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10.2.7    University of Calgary FTP Directory Structure

The University of Calgary FTP site is . The directory structure is given in Table 7 Files in the pub/ directories are publicly available data: files in the usr/ directories are restricted access data. Account and password details for the latter are available from Bill Scott (

Table 7: University of Calgary FTP Structure
Dir/Sub/ Sub/ Sub/ Sub/ Description
pub/vsop/       Main directory
  OBS/ calib/   ASCII calibration data
    OBS_DQA1.txt   Level 1 DQA report
    OBS_DQA2.txt   Level 2 DQA report
usr/home/ vsopobs/vsop/     Main directory
    OBS/ Level 1 DQA report (.ps)
      OBS_DQA1.txt Level 1 DQA report (text) Level 2 DQA report (.ps)
      OBS_DQA2.txt Level 2 DQA report (text)

Note: OBS is the observation code for the particular observation.

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