115 / sub solar longitude [deg] of Ryugu S_SSCLAT= -2.92312 / HYB2 sub S/C latitude [deg] of Ryugu S_SSCLON= 83.6522 / HYB2 sub S/C longitude [deg] of Ryugu S_SSCLT = 12.8027 / HYB2 sub S/C local time [h] of Ryugu S_SCPJ2X= -4.65589D+07 / S/C X position from the Sun in J2000 [km] S_SCPJ2Y= 1.28538D+08 / S/C Y position from the Sun in J2000 [km] S_SCPJ2Z= 4.59339D+07 / S/C Z position from the Sun in J2000 [km] COMMENT COMMENT ****** RA/DEC Information at observation ****** COMMENT S_RA = 97.2385 / RA of image center (J2000) [deg] S_DEC = 20.7919 / DEC of image center (J2000) [deg] S_RA1 = 96.4304 / RA of bottom-left corner of image [deg] S_DEC1 = 19.9686 / DEC of bottom-left corner of image [deg] S_RA2 = 98.1128 / RA of bottom-right corner of image [deg] S_DEC2 = 20.0301 / DEC of bottom-right corner of image [deg] S_RA3 = 96.3554 / RA of top-left corner of image [deg] S_DEC3 = 21.5492 / DEC of top-left corner of image [deg] S_RA4 = 98.0555 / RA of top-right corner of image [deg] S_DEC4 = 21.6114 / DEC of top-right corner of image [deg] COMMENT COMMENT ****** S/C ATT Information at observation ****** COMMENT S_SCXSAN= 78.13 / angle of S/C X axis and sun direction [deg] S_SCYSAN= 87.92 / angle of S/C Y axis and sun direction [deg] S_SCZSAN= 12.05 / angle of S/C Z axis and sun direction [deg] S_SCPHAN= 1.425658E+01 / angle of S/C twisting phi [deg] S_SCGMAN= -1.000699E+01 / angle of S/C twisting gamma [deg] S_SLFLG = 'F ' / stray light flag for ONC-T: T/F COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT ****** BEGIN SPICE KERNELS ******** COMMENT pck00010.tpc, hyb2_ryugu_SHAPE_v20180829.tpc, hyb2_onc_v04.ti, COMMENT naif0012.tls, hyb2_v13.tf, hyb2_ryugu_v01.tf, hyb2_hp_v01.tf, COMMENT hyb2_latest_v01.tsc, de430.bsp, 2162173_Ryugu.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180307.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180314.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180320.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180328.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180404.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180411.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180418.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180425.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180502.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180509.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180516.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180523.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180530.oem.bsp, COMMENT hyb2_earth_to_asteroid_20180606.oem.bsp, COMMENT eph-ryugu_approach_od_v20180831T190158.bsp, COMMENT eph-hyb2_approach_od_v20180811T114238.bsp, hyb2_hkattrpt_2018_v02.bc, COMMENT hyb2_aocsc_2018_v02.bc COMMENT ****** END SPICE KERNELS ********** COMMENT HISTORY HISTORY OPERATOR: Manabu YAMADA HISTORY DATE: 2020-11-02T09:02:04 HISTORY TASK: Update FITS file with HK data and ancillary data. HISTORY SOFT: $RCSfile:$ $Revision:$ program HISTORY compiled at Sep 25 2020 15:54:29 COMMENT COMMENT ****** Spice kernels used to calculate values for keyword S_* ****** COMMENT S_PCK = 'PLEASE SEE SPICE KERNELS IN COMMENT' / spice pck kernel S_LSK = 'PLEASE SEE SPICE KERNELS IN COMMENT' / spice lsk kernel S_IK = 'PLEASE SEE SPICE KERNELS IN COMMENT' / spice ik kernel S_SPK = 'PLEASE SEE SPICE KERNELS IN COMMENT' / spice spk kernel S_FK = 'PLEASE SEE SPICE KERNELS IN COMMENT' / spice fk kernel S_SCLK = 'PLEASE SEE SPICE KERNELS IN COMMENT' / spice sclk kernel S_CK = 'PLEASE SEE SPICE KERNELS IN COMMENT' / spice ck kernel COMMENT COMMENT ****** Information related to backplanes such as i, e, g, lon., lat. * COMMENT ***** COMMENT M_FCLAT = -1.000000E+00 / lat. of Ryugu at FOV center [deg] M_FCLON = -1.000000E+00 / long. of Ryugu at FOV center [deg] M_FCDIST= -1.000000E+00 / distance to Ryugu at FOV center [m] M_FCRES = -1.000000E+00 / spatial resolution at FOV center [m/pixel] M_4CNLAT= '{null, null, null, null} ' / lat. of Ryugu at FOV corners [deg] M_4CNLON= '{null, null, null, null} ' / lon. of Ryugu at FOV corners [deg] M_VER = 'N/A ' / version of backplane data M_MKERN1= 'N/A ' / spice meta kernel file 1 for backplane M_MKERN2= 'N/A ' / spice meta kernel file 2 for backplane M_MKERN3= 'N/A ' / spice meta kernel file 3 for backplane M_DSK = 'N/A ' / shape model file for backplane M_BPFIL = 'N/A ' / backplane file HISTORY HISTORY OPERATOR: ONC Team HISTORY DATE: 2021-08-31T03:03:40 HISTORY TASK: ./ONC_l2aupdate HISTORY SOFTWARE: ./ONC_l2aupdate END