
DARTS of the Month


Find Hinode's Best-Shots by Yourself

Recently, several Hinode papers have been published in a Special Issue of the Journal, Science, which present us completely a new picture of the Solar activities. Among these papers, "Continuous Plasma Outflows from the Edge of a Solar Active Region as a Possible Source of Solar Wind" by Sakao et al. has nicely featured a movie of continuous outflow of soft-x-ray emitting plasmas, which is considered as possible evidence of the solar wind. Short descriptions on the paper are found at the Hinode web sites hosted by JAXA or NAOJ.

By using the Hinode DARTS web interface, you can investigate the whole Hinode archives and find out the same images or movies published in journals and press release. Here, let's find the original data used in the Sakao et al. paper which led to the historical discovery.

  1. Access /solar/hinode/query, select "XRT Level-0", and click "Advanced".
  2. Specify the Observation Time period given in the paper:
      Start time: 2007/02/22 12:35
      End time:   2007/02/22 18:25
  3. By clicking the "[NAOJ] movie" button, you will jump to the corresponding NAOJ page and can pick up the ready-made movies. The bottom movie on this page corresponds to the one used in the paper. Click the image, and the movie will start in a while.
  4. You may also investigate each CCD frame of the movie by specifying the following parameters in the XRT section:
    Synoptic: Not Synoptic
    Binning:  1" x 1"
    X-ray: Ti poly
    [Observing Parameters]
    Then, click the "Show XRT List" button near the end of the XRT section to see the list of the sequential images.
    Choose one from the list to display the CCD image (the figure on the right). You can investigate the previous or next image
    by clicking "Prev" or "Next" button.

This is your entrance to the Hinode data access. You may obtain your own results by selecting appropriate observational parameters. We are continuously improving the performance of the Hinode DARTS. Also, we are enhancing the quick-look capability, which hopefully will be made available in a few months. We appreciate your comments on the Hinode DARTS.

December 2007

Last Modified: 04 December 2023