HAYABUSA2 Optical Navigation Camera (ONC) provisional Product Data Set, Version 03c (released on Oct. 1, 2021) JAXA, Hayabusa2 ONC teams --- Contents and Release Dates--- Version 03c (Sep. 28, 2021) Raw and calibrated images (l2a, l2b and l2c) of Hayabusa2 ONCs obtained from the launch (Dec, 2014) to the departure from Ryugu (Nov, 2019) are released. The backplane data (l2dpc, only latitude and longitude are included) is also included for the images in the proximity phase. For selection of data set, please refer Eventlist.txt in the top directory. --- Important Notice on the Use of the Data--- Please note that this data set is in provisional format and will be replaced with new data in the PDS4 format soon. However latest calibration data in "Kouyama et al.(2021)", "Kameda et al.(2021)" and "Tatsumi et al.(2020)" are used in this product, except for the radiator stray light and hot pixel correction in "Tatsumi et al.(2019)". The quality is better than in "Sugita et al.(2019)"[5], "Watanabe et al.(2019)", and "Kitazato et al. (2019)". If you consider to publish your paper using this product, please cite "Sugita et al (2019)"[5] and this web site such as "http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/hayabusa2/onc_bundle", and other papers in "Reference" section below if necessary. --- Instrument Overview--- The optical navigation camera (ONC) system onboard the Hayabusa2 spacecraft consists of one telescopic camera (T) and two wide-angle cameras (W1 and W2). The ONC-T is a telescopic camera with seven band-pass filters in the visible and near-infrared range. These filters are placed on a wheel, which rotates to put a selected filter for different observations, enabling multi-band imaging. For details on preflight and onboard calibration, please see the "Reference" section. ---Definition of Product Level (updated on Nov. 19, 2019)--- Level Data Description Unit l2a Raw images in FITS format (16-bit integer) DN l2b Images after hardware correction and radiometric correction in FITS format (32-bit float) DN/s l2c Distortion corrected irradiance images in FITS format (32-bit float) W/m^2/um/str l2d I/F (or radiance factor) images in FITS format (32-bit float) non-dimensional(I/F) l2e Photometrically corrected reflectance images in FITS format (32-bit float) (in preparation) non-dimensional(reflectance) l3 Mosaicked global I/F or reflectance images in FITS format (32-bit float) (in preparation) non-dimensional(I/F or reflectance) ---File Naming Convention --- hyb2_onc_yymmdd_hhmmss_CBT_ldx(x).fit Symbols Meaning yymmdd_hhmmss Exposure start time in UTC. CB Camera type {w1, w2, t+band{u:ul, i:WIDE, v:v, w:w, x:x, n:Na, p:p, b:b }} T Image Type {f:mainframe(1024x1024), b:optical black(16x1024x2(on both sides)) ldx(x) Product level. e.g., l2a, l2b. Additional character describes minor version of the product such as l2dr, indicating l2d coregistrated among bands). ---Imaging Condition --- The details of the imaging condition are described in FITS header of each image file or an extracted FITS header in text format. ---Data Processing Tools --- Visualization: Please use visualization tools supporting FITS format, such as SAOImageDS9 or GIMP Analysis: Please use libraries supporting FITS format operations as listed below. C: CFITSIO, SFITSIO Python: astropy.io.fits ---Calibration --- Please see papers in "Reference" section. Flat fields is in calibration data directory . ---Definition of Mission Phases --- Name of mission phase Period EDVEGA (Electric Delta-V Earth Gravity Assist). From launch until Earth swing-by. Dec. 3, 2014 - Dec. 3, 2015 Transfer Dec. 3, 2015 - June, 2018 Approach June, 2018 - June 28, 2018 Proximity June 28, 2018 - Nov. 13, 2019 Return Nov. 13, 2019 - Oct. 21, 2020 Reentry Oct. 22, 2020 - Dec. 5, 2020 References--- On the detectability of hydrous minerals on Ryugu using ONC-T: [1] Kameda, S. et al. (2015), Detectability of hydrous minerals using ONC-T camera onboard the Hayabusa2 spacecraft, Advances in Space Research, Volume 56, Issue 7, p. 1519-1524 ] Preflight calibration of ONC-T: [2] Kameda, S. et al. (2 016), Preflight calibration test results for optical navigation camera telescope (ONC-T) onboard the Hayabusa2 spacecraft, Space Science Review, DOI 10.1007/s11 214-015-0227-y. Inflight calibration of ONC-T, W1, W2: [3] Suzuki, H. et al. (2018), Initial Inflight Calibration for Hayabusa2 Optical Navigation Camera (O NC) for Scientific Observations of Asteroid Ryugu, Icarus, Volume 300, p. 341-35 9. [4] Tatsumi, E. et al . (2019), Updated inflight calibration of Hayabusa2's optical navigation camera (ONC) for scientific observations during the cruise phase, Icarus, Volume 325, p . 153-195 Initial results on the Ryugu morphology and spectrum: [5] Sugita, S. et al. (201 9), The geomorphology, color, and thermal properties of Ryugu: Implications for parent-body processes, Science, Volume 263, Issue 6437, doi:10.1126/science.aaw0 422. Global photometric properties of (162173) Ryugu: [6] Tatsumi, E. et al, (2020), Global photometric properties of (162173) Ryugu, A&A, 639, A83, https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201937096 Improved method of hydrous mineral detection (update of flatfields): [7] Kameda, S. et al. (2021), Improved method of hydrous mineral detection by latitudinal distribution of 0.7-µm surface reflectance absorption on the asteroid Ryugu, Icarus, Volume 360, 114348, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114348 Post-arrival calibration of ONCs: [8] Kouyama, T., et al. (2021), Post-arrival calibration of Hayabusa2's optical navigation cameras (ONCs): Severe effects from touchdown events, Icarus, Volume 360, 114353, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114353 For visual overview of the ONC: Hayabusa2 Remote Sensing I nstruments (Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFh_pe3O_xM