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5.7 JPL/DOTS Monitor Data File (MDF)

$\circ$   JPL/DOTS to VSOG What: DSN GTS monitor data will be made available by the JPL/DOTS for each pass. The monitor data contains information relating to DSN GTS antenna, boresight, transmitter, tracking and receiver, telemetry, pre-pass and post-pass tests, and subsystem performance.

How: File format is described in JPL/DSN internal document ``820-13 MON-5-17''. Filenames are of the form YYMMDDHHMM.kmX. Both binary and (`gzip'-ped, .gz) ASCII versions of the MDF will be made available.

When: A complete file will be made available post-pass from the JPL/DOTS archive within 24 hours after the support period.

Where: Files will be available via on the DOTS FTP site /pub/vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/dsn/mondata.