#Column information for SDOM/SEDA-AP Data (10 sec. sampling) #(01) UT (YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS) #(02) GPS TIME (YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS) #(03) Longitude (degree) #(04) Latitude (degree) #(05) Altitude (km) #(06) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 MLON #(07) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 MLAT #(08) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 MLT #(09) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 LVALUE =1/(sin(theta))**2, while theta is the magnetic latitude in AACGM coordinate #(10) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 BABS Absolute magnetic field magnitude calculated as the vector sum of the IGRF magnetic field #(11) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 B0 Same to BABS #(12) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 BN Northward component of the IGRF magnetic field #(13) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 BE Eastward component of the IGRF magnetic field #(14) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 BD Earthward component of the IGRF magnetic field #(15) SEDAAP_ORBIT_20 ECL #(16) Electron ch01 (0.28-0.79 MeV)(counts/cm2/str/sec/MeV) #(17) Electron ch02 (0.93-1.85) #(18) Electron ch03 (1.67-3.62) #(19) Electron ch04 (3.43-5.66) #(20) Electron ch05 (5.64-10.90) #(21) Electron ch06 (8.99-18.75) #(22) Electron ch07 (13.92-21.45) #(23) sigma (E ch01) Statistical errors in the particle flux #(24) sigma (E ch02) #(25) sigma (E ch03) #(26) sigma (E ch04) #(27) sigma (E ch05) #(28) sigma (E ch06) #(29) sigma (E ch07) #(30) Proton ch01 (0.78-1.09 MeV)(counts/cm2/str/sec/MeV) #(31) Proton ch02 (0.98-1.38) #(32) Proton ch03 (1.21-1.60) #(33) Proton ch04 (1.42-1.89) #(34) Proton ch05 (1.82-2.38) #(35) Proton ch06 (2.23-3.03) #(36) Proton ch07 (2.81-3.75) #(37) Proton ch08 (3.67-5.10) #(38) Proton ch09 (4.87-7.03) #(39) Proton ch10 (7.01-10.35) #(40) Proton ch11 (9.70-16.66) #(41) Proton ch12 (16.06-30.96) #(42) Proton ch13 (25.63-46.56) #(43) Proton ch14 (38.47-94.54) #(44) Proton ch15 (81.39-193.55) #(45) sigma (P ch01) Statistical errors in the particle flux #(46) sigma (P ch02) #(47) sigma (P ch03) #(48) sigma (P ch04) #(49) sigma (P ch05) #(50) sigma (P ch06) #(51) sigma (P ch07) #(52) sigma (P ch08) #(53) sigma (P ch09) #(54) sigma (P ch10) #(55) sigma (P ch11) #(56) sigma (P ch12) #(57) sigma (P ch13) #(58) sigma (P ch14) #(59) sigma (P ch15) #(60) Alpha ch01 (5.96-9.24 MeV)(counts/cm2/str/sec/MeV) Correction term for the counting loss effect #(61) Alpha ch02 (9.30-13.73) #(62) Alpha ch03 (15.28-23.91) #(63) Alpha ch04 (27.21-42.63) #(64) Alpha ch05 (44.08-71.86) #(65) Alpha ch06 (67.17-192.14) #(66) sigma (A ch01) Statistical errors in the particle flux #(67) sigma (A ch02) #(68) sigma (A ch03) #(69) sigma (A ch04) #(70) sigma (A ch05) #(71) sigma (A ch06) #(72) Heavy Ion (count only) (counts/cm2/str @ 8sec-sampling) #(73) a #(74) X (km) ECI for epoch J2000 (Earth Centered, Inertial. Also known as GEI2000) #(75) Y (km) ECI for epoch J2000 (Earth Centered, Inertial. Also known as GEI2000) #(76) Z (km) ECI for epoch J2000 (Earth Centered, Inertial. Also known as GEI2000) #(77) FLAG_INTERPOLATED Flag indicating orbit interpolation by prediction of orbital position value #(78) MLON_MAG (deg) Magnetic longitude defined in MAG coordinate system #(79) MLAT_MAG (deg) Magnetic latitude defined in MAG coordinate system #(80) MLT_SM (hour) Magnetic local time defined in SM coordinate system