Images and data used in the paper "Geologic History and Crater Morphology of Asteroid (162173) Ryugu" by Cho et al. (2021).


This archive is to publish the images and data of asteroid Ryugu presented in the paper "Geologic History and Crater Morphology of Asteroid (162173) Ryugu" by Cho et al. (2021) (under review).

1. ONC images

The ONC-T images used in this study are listed in the following. Other images publicly available as of May 2021 can be found at

General description of the ONC data can be found at

2. Tables

The tables presented in the paper are provided in the following as Microsoft Excel files.

3. Geologic unit definition file

The individual geologic units shown in Figure 1 are defined in the following regoin file. This file is compatible with the small body mapping tool.


This document was preparerd by Yuichiro Cho, the University of Tokyo ( on May 16, 2021.