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DARTS/Astro Query System User Guide

Transistion from the previous DARTS Astro query systems

Previously in DARTS/Astro, we were operating different query systems for individual satellites and/or instruments, so that instrument specific data queries were made possible . On the other hand, we do not provide satellite/instrument specific pages or menus in the new DARTS/Astro Query System, so that various data can be searched in a uniform platform. All the instrument specific queries on the old search systems are made possble in the new DARTS/Astro Query System, as we explain below.

The following screenshots show the initial screens of previous search systems:

Also, please refer to How to use Basic Search and How to use SQL Search and ADQL Search .

Other search conditions can be specified both in SQL Search and ADQL Search. We show slightly tecnical examples of using SQL "WHERE" clause below:

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Transistion from previous search Tool for AKARI Pointing Observation

Data Proprietary SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
public aot_type = 'NORMAL' AND public_date is NOT NULL execute 17,141
not public public_date is NULL execute 7,294
AOT Type SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
NORMAL aot_type = 'NORMAL' execute 20,282
SPECIAL aot_type = 'SPECIAL' execute 6
ENGINEERING aot_type = 'ENGINEERING' execute 4,148

»Narrowing down under the condition 'AOT Type = NOMAL'

If the following conditions are used alone, non-observational data may be found in addition to the observation data. If you want to search for only the observation data, please use these conditions together with 'AOT Type = NOMAL'.
The following conditions should be combined with 'AOT Type = NOMAL' using AND.

Processing Statue SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
processed data_file_size is NOT NULL execute 17,666
not processed data_file_size is NULL execute 2,616
Observation Statue SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
Observed observation_status = 'Observed' execute 18,189
STT WDT error observation_status = 'STT WDT error' execute 114
PV2 observation_status = 'PV2' execute 83
IRC Det off observation_status = 'IRC Det off' execute 564
Data lost observation_status = 'Data lost' execute 161
SH observation_status = 'SH' execute 98
AOT SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
FIS01 aot_name = 'FIS01' execute 726
FIS02 aot_name = 'FIS02' execute 413
FIS03 aot_name = 'FIS03' execute 135
FIS04 aot_name = 'FIS04' execute 450
IRC00 aot_name = 'IRC00' execute 22
IRC02 aot_name = 'IRC02' execute 1,626
IRC03 aot_name = 'IRC03' execute 717
IRC04 aot_name = 'IRC04' execute 939
IRC05 aot_name = 'IRC05' execute 783
IRCZ0 aot_name = 'IRCZ0' execute 471
IRCZ2 aot_name = 'IRCZ2' execute 656
IRCZ3 aot_name = 'IRCZ3' execute 2,994
IRCZ4 aot_name = 'IRCZ4' execute 10,350

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Transistion from previous search Tool for SUZAKU MASTER

Observation Phase SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
SWG SUBSTRING(observation_id,2,2) = '00' execute 229
AO1 SUBSTRING(observation_id,2,2) = '01' execute 337
AOn SUBSTRING(observation_id,2,2) = '0n'
AO10 SUBSTRING(observation_id,2,2) = '10' execute 16
Category SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
Calibration SUBSTRING(observation_id,1,1) = '1' execute 356
Galactic Point Sources SUBSTRING(observation_id,1,1) = '4' execute 503
Galctic Diffuse Emission SUBSTRING(observation_id,1,1) = '5' execute 766
Extragalactic Compact Sources SUBSTRING(observation_id,1,1) = '7' execute 518
Extragalactic DIffuse Sources SUBSTRING(observation_id,1,1) = '8' execute 858
Gamma-Ray Burst and other non-proposal TOO SUBSTRING(observation_id,1,1) = '9' execute 54
Proposal Type SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
JPN SUBSTRING(proposal_id,3,1) = '0' execute 1,259
USA SUBSTRING(proposal_id,3,1) = '1' execute 998
ESA SUBSTRING(proposal_id,3,1) = '2' execute 181
merged(JPN/ESA PI . USA CoPI) SUBSTRING(proposal_id,3,1) = '3' execute 38
merged(USA PI . JPN/ESA CoPI) SUBSTRING(proposal_id,3,1) = '4' execute 37
Calibration SUBSTRING(proposal_id,3,1) = '5' execute 247
Key Project SUBSTRING(proposal_id,3,1) = '6' execute 241
TOO SUBSTRING(proposal_id,3,1) = '7' execute 53
merged(ESA PI . USA CoPI) SUBSTRING(proposal_id,3,1) = '8' execute 1

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Transistion from previous search Tool for SUZAKU XISLOG

Search conditions for Observation Phase are the same as Observation Phase of SUZAKU MASTER. Similarly, search conditions for Category are the same as Category of SUZAKU MASTER.

