PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-06-01 NOTE = "aareadme.txt describes this volume" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The Venus Climate Orbiter IR2 Calibrated Data Archive ============================================================================== Introduction ============ This document provides an overview of the Venus Climate Orbiter (VCO, also known as PLANET-C and AKATSUKI) 2-micron Camera (IR2) calibrated data archive, including a description of the directory structure. Additional documents included in this data set provide more details, especially the 'dataset.cat' data set description and the various directory-specific '/*/*info.txt' files. This data set contains image data taken by IR2 onboard the Venus Climate Orbiter spacecraft. See the file 'ir2inst.cat' in the '/catalog' directory for a description of the IR2 instrument, and the file 'mission.cat' for a description of the Venus Climate Orbiter mission and the file 'vcohost.cat' for a description of the Venus Climate Orbiter spacecraft. File Formats ============ All '*.txt' documents and other meta information files such as descriptions, PDS object definitions, and detached PDS labels are stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of the record. This allows the files to be read by MS-DOS/Windows, Unix, and macOS operating systems. The 'index.tab' file is ASCII text table made of fixed-byte records. The detailed format specification for this file can be found in the file 'index.lbl'. The file 'indxinfo.txt' provides additional information. Data product files '*.fit' are FITS format files that are mostly conformed to FITS Standard Version 4.0. The '*.html' files in the '/browse' directory are hypertext markup language (HTML 5.2) files and can be read with a web browser. All data files in the archive have detached PDS labels. The PDS label provides descriptive information about the associated file. The PDS label is an object-oriented structure consisting of sets of 'keyword=value' declarations. The object to which the label refers (e.g. IMAGE, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form: ^object = location in which the carat character (^, also called a pointer in this context) indicates where to find the object. For all detached labels, the location contains the name of the file containing the object. For most labels the location consists only of the name of the file being referenced, but for the label files corresponding to data product files, it also includes a byte offset indicating how far into the file to read before the data itself begins. (Each data product file has a variable-length header.) along with the starting record or byte number, if there is more than one object in the file. For example: ^PRIMARY_HEADER = ("ir2_20160507_060824_202_l2b_v10.fit", 1) ^IR2_LEVEL2B_HEADER = ("ir2_20160507_060824_202_l2b_v10.fit", 2) ^IR2_LEVEL2B_IMAGE = ("ir2_20160507_060824_202_l2b_v10.fit", 10) The first indicates that the header of the primary HDU of FITS file is located in the file 'ir2_20160507_060824_202_l2b_v10.fit', beginning at the 1st record of the file (counting from one). The second indicates that the header of the HDU of FITS file for Level 2b image can be also found in the same file, beginning at the 2nd record of the file (counting from one). The third indicates that the image of the HDU of FITS file for Level 2b image can be found in the same file, beginning at the 10th record of the file (counting from one). Naming scheme of orbit number string subdirectories =================================================== In '/data' and '/browse' directories, there are subdirectories with orbit number string as its name. The orbit number string is defined as 'PVVVV' format, where 'P' indicates period before the successful orbit insertion ('c', the first character of 'cruise') or after the successful orbit insertion, i.e., orbiting phase ('r', the first character of 'revolution'). 