HESSI Flare List (generated 13-Sep-2012 21:42) Total # flares: 66866 Time range: 12-Feb-2002 21:29:56.000 - 31-Jul-2012 14:38:28.000 Flare Start time Peak End Dur Peak Total Energy X Pos Y Pos Radial AR Flags s c/s Counts keV asec asec asec 5100162 1-Oct-2005 23:18:20 23:22:50 23:32:12 832 36 120432 6-12 444 109 457 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100361 3-Oct-2005 11:52:40 11:54:38 11:57:16 276 22 29208 6-12 -956 -171 972 0 A0 P1 5100364 3-Oct-2005 23:40:36 23:43:22 23:46:08 332 84 107760 6-12 -963 -180 979 0 A0 P1 5100411 4-Oct-2005 00:20:40 00:21:14 00:21:56 76 84 13776 6-12 -649 -205 681 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100432 4-Oct-2005 04:20:28 04:21:10 04:21:48 80 44 10896 6-12 -643 -222 681 0 A0 P1 5100434 4-Oct-2005 05:18:16 05:20:22 05:22:44 268 44 61392 6-12 -979 -277 1017 0 A0 P1 5100460 4-Oct-2005 05:22:44 05:49:02 06:10:16 2852 480 4108608 6-12 -966 -310 1015 0 A0 P1 5100435 4-Oct-2005 06:57:36 06:59:46 07:05:00 444 42 89568 6-12 -994 -320 1044 0 A0 P1 5100461 4-Oct-2005 07:05:00 07:06:50 07:20:40 940 38 148080 6-12 -992 -326 1044 0 A0 P1 5100437 4-Oct-2005 07:37:04 07:40:46 07:44:40 456 72 103632 6-12 834 -224 864 0 A0 P1 5100438 4-Oct-2005 08:37:40 08:39:46 08:49:20 700 40 129528 6-12 -611 -219 649 0 A0 GS P1 Q1 5100439 4-Oct-2005 08:49:20 08:54:54 08:59:32 612 52 128832 6-12 -616 -215 652 0 A0 P1 5100401 4-Oct-2005 08:59:32 09:05:10 09:08:32 540 496 575088 6-12 -618 -223 657 0 A0 P1 5100462 4-Oct-2005 09:08:32 09:11:54 09:21:40 788 336 650928 6-12 -610 -213 647 0 A0 P1 5100404 4-Oct-2005 09:54:44 09:55:30 09:56:32 108 528 195432 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 GE PE PS Q2 5100405 4-Oct-2005 10:14:12 10:15:22 10:22:04 472 216 161736 6-12 -607 -221 646 0 A0 GS P1 Q1 5100402 4-Oct-2005 11:36:28 11:41:34 11:48:04 696 256 522768 6-12 -591 -214 628 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 5100463 4-Oct-2005 11:48:04 11:52:38 12:03:52 948 384 1028928 6-12 -598 -221 637 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100441 4-Oct-2005 12:03:52 12:05:22 12:07:52 240 108 63552 6-12 -590 -228 633 0 A0 P1 5100442 4-Oct-2005 12:07:52 12:09:18 12:15:08 436 48 76848 6-12 -585 -227 628 0 A0 P1 5100444 4-Oct-2005 13:06:56 13:08:06 13:18:00 664 68 172848 6-12 -586 -219 625 0 A0 P1 5100464 4-Oct-2005 13:18:00 13:19:30 13:24:20 380 30 57360 6-12 -585 -219 625 0 A0 P1 5100445 4-Oct-2005 13:33:48 13:36:46 13:39:36 348 68 90288 6-12 -578 -220 619 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100446 4-Oct-2005 13:41:48 13:42:42 13:44:28 160 68 36288 6-12 -578 -220 619 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100447 4-Oct-2005 13:55:24 13:56:58 14:09:24 840 176 459677 6-12 -573 -220 614 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100448 4-Oct-2005 15:13:08 15:16:02 15:21:20 492 34 81744 6-12 -558 -217 599 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100449 4-Oct-2005 16:18:44 16:19:30 16:24:56 372 88 52344 6-12 -549 -237 598 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100450 4-Oct-2005 16:41:04 16:44:50 16:52:20 676 144 279050 6-12 -538 -215 580 0 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 5100451 4-Oct-2005 17:55:12 17:58:42 18:04:04 532 36 72624 6-12 -554 -235 602 