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6.3 GRT Calibration Data

$\circ$   GRTs to Regional Servers What: GRTs will make available data required for amplitude calibration of their data. Ideally, phase calibration data and a flag table will also be made available, although this is unlikely to be the case for all GRTs initially.

How: The data should be made available in a format which can be read by AIPS: i.e. ANCAL or ANTAB for amplitude calibration data, PCLOD for phase calibration data, and UVFLG for flagged data. The VLBA generates a single TSM file which contains this information for all participating GRTs within the VLBA and the VLA. The bare minimum will be an amplitude calibration data file. These are typically named OBScal.XX, where OBS is the observation code, and XX is the GRT `2-letter code' (which is `VLBA' for the VLBA and `Y' for the VLA).

When: File(s) will be placed on the regional server within a week of the observation.

Where: Each GRT will place the file(s) on its designated regional server (§10.2.10) in the sub-directory named for the month and year in which the observation began (in UTC). For DSN telescopes the files will be placed on the DSN FTP site (see §10.1) in directory /pub/vlbiscpr.

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