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5.6 (Station) Performance Log (SPL)

$\circ$   GTSs to VSOG

What: Auxiliary information that is not needed by the correlator but has been requested by the VSOG is called a station performance log. This file contains information about GTS performance and may be constructed from a number of internal-GTS data products.

How: The file format is given in ``(Spacecraft/Station) Performance Log Interface''. File names are of the form YYMMDDHHMM.kpX[.v], where YYMMDD is the date of the BGN2LK entry in the SRS file for that pass.

When: File will be made available within 4 days of the tracking pass.

Where: Files will be available via the GBTS FTP site in directory /ovlbi/out; on the // DOTS FTP site /pub/vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/dsn/perflog; and on the // VSOG FTP site in /vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/udsc/perflog.