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Schema of Tables about ASCA

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ASCA Observation and processing log based on the observation list provided by the ASCA team. Last updated on 2000-10-26. asca_master_data 3,079 Yes Yes OBS, PUBD
ASCA Abstracts of ASCA proposals. asca_proposal 3,497 Yes Yes PROPOSAL


Observation and processing log based on the observation list provided by the ASCA team. Last updated on 2000-10-26.

No. Column Name Type Unit Description Former Column Name Former Type Former Unit
1 observation_id bigint The sequence number of the observation SEQ_NO bigint(11)
2 ql_image_url character varying(255) URL to the quick look image
3 ql_access_url character varying(255) URL to the quick look page
4 object_name character varying(25) The name of the target provided by the Principal Investigator (PI) of the observation TARGET_NAME char(25)
5 object_type character varying(60) Object classification type
6 center_ra double precision degree The center of the field of view, Right Ascension J2000. (0,0) in the operational coordinate. FOV_RA double degree
7 center_dec double precision degree The center of the field of view, Declination J2000. (0,0) in the operational coordinate. FOV_DEC double degree
8 center_ra_b1950 double precision degree The center of the field of view, Right Ascension B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec).
9 center_dec_b1950 double precision degree The center of the field of view, Declination B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec).
10 center_ecliptic_lon double precision degree The center of the field of view, Ecliptic Longitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec).
11 center_ecliptic_lat double precision degree The center of the field of view, Ecliptic Latitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec).
12 center_galactic_lon double precision degree The center of the field of view, Galactic Longitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec).
13 center_galactic_lat double precision degree The center of the field of view, Galactic Latitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec).
14 euler_angle_1 double precision degree The 1st euler angles of the observation EULER_1 double degree
15 euler_angle_2 double precision degree The 2nd euler angles of the observation EULER_2 double degree
16 euler_angle_3 double precision degree The 3rd euler angles of the observation EULER_3 double degree
17 offset_x double precision mm The offset distance of the target position from the the center of the field of view. (X,Y) are the satellite axis. OFFSET_X double mm
18 offset_y double precision mm The offset distance of the target position from the the center of the field of view. (X,Y) are the satellite axis. OFFSET_Y double mm
19 observation_status character varying(8) Status of an observation. [Accepted', 'Scheduled (long term)', 'Scheduled (short term)', 'Processed', 'Archived'] All data are 'Archived' now.
20 expect_observation_date timestamp without time zone UTC The date on which the observation is scheduled to occur.
21 observation_start_time timestamp without time zone UTC The start time of the observation (FRF start time) in UTC. STARTTIME date UTC
22 observation_start_time_mjd double precision MJD The start time of the observation (FRF start time) in MJD.
23 observation_end_time timestamp without time zone UTC The end time of the observation (FRF start time) in UTC. ENDTIME date UTC
24 observation_end_time_mjd double precision MJD The end time of the observation (FRF start time) in MJD.
25 awarded_exposure double precision ks The total accepted observation time. TOT_OBS_TIME double(8,2) ks
26 gis_exposure double precision ks The exposure times of the GIS. EXPT_GIS double ks
27 sis_exposure double precision ks The exposure times of the SIS. EXPT_SIS double ks
28 total_elapsed_time integer sec The total elapsed time (end time minus start time) of completed observations, including Earth blocks and SAA passages, in seconds.
29 proposal_id integer The proposal number. PRNB int(7)
30 pi_name character varying(255) The last name of the PI of the observation. PI_NAME char(27)
31 proposal_category character varying(60) The subject category of this target as specified by the PI:
32 proposal_priority smallint The priority of the selection. INT_PRIOR smallint
33 processing_date timestamp without time zone UTC The date that the data for this observation were processed by the ASCA Data Facility.
34 processing_count smallint Latest processing version LATEST_PROC_VER double
35 processing_version character varying(15) Process_level The processing revision number. Numbers that :
    start with '5' are rev1
    start with '6' are rev1+
    start with '7' will be rev2
36 distribution_date timestamp without time zone UTC The date observation was first distributed, in seconds since 1980, to the primary PIs.
NOTE: The distribution dates may not be completely accurate since they are sent to us from Japan.
37 expect_public_date timestamp without time zone UTC Expected Public Date in UTC EXPECT_DATE date UTC
38 public_date timestamp without time zone UTC Public Date in UTC ACTUAL_DATE date UTC
39 product_revision smallint Product Revision REVISION double
40 db_create_date timestamp without time zone UTC The registration date to this table. (UTC) ENTRY_DATE date UTC
41 data_access_url character varying(255) URL to access dataset

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Abstracts of ASCA proposals.

