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8.2 Merged Correlator Input Log

$\circ$   VSOG to Correlators What: The VSOG produces the `merged' correlator input log file based on the Data Processing Logs (§5.5) supplied by the GTSs to produce a single correlator input log for all the GTSs for each observation. Spacecraft-specific information is added to the merged log file.

How: See documents ``Specifications for Input Log to the Mitaka FX-Correlator'', ``Alternative log input to the VLBA correlator for space VLBI observations'', and ``SVLBI Space Radio Telescope Log Input to the Canadian (S2) Correlator''. The file names will be OBSlog.vs for input to the VLBA correlator, OBSslg.vs for input to the Penticton correlator, and OBSvlg.vs for input to the VSOP correlator, where OBS is the observation code.

When: The VSOG will produce the file within within a week of the observation.

Where: Logs will be placed in vsop/vsopoper/data/srt/corrinputs/log/MMMYY on the VSOG FTP site, where MMMYY is the month and year in which the observation started.

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