PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-06-01 NOTE = "Explanation of labels for UVI instrument onboard Venus Climate Orbiter (VCO, also known as PLANET-C and AKATSUKI) data files." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Example label for FITS file =========================== PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DD_VERSION_ID = PDSCAT1R103 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2017-06-19, S. Murakami (ISAS/JAXA): generated automatically. 2017-10-11, S. Murakami (ISAS/JAXA): revised, generated automatically. 2018-04-26, S. Murakami (ISAS/JAXA): revised, generated automatically. 2018-09-14, S. Murakami (ISAS/JAXA): revised, generated automatically. 2018-10-15, S. Murakami (ISAS/JAXA): revised, generated automatically. " /* ---- FILE CHARACTERISTICS ---- */ FILE_NAME = "uvi_20160403_204346_283_l2b_v10.fit" FILE_RECORDS = 1464 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 2880 /* ---- POINTERS TO DATA OBJECTS ---- */ ^PRIMARY_HEADER = ("uvi_20160403_204346_283_l2b_v10.fit", 1) ^UVI_LEVEL2B_HEADER = ("uvi_20160403_204346_283_l2b_v10.fit", 2) ^UVI_LEVEL2B_IMAGE = ("uvi_20160403_204346_283_l2b_v10.fit", 8) /* ---- IDENTIFICATION DATA ELEMENTS ---- */ MISSION_NAME = "VENUS CLIMATE ORBITER" MISSION_ALIAS_NAME = {"PLANET-C", "AKATSUKI"} MISSION_ID = "VCO" DATA_SET_ID = "VCO-V-UVI-3-CDR-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "UVI_20160403_204346_283_L2B_V10.FIT" PRODUCT_TYPE = "CALIBRATED_IMAGE" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2017-06-04T03:18:56 INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "VENUS CLIMATE ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "VCO" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "ULTRA VIOLET IMAGER" INSTRUMENT_ID = "UVI" PRODUCER_ID = "VCO/UVI TEAM" INSTITUTION_NAME = "ISAS/JAXA" /* TIME INFORMATION */ START_TIME = 2016-04-03T20:43:44.973 OBSERVATION_TIME = 2016-04-03T20:43:46.051 STOP_TIME = 2016-04-03T20:43:47.129 START_JULIAN_DATE_VALUE = 2457482.363714965 MID_JULIAN_DATE_VALUE = 2457482.363727442 STOP_JULIAN_DATE_VALUE = 2457482.363739919 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "2/1672185315" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "2/1672185384" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "PRIMARY SCIENCE PHASE" /* TARGET INFORMATION */ TARGET_NAME = VENUS VCO:SPHERICAL_RADIUS = 6051.8 VCO:ASSUMED_CLOUD_ALTITUDE = 70.0 /* ---- DESCRIPTIVE DATA ELEMENTS ---- */ /* INSTRUMENTAL INFORMATION AND ITS CONDITION */ IMAGE_TYPE = "REGULAR" FILTER_NAME = "283 NM" CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = 0.283 BANDWIDTH = 0.014 VCO:FILTER_MEAN_TRANSMISSION = 0.28 HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = 0.000204619 VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = 0.000204619 EXPOSURE_DURATION = 0.25 /* OBSERVATION PROGRAM INFORMATION */ VCO:OBSERVATION_PROGRAM_ID = "0X05_V1" OBSERVATION_NAME = "DAYSIDE DELUXE (IR1, IR2, UVI, LIR)" /* ORBIT INFORMATION */ ORBIT_NUMBER = 11 PERIAPSIS_TIME = 2016-03-24T21:26:41.000 PERIAPSIS_LONGITUDE = 40.86 PERIAPSIS_LATITUDE = 4.19 PERIAPSIS_ALTITUDE = 977.32 ORBITAL_INCLINATION = 166.67 VCO:ORBITAL_ECCENTRICITY = 0.963 ASCENDING_NODE_LONGITUDE = 222.41 PERIAPSIS_ARGUMENT_ANGLE = 161.54 ORBITAL_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS = 190089.0 /* GEOMETRY INFORMATION */ CENTRAL_BODY_DISTANCE = 114626.0 TARGET_HELIOCENTRIC_DISTANCE = 108882000.0 SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE = 2.62193 SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE = 326.831 SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE = 1.1414 SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE = 33.9119 LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE = 7.52796 VCO:SUB_SC_PHASE_ANGLE = 67.057 SUB_SPACECRAFT_LINE_SAMPLE = 434.74 SUB_SPACECRAFT_LINE = 803.105 VCO:SC_SUN_POSITION = ( 97693100.0 , -41136100.0 , -24689100.0 ) RIGHT_ASCENSION = 39.0374 DECLINATION = 16.4567 RA_DEC_REF_PIXEL = (512.5, 512.5) QUATERNION = ( 0.292009, 0.202709, -0.8051, 0.47482 ) QUATERNION_DESC = "J2000 to VCO Spacecraft Coordinate System quaternion: ( cos(angle/2), ux*sin(angle/2), uy*sin(angle/2), uz*sin(angle/2) )" /* INSTRUMENT STATUS INFORMATION */ INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT = ( "UVI CCD", "UVI FILTER" ) INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE = ( -41.02 , -3.88 ) /* ---- DATA OBJECTS DEFINITIONS ---- */ OBJECT = PRIMARY_HEADER BYTES = 2880 HEADER_TYPE = FITS INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY RECORDS = 1 DESCRIPTION = "Header of primary HDU of UVI L2B FITS file that contains general information of the file." END_OBJECT = PRIMARY_HEADER OBJECT = UVI_LEVEL2B_HEADER BYTES = 17280 HEADER_TYPE = FITS INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY RECORDS = 6 DESCRIPTION = "Header of secondary HDU of UVI L2B FITS file that contains detailed metadata of the image." END_OBJECT = UVI_LEVEL2B_HEADER OBJECT = UVI_LEVEL2B_IMAGE LINE_SAMPLES = 1024 LINES = 1024 SAMPLE_BITS = 32 SAMPLE_TYPE = IEEE_REAL UNIT = "W M**-2 SR**-1 M**-1" MAXIMUM = 2.65198E+07 MINIMUM = -662970 MEAN = 1.95072E+06 STANDARD_DEVIATION = 5.17709E+06 UNKNOWN_CONSTANT = NULL /* dead pixel flag value */ INVALID_CONSTANT = UNK /* saturated pixel flag value */ MISSING_CONSTANT = -3.4E+38 LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION = UP DESCRIPTION = "Data of secondary HDU of UVI L2B FITS file that contains the image data." END_OBJECT = UVI_LEVEL2B_IMAGE END General notes regarding label ============================= * Strings appear in quotes. * Integers and PDS Times do not take quotes. * Unordered lists are enclosed within {} type brackets. * Ordered lists are enclosed within () type brackets. * If a field is unknown, "UNK" may be entered. * If this field is not applicable to this file, "N/A" can be used. * Fields can spill freely, with or without white space, onto following lines. Definition of Keywords/Values for FITS files: ============================================= PDS_VERSION_ID The version of the present PDS standards document PDS3. DD_VERSION_ID The version of the PDS data dictionary. LABEL_REVISION_NOTE Information regarding the revision status and authorship of a PDS label. FILE_NAME Actual file name. FILE_RECORDS The number of physical file records. RECORD_TYPE Record format of the file, For files with fixed-length records, FIXED_LENGTH, for text files, STREAM. RECORD_BYTES Record length in the case of fixed-length records, an integer (no quotation marks) If records have variable length, "N/A". ^PRIMARY_HEADER Pointer to object for header of primary HDU of the FITS file to which this label applies. ^UVI_LEVEL2B_HEADER Pointer to object for header of HDU that stores image data of the FITS file to which this label applies. ^UVI_LEVEL2B_IMAGE Pointer to object for data of HDU that stores image data of the FITS file to which this label applies. MISSION_NAME VENUS CLIMATE ORBITER. MISSION_ALIAS_NAME PLANET-C and AKATSUKI. MISSION_ID VCO. DATA_SET_ID Has form: "VCO-V-UVI-3-CDR-V1.0" where 'VCO' is for data for the Venus Climate Orbiter spacecraft; 'V' is for the Venus, the mission target; 'UVI' is identifier of the instrument; '3' is the CODMAC processing level; 'CDR' is the data set type for Composite Data Record; V1.0 is the data set version number. PRODUCT_ID Actual file name in upper-case. PRODUCT_TYPE CALIBRATED_IMAGE. PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME Time file was created. This follows PDS time structure: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss No quotes are needed. INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME VENUS CLIMATE ORBITER. INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID VCO. INSTRUMENT_NAME ULTRA VIOLET IMAGER, the instrument name. INSTRUMENT_ID UVI. PRODUCER_ID "VCO/UVI TEAM", institutions or team and/or individual who made the file. INSTITUTION_NAME ISAS/JAXA. START_TIME Data start time. This follows the PDS Time format is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ttt. No quotes are needed. For files not covering a specific time interval, "N/A". OBSERVATION_TIME Data middle time that indicates representative time of the observation. This follows the PDS Time format is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ttt. No quotes are needed. For files not covering a specific time interval, "N/A". STOP_TIME Data stop time. This follows the PDS Time format is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ttt. START_JULIAN_DATE_VALUE Full Julian date of the start of an observation corresponding to a value of START_TIME. MID_JULIAN_DATE_VALUE Full Julian date of the middle of an observation corresponding to a value of OBSERVATION_TIME. STOP_JULIAN_DATE_VALUE Full Julian date of the stop of an observation corresponding to a value of STOP_TIME. SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT Spacecraft clock data start time. This is treated as a string, and should be contained in quotes. Format is "n/tttttttttt", where "n" is the partition. For files not covering a specific time, "N/A". This corresponds to a value of START_TIME. SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT Spacecraft clock data stop time. This is treated as a string, and should be contained in quotes. Format is "n/tttttttttt", where "n" is the partition. For files not covering a specific time, "N/A". This corresponds to a value of STOP_TIME. MISSION_PHASE_NAME Name of the mission phase. TARGET_NAME VENUS, the mission target, EARTH or STAR. VCO:SPHERICAL_RADIUS The spherical radius of the target planet. VCO:ASSUMED_CLOUD_ALTITUDE Assumed cloud altitude. IMAGE_TYPE Type of the image, "REGULAR". FILTER_NAME Name of the filter used to acquire image. CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH Center wavelength of the filter. BANDWIDTH Bandwidth of the filter. VCO:FILTER_MEAN_TRANSMISSION Mean transmittance of the filter. HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV Horizontal FOV of each pixel. VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV Vertical FOV of each pixel. EXPOSURE_DURATION Duration of exposure. VCO:OBSERVATION_PROGRAM_ID Observation Program ID. OBSERVATION_NAME Name of the observation corresponding to a value of VCO:OBSERVATION_PROGRAM_ID. ORBIT_NUMBER The number of the orbital revolution of the spacecraft around a target body, Venus. This value is 0 for the cruise phase, and become 1 just after the Venus orbit insertion, and increments when the spacecraft passing periapsis. PERIAPSIS_TIME Time when the spacecraft passing periapsis. PERIAPSIS_LONGITUDE Sub-spacecraft longitude when the spacecraft passing periapsis. PERIAPSIS_LATITUDE Sub-spacecraft latitude when the spacecraft passing periapsis. PERIAPSIS_ALTITUDE Sub-spacecraft altitude measured from ground of the target planet when the spacecraft passing periapsis. ORBITAL_INCLINATION Orbital inclination of the orbit. VCO:ORBITAL_ECCENTRICITY Orbital eccentricity of the orbit. ASCENDING_NODE_LONGITUDE Ascending node longitude of the orbit. PERIAPSIS_ARGUMENT_ANGLE Argument angle at the periapsis. ORBITAL_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS Length of semimajor axis of the orbit. CENTRAL_BODY_DISTANCE Distance between central body and the spacecraft. TARGET_HELIOCENTRIC_DISTANCE Distance from