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100452 4-Oct-2005 18:11:48 18:14:38 18:17:24 336 42 63120 6-12 -561 -232 607 0 A0 P1 5100465 4-Oct-2005 18:17:24 18:20:02 18:21:52 268 46 57936 6-12 -566 -237 614 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100466 4-Oct-2005 18:21:52 18:23:18 18:28:52 420 64 73584 6-12 -568 -233 614 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 5100453 4-Oct-2005 18:28:52 18:38:38 18:47:08 1096 76 279168 6-12 -541 -223 585 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 5100467 4-Oct-2005 18:47:08 18:48:46 18:52:28 320 52 81456 6-12 -543 -215 584 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100454 4-Oct-2005 18:52:28 18:55:34 18:57:36 308 52 66000 6-12 -541 -223 586 0 A0 P1 5100455 4-Oct-2005 19:30:28 19:31:02 19:40:56 628 76 107592 6-12 -552 -230 599 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100456 4-Oct-2005 19:49:32 19:50:02 19:51:56 144 26 16872 6-12 -955 -178 971 0 A0 P1 5100458 4-Oct-2005 21:15:24 21:15:50 21:16:28 64 30 10080 6-12 -870 -334 932 0 A0 P1 5100407 4-Oct-2005 21:36:16 21:53:50 22:09:52 2016 656 4309656 6-12 -519 -220 564 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 5100459 4-Oct-2005 23:07:24 23:08:26 23:09:48 144 48 23208 6-12 -501 -219 547 0 A0 P1 5100468 4-Oct-2005 23:25:04 23:25:58 23:27:20 136 24 14880 6-12 -503 -220 549 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100509 5-Oct-2005 00:18:32 00:19:26 00:21:52 200 28 27432 6-12 -512 -233 563 813 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100548 5-Oct-2005 00:21:52 00:25:14 00:29:28 456 144 132096 6-12 -509 -248 567 813 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100510 5-Oct-2005 00:29:28 00:34:30 00:47:24 1076 480 800112 12-25 -500 -247 558 813 A0 P1 5100511 5-Oct-2005 00:47:24 00:48:54 00:54:32 428 30 53664 6-12 -506 -243 562 813 A0 P1 5100512 5-Oct-2005 01:05:00 01:11:38 01:16:16 676 48 141984 6-12 -509 -235 560 813 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100513 5-Oct-2005 02:00:16 02:01:10 02:04:04 228 64 57888 6-12 -493 -240 549 813 A0 P1 5100505 5-Oct-2005 02:05:00 02:08:06 02:21:20 980 368 666288 6-12 -482 -242 539 813 A0 P1 PE Q1 5100514 5-Oct-2005 02:33:32 02:36:46 02:37:40 248 60 66096 6-12 -483 -240 540 813 A0 P1 5100549 5-Oct-2005 02:37:40 02:40:10 02:46:48 548 216 296256 6-12 -482 -238 538 813 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100515 5-Oct-2005 02:46:48 02:48:06 02:52:04 316 76 106512 6-12 -488 -234 542 813 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100516 5-Oct-2005 02:52:04 02:53:26 02:57:12 308 60 69456 6-12 -490 -231 542 813 A0 P1 5100518 5-Oct-2005 03:38:36 03:39:38 03:41:24 168 120 98400 6-12 -479 -244 538 813 A0 P1 5100502 5-Oct-2005 03:42:44 03:47:22 03:55:52 788 624 981312 6-12 -474 -232 528 813 A0 P1 5100519 5-Oct-2005 04:09:36 04:10:46 04:13:12 216 36 34608 6-12 -474 -245 534 813 A0 P1 5100520 5-Oct-2005 04:15:08 04:16:02 04:19:08 240 84 71616 6-12 -471 -243 530 813 A0 P1 5100550 5-Oct-2005 04:19:08 04:20:18 04:22:40 212 44 42624 6-12 -477 -238 533 813 A0 P1 5100522 5-Oct-2005 04:22:40 04:26:02 04:31:24 524 48 99456 6-12 919 -182 937 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100527 5-Oct-2005 05:27:00 05:28:06 05:29:36 156 24 18936 6-12 -460 -236 517 813 A0 P1 5100528 