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5.4 Time Components File

$\circ$   GTSs to Correlators and VSOG

What: The Time Components File contains information on certain corrections used in the detailed production of each TCF; for example, the troposphere delay variation, ionospheric delay variation, and the station clock variation relative to UTC. At present, only the GBTS and the DOTS will produce this file.

How: The file format is described in ``Time Components File for Space VLBI''. File names are of the form YYMMDDHHMM.tcX[.v], where the time refers to the time at the start of the file, and the X is the single letter code for the GTS.

When: File will be made available within 7 days of the tracking pass to the VSOG and the correlators.

Where: For DSN GTSs: The files will be placed in pub/vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/dsn/delta_t on the DOTS FTP site.
For the GBTS: The files will be available in the GBTS FTP site in directory /ovlbi/out.