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4.2 (Long-Term) Predicted Orbit for Scheduling

$\circ$   ISAS NAV to VSOG

$\circ$   JPL MMNAV to GBTS

What: The ISAS and JPL MMNAV navigation teams will work together to generate a predicted orbit for the spacecraft that will be used to generate the SRS file. The file will predict the trajectory of the spacecraft 6 weeks in advance. The JPL MMNAV team will make available a predicted orbit in SPICE SPK format.

How: The ISAS files will follow the same convention as in §4.1, with suffix opr. The JPL MMNAV team will supply files in SPICE SPK format, with files named YYMMDD-YYMMDD-lp.bsp[.v].gz, where the first YYMMDD group is the start date and the second YYMMDD group is the stop date (UTC days). The `-lp.bsp' indicates a long-term predicted binary SPICE format. The `.gz' extension indicates the file is `gzip'-ed.

When: Files will be generated monthly for the next month, and weekly for the next week.

Where: ISAS NAV files will be placed in subdirectory /vsop/oddata/predict/mid (for the monthly files), and /vsop/oddata/predict/short (for the weekly files) on the VSOG FTP site. JPL MMNAV files will be placed on the DOTS FTP site in the directory /pub/vsop/oddata/pred.

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