5-Oct-2005 06:56:00 06:59:26 07:05:04 544 224 408000 12-25 -416 -284 504 0 A0 P1 5100551 5-Oct-2005 07:05:04 07:14:54 07:36:44 1900 1840 4587360 12-25 -416 -274 498 0 A0 P1 5100503 5-Oct-2005 07:36:44 07:38:42 07:43:40 416 38 71424 6-12 -412 -331 529 0 A0 P1 5100530 5-Oct-2005 08:34:56 08:35:14 08:40:16 320 76 99504 6-12 -455 -235 512 813 A0 P1 5100552 5-Oct-2005 08:40:16 08:43:34 08:49:04 528 56 116592 6-12 -407 -220 463 813 A0 P1 5100553 5-Oct-2005 08:49:04 08:54:06 08:56:52 468 76 111888 6-12 -394 -225 454 813 A0 P1 5100531 5-Oct-2005 08:56:52 08:59:34 09:03:12 380 56 70992 6-12 -389 -222 448 813 A0 P1 5100534 5-Oct-2005 10:24:32 10:25:22 10:27:24 172 24 20139 6-12 -418 -237 481 813 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100535 5-Oct-2005 10:33:40 10:43:26 10:54:36 1256 226 769523 6-12 -419 -230 479 813 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100554 5-Oct-2005 10:54:36 10:56:26 10:57:52 196 126 106995 6-12 -423 -236 485 813 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100504 5-Oct-2005 11:30:04 11:30:50 11:35:28 324 22 32904 6-12 -414 -239 479 813 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100555 5-Oct-2005 11:35:28 11:39:26 11:47:36 728 28 79800 6-12 -424 -240 487 813 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 5100556 5-Oct-2005 11:47:36 11:47:38 11:52:16 280 15 21888 6-12 -420 -238 483 813 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100557 5-Oct-2005 12:23:24 12:24:30 12:25:52 148 18 13176 6-12 -361 -259 445 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100538 5-Oct-2005 12:25:52 12:30:46 12:33:28 456 22 46992 6-12 -396 -233 460 813 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100540 5-Oct-2005 13:52:08 13:55:06 13:58:24 376 32 42672 6-12 -370 -260 452 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100541 5-Oct-2005 13:58:24 13:59:50 14:02:16 232 22 20424 6-12 -390 -248 462 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100542 5-Oct-2005 15:37:04 15:38:14 15:40:12 188 20 18408 6-12 -372 -242 444 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100543 5-Oct-2005 15:43:24 15:44:10 15:44:48 84 26 10152 6-12 -371 -233 439 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100546 5-Oct-2005 19:29:44 19:37:46 19:52:20 1356 104 371808 6-12 957 -192 976 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100547 5-Oct-2005 20:03:40 20:05:50 20:08:16 276 40 32544 6-12 -313 -239 394 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 5100601 6-Oct-2005 04:03:32 04:05:22 04:07:40 248 56 48264 6-12 -248 -244 348 813 A0 P1 5100602 6-Oct-2005 05:58:32 06:00:22 06:06:52 500 216 207528 12-25 -217 -242 325 813 A0 P1 5100646 6-Oct-2005 18:07:56 18:08:26 18:09:12 76 22 7992 6-12 950 -149 962 0 A0 P1 5100643 6-Oct-2005 19:33:00 19:34:02 19:36:56 236 38 30840 6-12 953 -143 964 0 A0 P1 5100644 6-Oct-2005 19:45:40 19:46:50 19:51:32 352 26 37416 6-12 959 -142 969 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 5100645 6-Oct-2005 21:06:36 21:06:58 21:10:52 256 18 24288 6-12 953 -141 964 0 A0 P1 5100737 7-Oct-2005 15:00:40 15:01:26 15:03:12 152 26 14736 6-12 135 -266 299 0 A0 DF DR P1 Q2 5100708 7-Oct-2005 20:01:20 20:04:34 20:11:28 608 112 214608 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR PE PS Q2 5100811 8-Oct-2005 