XRISM resolve observation 300068010




Observational facts that metals in the intergalactic medium are found at low and high redshifts suggest that some part of all metals ever created now reside outside galaxies. Galactic-scale starburst-driven outflows are one of the best-studied and most common form of outflow capable of transporting substantial amount of materials inside galaxies into intergalactic space. To verify the scenario

Summary of xrismmastr

      obsid   = 300068010 / Unique Observation/Sequence Number
      object  = M82 / Object name
      pi_name = Collaboration XRISM / Proposal Principal Investigator Name
      ra  = 148.969408586503 / Right Ascension (Pointing Position) (deg)
      dec = 69.6795593355369 / Declination (Pointing Position) (deg)
      roll_angle = 286.833526055109 / Roll Angle (deg)
      start_time = 2024-05-12T00:05:04 / Start Time of the Observation
      stop_time  = 2024-05-14T23:58:04 / Stop Time of the Observation
      exposure   = 223180.1356354 / Effective Total Observation Exposure (s)
      public_date= 2099-12-31 / Public Date
