Ikaros orbit data provided by Prof. O. Mori in March 2021. TDM_datalist_ver2.xlsx -- Explanation of the TDM file-name convention and the file list. OEM -- Orbit Ephemeris Message (OEM) format files. tdmK34 -- TDM files taken at Kagoshima 34m antenna. tdmU64 -- TDM files taken at Usuda 64m antenna ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The file format of Orbit Ephemeris Message (OEM) and Tracking Data Message (TDM) files complies with CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR: ORBIT DATA MESSAGES (CCSDS 502.0-B-2): https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/502x0b2c1e2.pdf TRACKING DATA MESSAGE (CCSDS 503.0-B-2): https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/503x0b2c1.pdf The OEM and TDM files format summary: The files consist of headers, metadata, and data sections. The header section contains "CCSDS_OEM_VERS", "CREATION_DATE" and "ORIGINATOR" keywords. The metadata is provided in block enclosed by the "META_START" and "META_STOP" keywords. The formats of the data sections are as follows: OEM data format: Each set of ephemeris data is provided on each line in the following format: Epoch, X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz Note: The time system of epoch is specified by the TIME_SYSTEM keyword in the metadata. Units are km and km/s for position and velocity components, respectively. See "5 ORBIT EPHEMERIS MESSAGE (OEM)" in the CCSDS STANDARD documentation for more detailed description. TDM data format: The tracking data section is enclosed by the "DATA_START" and "DATA_STOP" keywords. Each set of tracking data is provided on each line in the following format: keyword = timetag measurement Note: See "3.4 TDM DATA SECTION (GENERAL SPECIFICATION)" in the CCSDS STANDARD documentation for more detailed description. ========================================================================================= History: February 8th, 2022 --- Updated this file.