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Searchable Data with the DARTS/Astro Query System

Schema of Tables about VSOP (HALCA)

Satelite/Project Abstract of the data product Database table name Number of entries in the database Searhcable with Basic Search Searchable with SQL/ADQL Search
HALCA Log and correlated data information of the "VSOP (HALCA)" observations. halca_observation_log 1124 Yes Yes
HALCA Analysis results of the "VSOP (HALCA) 5 GHz AGN Survey" observations. halca_survey_analysis 552 Yes Yes
HALCA Proposals for the "VSOP (HALCA)" observations. halca_proposal 701 Yes Yes


Log and correrated data information of the "VSOP (HALCA)" observations.
Some observations contain multiple radio sources. There are multiple correlated data, focused on each target or re-correlated.

No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 observation_id character varying(16) Observation ID, created by DARTS.
The structure is observation_code + "_" + observation start date (YYYYMMDD format). This is not a unique ID in this table.
2 observation_code character varying(6) The observation code, created by VSOP project team.
The structure is <letter> <three digits> <letter> [<digit>].
Details is VSOP Observation codes.
3 observation_category character varying(6) Observation Categgory.
[GOT (= Guest Observer Time), Survey (= "VSOP (HALCA) 5 GHz AGN Survey"), or Test (= Test observation)]
4 ql_image_url character varying(255) URL to the quick look image
5 ql_access_url character varying(255) URL to the observation information page
6 related_observation_code character varying(15) Related observation's observation_code
7 object_name character varying(10) The target source name in J2000 with the IAU standardized.
8 object_name_alternative character varying(200) The alternative name of the target source.
9 object_ra double precision degree Target position, Right Ascension J2000.
10 object_dec double precision degree Target position, Declinatoion J2000
11 object_ra_b1950 double precision degree Target position, Right Ascenstion B1950. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
12 object_dec_b1950 double precision degree Target position, Declinatoion B1950. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
13 object_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Target position, Ecliptic Longitude. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
14 object_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Target position, Ecriptic Latitude. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
15 object_galactic_lon double precision degree Target position, Galactic Longitude. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
16 object_galactic_lat double precision degree Target position, Galactic Latitude. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
17 coordinate_system character varying(8) Coordinate system of the data files.
18 position_reference character varying(255) Reference about the target position.
19 frequency double precision GHz Frequency
20 integration_time double precision sec Integration time.
21 quantity_of_if_channel smallint CH(count) Quantity of IF channels.
22 quantity_of_spectral_channel smallint CH(count) Quantity of spectrum channels per an IF channels.
23 observation_start_year smallint UTC Start Year of the Observation in UTC.
24 observation_start_day_of_year smallint UTC Days of year about observation start date.
25 observation_start_date date UTC Start Date of the Observation in UTC.
26 observation_start_time timestamp without timezone UTC Start DateTime of the Observation in UTC.
27 observation_start_time_mjd double precision MJD Start DateTime of the Observation in MJD.
28 observation_end_time timestamp without timezone UTC Stop DateTime of the Observation in UTC.
29 observation_end_time_mjd double precision MJD Stop DateTime of the Observation in MJD.
30 exposure double precision ksec Estimated Total Observation Exposure. (ksec)
31 exposure_hour double precision Hour Estimated Total Observation Exposure. (hours)
32 flux_density double precision Jy Flux density
33 quantity_of_ground_radio_telescope smallint Quantity of ground radio telescopes.
34 ground_radio_telescope character varying(100) Ground radio telescope. Each telescopes are separated with a space.
35 tracking_station character varying(100) Tracking stations. Each stations are separated with a space.
36 correlator character varying(10) Correlator
37 correlate_date date Correlated date
38 remarks text Remarks
39 proposal_id character varying(4) The proposal code, created by VSOP project team.
The structure is <letter> <three digits>.
Details is VSOP Observation codes.
40 pi_name character varying(255) Proposal Principal Investigator Name
41 proposal_title text Title of the proposal
42 proposal_ql_access_url character varying(255) URL to the quick look page of the proposal
43 proposal_access_url character varying(255) URL to the proposal data file
44 data_access_url character varying(255) URL to the correlated data

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Analysis results of the "VSOP (HALCA) 5 GHz AGN Survey" observations.
To complement its accuracy, the analysis was performed independently by multiple people and the results were collated.
Therefore, there may be multiple analysis results by multiple people for one observation data.

