!####################################################################### ! INCLUDE FILE --- Inc_Parameter.f --- ### !####################################################################### ! ### ! Parameters for SPH Calculation ### ! 2009/07/25 ### ! mod 2011/06/23 ### !####################################################################### module mod_parameter implicit none !==== File Names ======================================================= character(20), parameter :: FILE_INITIAL = 'initial.dat' ! Initial Data File !==== Parameters for Particle Number =================================== real(8), parameter :: FCTR_NB = 1.0d0 ! Factor of Array Size of Neighbor List real(8), parameter :: FCTR_NBG = 1.0d0 ! Factor of Array Size of Neighbor List for Gravity real(8), parameter :: FCTR_NODE = 2.0d0 ! Factor of Array Size of Node integer(4), parameter :: NB_STD = 64 ! # of Neighbor Particles (STD) integer(4), parameter :: NB_MAX = 64 ! # of Neighbor Particles (Max) integer(4), parameter :: NB_MIN = 64 ! # of Neighbor Particles (Min) !==== Number of Threads for OpenMP ===================================== integer(4), parameter :: N_TRD=16 !==== Parameters for Time ============================================== real(8), parameter :: TIME_END = 5.0d4 ! Time of End real(8), parameter :: CDT = 0.5d0 ! Coeff for Time Step !==== Parameters for Output ============================================ integer(4), parameter :: OUTP_NUM = 500 ! # of Output integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_DISP_TIME = 1 ! Display Time Step on Screen ! OFF ---> = 0 ! ON ---> = 1 !==== Output Flag Alert ================================================ integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_ALERT = 0 ! OFF ---> = 0 ! ON ---> = 1 !==== Physical Constants =============================================== real(8), parameter :: PAI = 3.141592654d0 ! pi real(8), parameter :: PAI_REV = 0.3183098861d0 ! 1/pi real(8), parameter :: GC = 6.6742d-11 ! Gravitational Constant ! real(8), parameter :: GC = 1.0d0 ! Gravitational Constant !==== Parameters for Viscosity (Lombardi et al. 1999 Eq.11) ============ real(8), parameter :: ETA_VIS2= 1.0d-2 ! Coeff eta**2 real(8), parameter :: ALP_VIS = 1.0d0 ! Coeff alpha real(8), parameter :: BET_VIS = 2.0d0 ! Coeff beta !==== Cut Off Density for Zero Pressure ================================ real(8), parameter :: D_CUT_OFF = 0.95d0 ! Set to 0.8-0.95 !==== Parameters for Ideal Gas ========================================= real(8), parameter :: GAMMA = 1.40d0 ! Specific Heat Ratio !==== Parameters for Wada EOS ========================================== integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_WADA_INI = 0 ! Use Wada Energy Table ! 1 --> ON ! 0 --> OFF character*30, parameter :: FILE_TABLE_WADA = 'ini_imp_tb.dat' ! File Name of Table ! Use this parameter when ! FLAG_WADA_INI = 1 !==== Parameter for Saumon EOS ========================================= integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_SAUMON_EOS = 0 ! Use Saumon EOS Table ! 1 --> ON (need "Saumon_EOS_d_u_table.dat) ! 0 --> OFF !==== Parameter for 5-Phase EOS ======================================== integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_5Phase_EOS = 0 ! Use 5-Phase EOS Table ! 1 --> ON (need "Table_5Phase_EOS.dat) ! 0 --> OFF !==== Parameters for Smoothing Length ================================== integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_H_MAX = 1 ! Set h_max ! = 0 ---> OFF (unlimited) ! = 1 ---> ON (set DENS_2H_LIM) real(8), parameter :: DENS_2H_LIM = 1.0d-12 ! Density for Max Smoothing Length integer(4), parameter :: N_MAX_H_ITE = 100 ! Max Number of Iterations for H !==== Parameters for Tree Method ======================================= real(8), parameter :: LENG_NODE_LIM = 1.0d0 ! Min Length of Node !==== Parameters for Relaxation of Planet ============================== integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_RELAX = 0 ! Flag for Relaxation ! = 0 ---> OFF ! = 1 ---> ON ! (set FLAG_SOLVE = 0) real(8), parameter :: CSV_RELAX = 0.1d0 ! Coeff of Sound Velocity for Max Velocity real(8), parameter :: VMAX_RELAX = 10.0d0 ! Actual Velocity for Max Velocity !==== Parameters for Calculating Gravity =============================== integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_GRAV = 2 ! Calc Method for Gravity ! = 0 ---> No Gravity ! = 1 ---> Direct Method ! = 2 ---> Tree Method integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_hg_CONST = 1 ! Variable Smoothing Length ! = 0 ---> OFF (constant h) ! = 1 ---> ON real(8), parameter :: THETA_GRAV2 = 0.5d0**2 ! (Angle in Tree Method)**2 real(8), parameter :: THETA_GRAV2_ENG = 0.5d0**2 ! Angle for Calc Energy !==== Parameters for Time Evolution ==================================== integer(4), parameter :: FLAG_SOLVE = 1 ! Method for Time Evolution ! = 0 ---> 1st order Euler ! = 1 ---> 2nd order PEC !---- Coefficients for PEC ---------------------------------------- real(8), parameter :: PEC_A = 1.0d0/3.0d0 real(8), parameter :: PEC_B = 0.5d0 real(8), parameter :: PEC_C = 0.5d0 end module mod_parameter