the sun to the target of an observation at the time of the observation. SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE Sub-solar latitude at the time of the observation. SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE Sub-solar longitude at the time of the observation. SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE Sub-spacecraft latitude at the time of the observation. SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE Sub-spacecraft longitude at the time of the observation. LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE local solar time at the sub-spacecraft point at the time of the observation. VCO:SUB_SC_PHASE_ANGLE Phase angle at the sub-spacecraft point at the time of the observation. SUB_SPACECRAFT_LINE_SAMPLE Line-sample corresponds to the sub-spacecraft point. SUB_SPACECRAFT_LINE Line corresponds to the sub-spacecraft point. VCO:SC_SUN_POSITION x-, y-, z-components of the position vector from the sun to the spacecraft, in J2000 coordinates, without correction for light time nor stellar aberration, evaluated at the epoch at which the image was taken. RIGHT_ASCENSION Right ascension of the pixel specified by RA_DEC_REF_PIXEL. DECLINATION Declination of the pixel specified by RA_DEC_REF_PIXEL. RA_DEC_REF_PIXEL The reference pixel to which the RIGHT_ASCENSION and DECLINATION apply. QUATERNION Quaternion of the spacecraft attitude, used to convert J2000 to VCO Spacecraft Coordinate System. QUATERNION_DESC Description of value of QUATERNION, "J2000 to VCO Spacecraft Coordinate System quaternion: ( cos(angle/2), ux*sin(angle/2), uy*sin(angle/2), uz*sin(angle/2) )", where (ux,uy,uz) is a unit vector that represents the rotation axis, and angle is a value how much rotates in radians. INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT Names of the temperature measurement point or location on an instrument that are given as an ordered list, "UVI CCD" and "UVI FILTER". INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE Values of the temperature that are given as an ordered list that corresponds to values of INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT. OBJECT (header of HDU) PRIMARY_HEADER or UVI_LEVEL2B_HEADER. BYTES Number of bytes of this OBJECT. HEADER_TYPE FITS. INTERCHANGE_FORMAT BINARY. RECORDS Number of records. DESCRIPTION Brief description of this OBJECT. END_OBJECT PRIMARY_HEADER or UVI_LEVEL2B_HEADER. OBJECT (data of HDU) UVI_LEVEL2B_IMAGE. LINE_SAMPLES The total number of data instances along the horizontal axis of an image. LINES The total number of data instances along the vertical axis of an image. SAMPLE_BITS The stored number of bits contained in a line_sample value. SAMPLE_TYPE IEEE_REAL, the data storage representation of sample value. UNIT The full name or standard abbreviation of a unit of measurement in which a value is expressed. MAXIMUM Largest value occurring in a given instance of the data object, except for values of UNKNOWN_CONSTANT, INVALID_CONSTANT, and MISSING_CONSTANT. MINIMUM Smallest value occurring in a given instance of the data object, except for values of UNKNOWN_CONSTANT, INVALID_CONSTANT, and MISSING_CONSTANT. MEAN Average of the image array, calculated without values of UNKNOWN_CONSTANT, INVALID_CONSTANT, and MISSING_CONSTANT. STANDARD_DEVIATION Standard deviation of the image array, calculated without values of UNKNOWN_CONSTANT, INVALID_CONSTANT, and MISSING_CONSTANT. UNKNOWN_CONSTANT Value used for dead pixel as the flag value. INVALID_CONSTANT Value used for saturated pixel as the flag value. MISSING_CONSTANT Value used for missing data pixel as the flag value. LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION UP. DESCRIPTION Brief description of this OBJECT. END_OBJECT UVI_LEVEL2B_IMAGE. END End of the PDS Label.