AKARI-CAS Explore tool updated

AKARI-CAS (AKARI Catalog Archive Server)Explore tool is updated with significant renovation. Whereas AKARI-CAS has been developed to query point sources in the AKARI Point Source Catalogs (PSC), you can, using the Explore tool, simultaneously display maps taken by various instruments around the point sources not only in the AKARI PSC, but also in other major catalogs. Thanks to "Aladin Lite", which enables you to browse easily and flexibly various colored survey maps, it became possible to display the AKARI/FIS All-Sky Survey Map. (AKARI/IRC (Infrared Camera) all-sky map data are to be released soon. ) This time, the maps of AKARI/FIS and WISE are added to the previously released map data (IRIS, 2MASS and DSS2) and catalog data (AKARI/FIS, AKARI/IRC, RC3, IRAS, IRAS FSC, and 2MASS).