PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-06-01 NOTE = "This file describes the files in the browse directory of this archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END There are one text file, one HTML file, and orbit number string subdirectories in this directory: browinfo.txt this file. l2b subdirectory for level 2b data. l2b/list.html HTML file that lists orbit number string subdirectories and hyperlinks to HTML files in each subdirectory. l2b/list.lbl label file for 'list.html' file. l2b/PVVVV subdirectories with orbit number string. Each directory contains JPEG-format images generated from the data body of IMAGE extension of FITS-format files in the 'data' directory. These JPEG files are generated from FITS files that have same filename except for the extension. These directories also contain HTML files that enumerate images. Each file is accompanied by a PDS label file with the same name but with the extension 'lbl'.