05:34:56 05:38:34 05:44:00 544 120 173208 6-12 232 -274 359 0 A0 P1 5100802 8-Oct-2005 09:07:04 09:08:30 09:10:24 200 60 36864 12-25 268 -263 376 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 5100816 8-Oct-2005 18:04:36 18:05:38 18:08:32 236 29 22752 6-12 337 -268 430 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 5101101 11-Oct-2005 08:15:52 08:15:58 08:17:08 76 18 6456 6-12 -776 -615 990 0 A0 P1 5101201 12-Oct-2005 05:29:32 05:40:54 06:05:44 2172 2672 6546768 12-25 328 -221 395 814 A0 DR P1 Q1 5101206 12-Oct-2005 12:17:20 12:20:10 12:28:12 652 52 73584 6-12 359 -203 413 0 A0 DF DR P1 Q2 5101202 12-Oct-2005 18:06:16 18:12:18 18:16:24 608 384 518422 6-12 393 -215 449 0 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 5101218 12-Oct-2005 18:16:24 18:18:42 18:24:08 464 176 213192 6-12 408 -211 460 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 5101306 13-Oct-2005 09:03:08 09:05:18 09:08:32 324 76 55104 6-12 518 -195 554 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 5101614 16-Oct-2005 13:01:12 13:01:54 13:22:52 1300 92 216528 6-12 -953 261 988 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 Notes: Note that only events with non-zero position and energy range not equal to 3-6 keV are confirmed as solar sources. Events which have no position and show up mostly in the front detectors, but were not able to be imaged are flagged as "PS". Events which do not have valid position are only confirmed to be non-solar if the NS flag is set. Peak Rate: peak counts/second in energy range 6-12 keV, averaged over active collimators, including background. Total Counts: counts in energy range 6-12 keV integrated over duration of flare summed over all subcollimators, including background. Energy: the highest energy band in which the flare was observed. Radial Distance: distance from Sun center Quality Codes: Qn, where n is the total number of data gap, SAA, particle, eclipse or decimation flags set for event. n ranges from 0 to 11. Use care when analyzing the data when the quality is not zero. Flare Flag Codes: a0 - In attenuator state 0 (None) sometime during flare a1 - In attenuator state 1 (Thin) sometime during flare a2 - In attenuator state 2 (Thick) sometime during flare a3 - In attenuator state 3 (Both) sometime during flare An - Attenuator state (0=None, 1=Thin, 2=Thick, 3=Both) at peak of flare DF - Front segment counts were decimated sometime during flare DR - Rear segment counts were decimated sometime during flare ED - Spacecraft eclipse (night) sometime during flare EE - Flare ended in spacecraft eclipse (night) ES - Flare started in spacecraft eclipse (night) FE - Flare ongoing at end of file FR - In Fast Rate Mode FS - Flare ongoing at start of file GD - Data gap during flare GE - Flare ended in data gap GS - Flare started in data gap MR - Spacecraft in high-latitude zone during flare NS - Non-solar event PE - Particle event: Particles are present PS - Possible Solar Flare; in front detectors, but no position Pn - Position Quality: P0 = Position is NOT valid, P1 = Position is valid Qn - Data Quality: Q0 = Highest Quality, Q11 = Lowest Quality SD - Spacecraft was in SAA sometime during flare SE - Flare ended when spacecraft was in SAA SS - Flare started when spacecraft was in SAA