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8.1 Executed Sequence of Events

$\circ$   VSOG to JPL MMNAV

What: If the actual executed sequence of events (XSOE) differs significantly from the predictions (i.e. maneuvers and slews) listed in the SRS (§3.2), an XSOE file summarizing the actual events of the spacecraft and will be generated for use as a diagnostic aid when deriving the reconstructed orbit file.

How: Files will be named YYMMDD.xse where YYMMDD is the UTC date of the first event in the file.

When: Files will be 1-2 days in length, and will be made available 1-2 days after the final event described in the file.

Where: File will be placed in vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/xsoe on the VSOG FTP site.