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5.5 Data Processing Log (DPL)

$\circ$   GTSs to VSOG

What: One DPL is produced per pass per recorder. Each DPL line contains a time stamp and an entry. The various components of the DPL are described in turn in the following sub-sections.

How: The DPL format is described in ``Data processing log format (tracking stations to VSOG)''. Data Processing Logs are named YYMMDDHHMM-R.kTX[.v] where T is `l' for VLBA logs and `s' for S2 logs, R is the recorder number defined in the SRS file and the X is the single letter code for the GTS.

When: File will be made available to the VSOG within 4 days of the tracking pass.

Where: For DSN GTSs: The files will be placed in pub/vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/dsn/dplog on the DOTS FTP site.
For the GBTS the files will be available on the GBTS FTP site in the directory /ovlbi/out.
The Usuda GTS log will be placed in vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/udsc/corrlog.

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