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3.3 Observation Summary File (OSF)

$\circ$   VSOG to Correlators

What: The Observation Summary File is a condensed version of the long-term schedule GSTS file with additional details from the proposal cover sheets, with emphasis on which mission elements are participating in each observation, and for what length of time they will be recording VLBI data. This information will enable correlators to meet the tape needs of the various sites. A summary of tape usage for GRTs will appear at the end of the file.

How: The file format will be described in ``VSOP Observation Summary File Format''. The files are named YYMMDD_YYMMDD.osf[.v], where the YYMMDDs are the first and last dates covered by the file.

When: The OSF file will be generated 4-5 weeks in advance of the week it describes. Particularly during the early stages of the mission it is expected that the schedule will change, sometimes significantly, in the intervening four weeks. Also, the GSTS file uses a simple algorithm to assign tracking stations, which may differ from the assignment made in the SRS. Once the SRS and GRT schedule files have been made, a revised OSF will be generated, which will more accurately describe the time and tape usage of the mission elements.

Where: The files are placed in /vsop/vsopoper/schedule/grtsched/summary on the VSOG FTP site.

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