No. Column Name Type Unit Description Former Column Name Former Type Former Unit
1 observation_id bigint The sequence number of the observation. SEQ_NO bigint(11)
2 proposal_id integer The proposal number. PRNB int(7)
3 ao_number smallint The AO number in which this target was accepted, or 0 for PV (performance verification) phase target.
4 proposal_category character varying(60) The subject category of this target as specified by the PI:
5 proposal_priority smallint The priority of the selection. INT_PRIOR smallint
6 awarded_exposure double precision ks The total accepted observation time. TOT_OBS_TIME double(8,2) ks
7 object_name character varying(20) The name of the target provided by the PI of the observation. TAR_NAME char(20)
8 object_category smallint The target category of the observations. [ 0, 1, 2, ..., 9 ] SUB_CAT smallint
9 object_id smallint The number of this target in the original proposal.
10 proposal_ra double precision degree The target position provided by the PI for observation, Right Ascension J2000. RA double degree
11 proposal_dec double precision degree The target position provided by the PI for observation, Declination J2000. DEC double degree
12 proposal_ra_b1950 double precision degree The target position provided by the PI for observation, Right Ascension B1950. Calculated from (proposal_ra, proposal_dec).
13 proposal_dec_b1950 double precision degree The target position provided by the PI for observation, Declination B1950. Calculated from (proposal_ra, proposal_dec).
14 proposal_ecliptic_lon double precision degree The target position provided by the PI for observation, Ecliptic Longitude. Calculated from (proposal_ra, proposal_dec).
15 proposal_ecliptic_lat double precision degree The target position provided by the PI for observation, Ecliptic Latitude. Calculated from (proposal_ra, proposal_dec).
16 proposal_galactic_lon double precision degree The target position provided by the PI for observation, Galactic Longitude. Calculated from (proposal_ra, proposal_dec).
17 proposal_galactic_lat double precision degree The target position provided by the PI for observation, Galactic Latitude. Calculated from (proposal_ra, proposal_dec).
18 collabo_type smallint The type of the collaboration of the observation.
    0 = no setting
    1 = JPN
    2 = US
    3 = Joint Japan/US, ie Japan PI with US cois
    4 = Joint US/Japan, ie US PI with Japan cois
    7 = Merged Japan/US, ie Japan PPI and US co-PI
    8 = Merged US/Japan, ie US PPI and Japan co-PI
   11 = ESA/Japan
TYPE smallint
19 pi_name_jpn character varying(255) The names of the PI of the observation at Japan side. JAPAN_PI_LNAME char(27)
20 pi_name_us character varying(255) The names of the PI of the observation at U.S. side. US_PI_LNAME char(27)
US_PI_FNAME char(12)
21 proposal_affiliated_country character varying(10) The nationallity of the PI. JAPAN_COUNTRY char(10)
22 pi_id smallint Principal Investigator number.
23 is_time_critical character(1) Whether the observation is time-critical or not. [ Y (=yes) or N (=no) ] TIMCR char(1)
24 has_special_request character(1) Whether the observation has special request or not. [ Y (=yes) or N (=no) ] SPEC_REQ char(1)
25 is_offset character(1) Whether the observation is off-set poing or nor. [ Y (=yes) or N (=no) ] OFFSET char(1)
26 gis_observation_mode character varying(4) The GIS mode proposed by the PI. GIS_MODE char(4)
27 sis0_observation_mode character varying(11) The SIS (S0) observation mode proposed by the PI. SIS0_DATA char(11)
28 sis0_clock_mode smallint The SIS (S0) read-out mode proposed by the PI. SIS0_CLOCK smallint
29 sis1_observation_mode character varying(11) SIS1_DATA char(11)
30 sis1_clock_mode smallint SIS1_CLOCK smallint
31 recorder_bit_rate character(1) The bit-rate of the data recorder proposed by the PI. BIT_RATE char(1)
32 predicted_sis_count_rate double precision The predicted SIS count rate in (c/s/SIS). PRED_SIS_CTS double
33 db_create_date timestamp without timezone UTC The registration date to this table. (UTC) ENTRY_DATE date
34 data_access_url character varying(255) URL used to access dataset

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Last Modified: 28 August 2024