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6.4 GRT Clock Offset Data

$\circ$   GRTs to Regional Servers What: GRTs should monitor the offset between their station clock and a time standard (ideally GPS). This monitoring should be undertaken both during and between VSOP observations - at least weekly - to allow the station clock drift to be accurately modelled.

How: The format for these files is given in .
The preferred file naming convention is GPS.xx, where xx is the 2-letter code for the GRT.

When: Files will be updated at least weekly.

Where: Files are placed by GRTs on their regional server (§10.2.10) in the sub-directory named for the month and year (e.g. may97) below the sub-directory named gps. For DSN telescopes the files will be placed on the DSN FTP site (see §10.1) in directory /pub/vlbiscpr.