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3.4 GRT (Ground Radio Telescope) Schedule Files

$\circ$   VSOG to Regional Servers

What: The VSOG will produce schedule files for all GRTs participating in a particular observation, in the format required by each GRT.

How: File-names will include the observation code and, for those GRTs not using VEX files, the 2-letter station code (see ``Suggested 2-letter Observatory codes''). Further details are given in ``Scheduling of GRTs for VSOP''.

When: These files will be posted on the GRT regional servers 2 weeks before the observation or, in the case of the EVN, 2 weeks before the VLBI session commences.

Where: The file for each participating GRT is placed on the appropriate regional server. The regional server and 2-letter code for each GRT is given in §10.2.9.