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6.2 GRT Log File

$\circ$   GRT to Regional Servers

What: Co-observing GRTs will each generate a log file identical to those for ground-based VLBI experiments.

How: Log formats vary between recording formats. Log file names will include the observation code and the 2-letter station code. The VLBA generates one single TSM file containing the information for all participating GRTs within the VLBA and the VLA: the MkIII sections of this file will constitute the log files for correlators other than that at Socorro.

When: File will be made available within a week of the observation.

Where: Each GRT will place the log file on its designated regional server (§10.2.10), in the sub-directory named MMMYY for the month and year in which the observation began (in UTC), e.g. may97. For DSN telescopes the files will be placed on the DSN FTP site (see §10.1) in directory /pub/vlbiscpr.