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9.4 VLBI Tapes

$\circ$   Correlators to GTSs

$\circ$   Correlators to GRTs

$\circ$   Correlators to Correlators

What: After correlation, the VLBI tapes will be erased and returned to the tape pool of that correlator. The correlators will distribute tapes to mission elements based on the Observation Summary File produced by the VSOG (§3.3) to ensure each element has enough tapes to support SVLBI observations. These tape shipments will be logged on the tape management databases (§9.3).

How: Tape labelling and shipping schemes are available by e-mail from for VLBA tapes and are given in ``S2 SVHS Tape Handling Overview for VSOP'' for S2 tapes. Shipping addresses for correlators are given in §10.6.

When: Tapes will be distributed to the global tape pool and sent out to mission elements at least once per week.