Sensor SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
XIS0 xis_active_unit = 'xi0' execute 5,597
XIS1 xis_active_unit = 'xi1' execute 5,431
XIS2 xis_active_unit = 'xi2' execute 786
XIS3 xis_active_unit = 'xi3' execute 5,472
Psum SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
on xis_clock_mode = 'psum' execute 88
off xis_clock_mode != 'psum' execute 17,198

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» Narrowing down under the condition 'Psum = off'

The following conditions become effective only when 'Psum = off'. Please combine xis_clock_mode != 'psum' and the following conditions using AND.

Window Option SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
on xis_window_option = '0' execute 15,422
off xis_window_option != '0' execute 1,776
Burst Option SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
on xis_clock_mode = 'burst' execute 964
off xis_clock_mode = 'normal' execute 16,234
Edit Mode SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
5 x 5 xis_edit_mode = '5x5' execute 7,431
3 x 3 xis_edit_mode = '3x3' execute 9,509
2 x 2 xis_edit_mode = '2x2' execute 258
SCI SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
on has_xis_injection = 'Y' execute 14,237
off has_xis_injection = 'N' execute 2,961
Area Descri SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
on is_event_discriminated_in_frame != '0,0,0,0' execute 3,273
off is_event_discriminated_in_frame = '0,0,0,0' execute 13,925
Event th. Lowern SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
20 left(lower_limit_of_event_discriminator, 3) = '20,' execute 5,426
50 left(lower_limit_of_event_discriminator, 3) = '50,' execute 708
60 left(lower_limit_of_event_discriminator, 3) = '60,' execute 42
100 left(lower_limit_of_event_discriminator, 3) = '100' execute 11,019

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» Narrowing down under the condition of both 'Psum = off' and 'Window Option = off'

The following conditions become effective only when both 'Psum = off' and 'Window Option = off'. Please conbine the following conditions with xis_clock_mode != 'psum' AND xis_window_option != '0' using AND.

Window size SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
1/4 xis_window_option = '1' execute 1,560
1/8 xis_window_option = '2' execute 216
Window position SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
XIS ((xis_active_unit='xi0' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=500) OR (xis_active_unit='xi1' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=508) OR (xis_active_unit='xi2' and (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=512) OR (xis_active_unit='xi3' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=508)) execute 1,494
HXD ((xis_active_unit='xi0' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=500) OR (xis_active_unit='xi1' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=307) OR (xis_active_unit='xi2' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=713) OR (xis_active_unit='xi3' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=508)) execute 1,296
Others NOT((xis_active_unit='xi0' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=500) OR (xis_active_unit='xi1' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=307) OR (xis_active_unit='xi1' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=508) OR (xis_active_unit='xi2' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=512) OR (xis_active_unit='xi2' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=713) OR (xis_active_unit='xi3' AND (xis_window_start_address+xis_window_pixel_size/2)=508)) execute 100

» Narrowing down under the condition of both 'Psum = off' and 'Burst Option = on'

The following conditions become effective only when both 'Psum = off' and 'Burst Option = on'. Please combine the following conditions with xis_clock_mode != 'psum' AND xis_clock_mode = 'burst' using AND.

Window size SQL WHERE sentence query Number of search results
0.1 (0.15 > xis_integration_time and xis_integration_time >= 0.05) execute 361
0.3 (0.35 > xis_integration_time and xis_integration_time >= 0.25) execute 87
n (n+0.05 > xis_integration_time and xis_integration_time >= n-0.05)
4.0 (4.05 > xis_integration_time and xis_integration_time >= 3.95) execute 19

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Last Modified: 04 September 2024