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4.3 (Detailed) Predicted Orbit for Tracking

$\circ$   ISAS NAV to Usuda GTS

$\circ$   JPL MMNAV to GBTS and DOTS

What: The ISAS and JPL MMNAV team will separately produce predicted orbit files for the GTSs. The ISAS NAV team will supply the Usuda GTS, and the JPL MMNAV team will supply the DSN GTSs and the GBTS. These files will be used for GTS antenna pointing and frequency doppler shift predictions.

How: The ISAS NAV team supplies antenna pointing data and frequency control data to the Usuda GTS.

The JPL MMNAV team will supply files in SPICE SPK format named YYMMDD-YYMMDD-p.bsp[.v].gz where the first YYMMDD group is the start date and the second YYMMDD group is the stop date (UTC days). The `-p.bsp' indicates a predicted Binary SPICE format. The `.gz' extension indicates the file is `gzip'-ed.

When: JPL MMNAV prediction files will be generated twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays (PST). Each file will contain one week's data.

Where: ISAS NAV files will be placed in subdirectories /vsop/muses-b/kudata/nco_predict and /vsop/muses-b/kudata/antenna/predict on the VSOG FTP site. JPL files will be placed on the DOTS FTP site in the directory /pub/vsop/oddata/pred.

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