XRISM resolve observation 000159000




The scientific goal of this proposal is to demonstrate the NEW plasma diagnostics of ``optically-thin thermal plasma using the ``optically-thick resonance photons

Summary of xrismmastr

      obsid   = 000159000 / Unique Observation/Sequence Number
      object  = V834_Cen / Object name
      pi_name = Collaboration XRISM / Proposal Principal Investigator Name
      ra  = 212.279776452683 / Right Ascension (Pointing Position) (deg)
      dec = -45.2877462287749 / Declination (Pointing Position) (deg)
      roll_angle = 110.164403201126 / Roll Angle (deg)
      start_time = 2024-01-29T17:00:04 / Start Time of the Observation
      stop_time  = 2024-02-02T08:17:04 / Stop Time of the Observation
      exposure   = 183948.93748005 / Effective Total Observation Exposure (s)
      public_date= 2099-12-31 / Public Date