No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 observation_code character varying(6) The observation code, created by VSOP project team.
The structure is <letter> <three digits> <letter> [<digit>].
Details is VSOP Observation codes.
2 observation_id character varying(16) Observation ID, created by DARTS.
The structure is observation_code + "_" + observation start date (YYYYMMDD format). This is not a unique ID in this table.
3 observation_status character varying(10) Observation status [Cancelled, Abandoned, Postponed] No special notes in the blank.
4 analyst character varying(16) Analyst name
5 analysis_status character varying(10) Analysis status. [Underway, Partially (=Analysis is partially complete but not all required results are available.) or Complete]
6 ql_image_url character varying(255) URL to the quick look image
7 ql_access_url character varying(255) URL to the quick look page of the analysis result
8 remarks text Remarks
9 related_observation_code character varying(15) Related General Observing Time(GOT) observation's observation_code
10 object_name character varying(10) The target source name in J2000 with the IAU standardized.
11 object_name_alternative character varying(200) The alternative name of the target source.
12 object_ra double precision degree Target position, Right Ascension J2000.
13 object_dec double precision degree Target position, Declinatoion J2000
14 object_ra_b1950 double precision degree Target position, Right Ascenstion B1950. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
15 object_dec_b1950 double precision degree Target position, Declinatoion B1950. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
16 object_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Target position, Ecliptic Longitude. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
17 object_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Target position, Ecriptic Latitude. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
18 object_galactic_lon double precision degree Target position, Galactic Longitude. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
19 object_galactic_lat double precision degree Target position, Galactic Latitude. Calculated from (object_ra, object_dec)
20 coordinate_system character varying(8) Coordinate system of the data files.
21 position_reference character varying(255) Reference about the target position.
22 frequency double precision GHz Frequency
23 integration_time double precision sec Integration time.
24 quantity_of_if_channel smallint CH(count) Quantity of IF channels.
25 spectral_channel_quantity smallint CH(count) Quantity of spectrum channels per an IF channels.
26 observation_start_year smallint UTC Start Year of the Observation in UTC.
27 observation_start_day_of_year smallint UTC Days of year about observation start date.
28 observation_start_date date UTC Start Date of the Observation in UTC.
29 observation_start_time timestamp without time zone UTC Start DateTime of the Observation in UTC.
30 observation_start_time_mjd double precision MJD Start DateTime of the Observation in MJD.
31 observation_end_time timestamp without time zone UTC Stop DateTime of the Observation in UTC.
32 observation_end_time_mjd double precision MJD Stop DateTime of the Observation in MJD.
33 exposure double precision ksec Estimated Total Observation Exposure. (ksec)
34 exposure_hour double precision Hour Estimated Total Observation Exposure. (hours)
35 flux_density double precision Jy Flux density
36 quantity_of_ground_radio_telescope smallint Quantity of ground radio telescopes.
37 ground_radio_telescope character varying(100) Ground radio telescope. Each telescopes are separated with a space.
38 tracking_station character varying(100) Tracking stations. Each stations are separated with a space.
39 correlator character varying(10) Correlator
40 data_access_url character varying(255) URL to the analysis result data
41 is_tape_at_isas character varying(1) Indicates tape was at ISAS. Y(=Yes) or N (=No).

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Proposals for the "VSOP (HALCA) Guest Observer Time" observations.

No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 proposal_id character varying(4) The proposal code, created by VSOP project team.
The structure is <letter> <three digits>.
Details is VSOP Observation codes.
2 pi_name character varying(255) Proposal Principal Investigator Name
3 proposal_title text Title of the proposal
4 ql_access_url character varying(255) URL to the quick look page of the proposal.
5 data_access_url character varying(255) URL to the proposal data file.

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Last Modified: 28 August 2024