Nakamura T. et al. (2022), Science This document describes about the files related to shock physics modelling. Contact information: Kosuke Kurosawa, Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology E-mail: Hidenori Genda, Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology E-mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We uploaded the four EOS tables and the files for iSALE users. -EOS tables ryuguz1.aneos: The Tillotson EOS for Ryugu hard\ ryuguz2.aneos: The Tillotson EOS for Ryugu soft\ murchif1.aneos: The Tillotson EOS for Murchison bulk\ mursolf1.aneos: The Tillotson EOS for Murchison solid. Note that mursolf1.aneos should be used with the porosity compaction model. As described in the Supplementary Information, we constructed the equations of state (EOS) models pertaining to Ryugu sample C0002 and Murchison meteorites in the Tillotson EOS format. However, we have introduced an advanced treatment about the temperature to include the temperature-dependent specific heat into the shock physics modelling (See Eqs. S18 and S19 and the related sentences). Such calculations are not made in the current version of the iSALE. Thus, we decided to make EOS tables with the Tillotson EOS parameters listed in Table S13, but in the same format of the ANEOS table in the iSALE package. iSALE users can use the EOS table with ANEOS READ option. -iSALE related files These are the input files, which are asteroid.inp and material.inp, and the output text files used to make the Figures 7F and S46A-H. We also uploaded the pySALEPlot script for making the figure. The output text files have four column. The names of variables are described at the first row.