'VVVV' indicates orbit number that is represented by zero-padded 4 digits. For the period before the successful orbit insertion, we assign the orbit number '0000', therefore, the orbit number string is 'c0000'. For orbiting phase, the orbit number begins from '0001', and it is incremented when the spacecraft passes the periapsis. So we'll have the orbit number strings, 'c0000', 'r0001', 'r0002', and so on. The orbit numbers for the VCO spacecraft are defined in '/extras/orbnum/vco_vVV.orb' of the 'VCO-V-SPICE-6-V1.0' data set, where VV is the version number of the orbit number file. Volume Contents =============== Files on this volume are organized into a set of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The following table shows the structure and content of these directories. In this table, directory names are enclosed in square brackets ([]). See the '*info.txt' files in each directory for specific information on the files in the directory, including naming schemes. [top-level-directory] | |-- aareadme.txt This file. | |-- errata.txt Comments and errata on this volume. | |-- voldesc.cat Description of the contents of this volume. | |--[browse] Directory containing JPEG files created from | | files in the 'data' directory for browsing. | | | |-- browinfo.txt Description of files in the 'browse' directory. | | | +--[l2b] Subdirectory for level 2b (l2b) data. | | | |-- list.html HTML file including hyperlinks to HTML files in | | each orbit number string subdirectory. | | | |-- list.lbl The corresponding detached PDS label file. | | | +--[PVVVV] A series of subdirectories organized by orbit | | number string. | | | |-- list_*.html HTML file that enumerates JPEG files in this | | directory. | | | |-- *.jpg A JPEG file created from corresponding image in | | the 'data/l2b' directory. | | | +-- *.lbl The corresponding detached PDS label file. | |--[calib] Directory containing the calibration files. | | | |-- calinfo.txt Description of files in the 'calib' directory. | | | |-- *.fit A calibration file used in the processing of | | data in the 'data' directory in FITS format. | | | +-- *.lbl The corresponding detached PDS label file. | |--[catalog] Directory containing PDS catalog objects. | | | |-- catinfo.txt Description of files in the 'catalog' directory. | | | |-- dataset.cat Description of the data set. | | | |-- ir2inst.cat Description of the instrument. | | | |-- ir2ref.cat List of instrument-specific publications | | mentioned in 'ir2inst.cat' file. | | | |-- mission.cat Description of the mission. | | | |-- person.cat References for personnel who created this | | volume. | | | |-- ref.cat List of mission-wide publications mentioned in | | '*.cat' files. | | | |-- target_dust.cat Description of the target, cosmic dust. | | | |-- target_earth.cat Description of the target, the Earth. | | | |-- target_sun.cat Description of the target, the Sun. | | | |-- target_venus.cat Description of the target, Venus. | | | +-- vcohost.cat Description of the spacecraft. | |--[data] Directory containing data files and PDS labels | | describing the contents of those files. | | | +--[l2b] Subdirectory for level 2b (l2b) data. | | | +--[PVVVV] A series of subdirectories organized by orbit | | number string. | | | |-- *.fit A data product file in FITS format. | | | +-- *.lbl The corresponding detached PDS label file. | |--[document] Directory containing volume related documents. | | | |-- docinfo.txt Description of files in the 'document' | | directory. | | | |-- ir2cal.txt Description of calibration procedure. | | | |-- imagecoord.txt Description of image coordinate used in this | | data set and relationship with indexes of data | | stored in FITS files. | | | |-- onlabels.txt Description of PDS labels for this data set. | | | |-- vco_fits_dic_vVV.* FITS Header keyword dictionary file for Venus | | Climate Orbiter and corresponding detached PDS | | label file. | | | |-- vco_obsprg_vVV.* Description of observation programs (sequence of | | image acquisition) and corresponding detached | | PDS label file. | | | +--[ft] Directory containing filter transmission data | | files. | | | |-- ftinfo.txt Description of files in the 'document/ft' | | directory. | | | |-- ft_ir2_*.tab Filter transmission data files. | | | +-- ft_ir2_*.lbl PDS label for each filter transmission data | file. | +--[index] Directory containing index files. | |-- indxinfo.txt Description of files in the 'index' directory. | |-- checksum.tab Table of MD5 checksums for files in this data | set. | |-- checksum.lbl PDS label for 'checksum.tab' file. | |-- index.tab Index table of the data on this volume. | +-- index.lbl PDS label for 'index.tab' file. Whom to Contact for Information =============================== Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa 252-5210, Japan WWW Site: http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/about.html.en Electronic mail address: darts-admin@ml.isas.jaxa.jp Cognizant Persons ================= This archive was designed and produced by Shin-ya Murakami, Yukio Yamamoto, and Kevin McGouldrick.